“An adjective with a linking verb can form the predicative” 错在哪?不是说这句话的语法错误,而是说出它内容、逻辑错误

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/09 05:22:35

“An adjective with a linking verb can form the predicative” 错在哪?不是说这句话的语法错误,而是说出它内容、逻辑错误
“An adjective with a linking verb can form the predicative” 错在哪?

“An adjective with a linking verb can form the predicative” 错在哪?不是说这句话的语法错误,而是说出它内容、逻辑错误

“An adjective with a linking verb can form the predicative” 错在哪?不是说这句话的语法错误,而是说出它内容、逻辑错误 “An adjective with a linking verb can form the predicative” 错在哪?不是说这句话的语法错误,而是说出它内容、逻辑错误 一个关于adjective clause的问题mr.north teaches a class for students.their native language is not english怎么把两个句子连在一起!useing second sentence as an adjective clause object of a verb object of a preposition subject of a verb complement of a verbin apposition to a noun or pronoun use with a predicative adjective 英语翻译用英语翻译!Please use an adjective to discribe me. the most recent or current (an adjective) very well known (an adjective)的答案快. Fill in the first blank with a proper possessive adjective and the second blank with a proper possessive pronoun.(1)That hat belongs to Mary.It's ( )hat .That hat is ( ) 英语翻译具体语境如下:The adjectives can be followed by to and a verb with a noun as a subject.We must use a be verb before the adjective.此类句型如:Comics are exciting to read. A noun or in some cases an adjective; describes a person place or thing and is used in urban areas to seriously describe someone or a situation翻译为中文 谢谢 Fill in the correct adjective form in each sentence.Use your dictionary to help you.(1) A person who feels anxiety is ___________________.(2) An experience that gives pleasure is ________________.(3) A person who feels sympathy is ________________.(4 long adjective extreme adjective adjective是什么意思 posseive adjective 一个关于adjective clause的问题i apologized to the woman.i spilled her coffee!怎么把两个句子连在一起!useing second sentence as an adjective clause An indirect object refers to a person or a group of people that the action of the verb is done to or for.An object complement can be an adjective phrase or a noun phrase that relates to and describes the object of a sentence .An attributive can be a Make sentences with their different parts of speech.interest(verb):interest(noun);empty(adjective): empty(verb)]