
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/05 05:04:59


As he says,before that 2 machines was delivered to the consumers,there was only 1 had been registrated.So I think it may be the cause that there was no reply indicated they recieved on the consumer system.I have make a contact with the head of the financial department and had them checked out.Now I am waiting for their reply,and could you please check it out whether there were some problems?

According to him, when the two machines were received by our client, it seemed that the delivery procedure only showed "one". I suppose this is why the client system doesn't show the receiving of good...


According to him, when the two machines were received by our client, it seemed that the delivery procedure only showed "one". I suppose this is why the client system doesn't show the receiving of goods. I have contactedd with the superviser of the financial department at our client's side and asked them to look into this matter. While we're waiting for their reply, would you please see to it and find out whether there's something wrong with your system?


As he said,when two machines were sent to the customer,it seemed that there's only one machine in procedure of delivery.I think that is the reason of no data in customer's system.I contacted with cus...


As he said,when two machines were sent to the customer,it seemed that there's only one machine in procedure of delivery.I think that is the reason of no data in customer's system.I contacted with customer's Account Dept. Manager and asked them to check.Now I'm waiting for their reply,also kindly pls check your side to see if there's problem.


According to him, these two machines before delivery to the customer, as if the delivery process is only a machine, I guess this is the result of customer delivery system does not show. I have clients...


According to him, these two machines before delivery to the customer, as if the delivery process is only a machine, I guess this is the result of customer delivery system does not show. I have clients and Finance department is responsible for the contact person and ask them to help you query, is awaiting their reply. You also query whether there are any problems.


据他所说,之前这两台机器送货到客户的时候,好象送货的手续上只有1台机器的,我估计这是造成客户的系统里没有显示收货的原因.我已经和客户的财务部门负责人联系了,目前正在等待他们的 中译英:昨天已安排送货到客户那端 中翻英:“这是以前已经送货的两台机器的编号,我这里没有任何单据,请帮忙查询一下对应的客户所下的PO号 客户说有需要的时候在联系我是什么意思之前和他联系很久.而且也按他的要求把公司的详细材料寄给了他.然后在给他联系的时候他说最近有采购意向.叫我把报价单给他传过去.后来当我在给 英语翻译从提货地点到上海,需要7天(1周)左右.拖车的费用是比较高的,大约是USDxx.希望客户自己拖车将货送货到上海的仓库. 送货单中签收单位或客户用英文怎么写做一个公司的送货单,需要有英文的, 镀金氧化之前客户提供的材料,让我们给他加工,加工过程中也没有高温高湿的情况,也货也检验了,2周后出到客户那,镀金层都有红色(暗红现象)块状,加工的时候我们有带手指套,环境也都在 送EMS快递的时候.我不在家.他会打电话通知吗?要是不打电话我怎么查我的快递在哪.他会放到我家楼下的邮局吗?再次送货是什么时候 中翻译英:我和他会尽快联系客户,将这台机器的问题解决掉,有什么新的消息会让你第一时间知道 爱因斯坦所说的当速度可以超过光速的时候,就会发生时光倒流.是错误的,他说时间在一定的速度里是可以改 中翻英:关于为机器加装风扇而产生的费用由客户支付还是我支付,或者他支付呢? 一辆货车从甲地到乙地相距315km的乙地送货.一之前3小时行了135km,如果用同样的速度行完剩下的路,还要几小时(用比例解) 英语翻译请用英语翻译这句话,谢绝机器的翻译:客户到现在还没任何反馈,我认为可以关闭这个项目. 英语翻译:在今天早晨我们送货的时候,我们的卡车出了车祸. 烟煤和无烟煤哪一个价格高那天和朋友谈论到煤的事情,朋友家是在矿区工作,具他所说烟煤的价格比无烟煤的价格高,原因是烟煤的发热量大.我是北方人,小的时候有个印象就是无烟煤大家比 中翻英:请您把号码为22的定单的相关送货单和发票发给我,其中包括送货至客户处的以及送至我这里的” 宇宙有多大,无限的话,无限到哪,有限的话又到哪.宇宙是什么时候诞生的,在他之前是什么,在他之前的之前又是什么我觉得时间问题1000年内估计不会答案了,想破脑袋也想不通最先有的东西是 WAS MOCHTENSIE VON MIR 如题我在ebay上看中个东西,店家标了全球送货,可价目表上却只列了德国国内的邮费,于是我用英语问他可不可以送货到法国,他就回了这么一句..