他没回来,butI am expecting him to arrive_ Aat any time Bat the time C at one time Dat this time

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/14 19:29:15

他没回来,butI am expecting him to arrive_ Aat any time Bat the time C at one time Dat this time
他没回来,butI am expecting him to arrive_ Aat any time Bat the time C at one time Dat this time

他没回来,butI am expecting him to arrive_ Aat any time Bat the time C at one time Dat this time
but I am expecting him to arrive at this time .我希望他现在就到来
at some/any/that time 未来不确定的某个时间
He is performing as well as at any time in his career.The UK has 500,000 stray dogs on its streets at any one time (=at any particular time) .
at a/the time when ...
At the time when this scheme was introduced,it was recognised that there might be problems.

A 随时。

理由:am expecting现在时态
A的话,am expecting可以改为expect

D at this time此时,这个时候

他没回来,butI am expecting him to arrive_ Aat any time Bat the time C at one time Dat this time 英文翻译 看起来他好像还没回来 I am not familiar with computera, butI am sure I can lesen 他还没回来,How to express it in english 英语翻译是说他去了美国还没回来还是去过但回来了? 我相信他会回来 英语怎么说 似乎是 I am sure that he------开头的, Mr Li is my father,butI'm not his son,Whob am 这个英语句子是什么意思呢? My father has not any brothers,my mother has not any brothers.eigher buti have many uncles.Who am I Where has he been.他去哪里了(回来了) Where has he gone.他去哪里了(没回来呢)那么Where did he go?是回来了还是没回来? 请问歌词I am small but the world is big butI am not afraid of anything 是哪一首歌里面的?如题,有人知道吗. Maybe you are right,butI am sure that nobody will recognize you,e______,if you do that to my hai不是hai是hair 《上帝没回来》阅读答案 新中国成立后物理学家杨振宁为何没有回国?还有那些向他一样的科学家也没回来 有个笑话看不懂,懂笑话的进!在山中小屋……女侍:您回来了呀!猎人:田先生回来了吗?女侍:是的,他已经回来了.刚刚才回来的.猎人:乔先生呢?女侍:猎人:那高先生呢?女侍:他还没回来 汉译英 他说他会回来的 一个人不主动找你,他是心里再也没有你了吗?以前每次都是他主动找我,可现在他再也不找我了,几天前我忍不住给他留言问他从美国回来了吗?那天刚好回来,他给我回复说已回来了,就再也没说 女友从英国回来说他喜欢那个叫比利海灵顿的怎么办她说我没他粗犷,现在搞得我天天练习.怎么办啊坑爹啊. 英语翻译:我哥哥还没回来