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英汉翻译belong [bi'lɔŋ] vi. 属于,应归入;居住;适宜;应被放置

网络释义21世纪大英汉词典英英释义-Belong: 比隆;属,附属,隶属;属于∼的;属: 比隆
广州市银佳电子信息有限公司/广州英佳多媒体教学设备厂 英佳(Incast)、比隆(Belong)品牌移动多媒体教室一体机上海约克空调维修,移动多媒体一体机苏州约克空调维修,移动多媒体播放机北京约克空调维修,
在船(飞机 - 医疗保健文档 ...bell 钟,铃belong 属,附属,隶属below 在…下面 ...
...知道 know属于∼的 belong飞 fly ...
Print ›Spring Semester CH... ...将来: future属: belong工作: work ...
-You Belong: 你属于我们;你属于谁;属于我们;你属于我们 你属于我们
美国教师对学生的101句鼓励的话 ...You're Important 你非常重要You Belong 你属于我们You've Got A Friend 你已经得到了一个朋友 ...
基于1452个网页 - 搜索相关网页
最近访问的产品 ...If only I could 如果我能You Belong 你属于谁Fabulous 美妙 ...
101句表扬孩子的话 ...You’re important 你非常重要You belong 属于我们You’ve got a friend 你已经得到了一个朋友 ...

主题:国外老师夸学生 点击:237 回复:5 ...You're Important 你非常重要You Belong 你属于我们You've Got A Friend 你已经得到了一个朋友 ...
-belong in: 应归入;应放在...;在……中有适当的地位;住在 应归入
英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(14) ... beloid 前窄后宽的 belong in 应归入 belong to 属于 ...
...Believe it or not 信不信由你 Belong in 应放在... Belong to 属于...,是...的成员 ...
Unit 12 Words and Express... ...She doesn’t belong here. 她不应该在这. belong in 在……中有适当的地位 This lamp belongs in this room. 这灯应归这个屋. ...

航空航天词汇接龙 ...住下来 taken up her quarters ;taken up his quarters ;taken up my quarters ;taken up our quarters ;took up her quarters ;took up his quarters ;took up my quarters ;took up our quarters ;took up their quarters ;took up your quarters住在 be established in ;be resident in ;belong in ;visit at住在...处 live under someone's roof ;lodge at ...
-belong with: 与...有关;应归入 与...有关
航空航天词汇接龙 ...与...有共同之处 in common with与...有关 appertain to ;be associated with ;be concerned in ;be correlated with ;be involved in ;be related to ;bear a relation to ;bear a relation with ;bear relation to ;bear relation with ;bear upon ;belong with ;bore on ;bore upon ;borne on与...有关的 pertaining to ;pertinent to ;relative to ;relatived to ...

航空航天词汇接龙 ...应归还的 revertible应归入 belong with应归于 be due to ...

-belong,: 住,家眷,亲戚,行李,属于,附属物 住,家眷,亲戚,行李,属于,附属物
Lady ·女士 ... believe,猜想,料想,相信,信仰/教 belong,住,家眷,亲戚,行李,属于,附属物 fool,蠢人,欺骗,傻子,愚弄 ...
-belong to: 附属;属于,归于;(在所有权关系等方面)属于;属于,附属 附属
大学英语四级词汇最常用短语(三) ...make believe 假装,装作belong to 属于;附属for the best (完全)出于好意 ...

商务英语关键词 impressed with/by 留下深刻印象belong to 属于,归于be popular with 受欢迎的,流行的 ...
四级英语常用动词固定搭配 ...believe in 相信,信任belong to (在所有权关系等方面)属于benefit from 受益,获益 ...
中国娱乐播报 used to… 被用于……,习惯于……belong to 属于,附属come to 苏醒,来到,结果是,得出(结论),共计 ...

-BELG Belong: 属于 属于
航空词汇接龙 ...BELG Belgium 比利时BELG Belong 属于BEMP Brake Mean Effective Pressure 刹车平均有效压力 ...

-belong under: 属于...之下;列入...之下 属于...之下
进出口专业英语词汇(B2) ...Belmar 贝尔马牌手表below grade 等外棉below-knee pants 内长裤 ...
航空航天词汇接龙 ...列入 list as ;rate as列入...之下 belong under列入价目表 list at ...

-belong among: 属于 属于
Export Data | Quizlet ...带劲(儿) energetic, exciting属于 belong to, (count as)捂 cover (your ears, etc.) ...

-I Belong: 属于;成为;土炮 属于
Step Into The Sunshine 沐浴... ...Can You Hear Me Now? 你能听见我吗? I Belong 属于 Love Rain Down 爱意浓 ...

Tears of Joy (欢乐的泪水) ... I embrace our oneness 我拥抱我们的共同体 I belong 成为 In the circle of your Love 你爱的中心 ...
(说话) 手机铃声 彩铃下载 ...地乐起哄 Chaos O土炮 I Belong力竭 Frail Han ...
belong [bi'lɔŋ]
1. 是…的成员(或会员)(与 to 连用):例句: They belong to the country club.
他们是乡间俱乐部的成员.to belong to an organization
为一个组织的成员2. 有资格为某组织的成员:例句: He doesn't belong in this club.
他没有资格参加这个俱乐部.3. 是(某地)的人(或居民),居住(与to 连用):例句: They belong to (或[美国英语]in ) New York.
他们是纽约居民.4. 适于,适宜,适当,合适,适用:例句: Television sets belong in every home.
电视机家家都适用.He belongs in the movies.
他适宜演电影.5. 应该放在(某处):例句: These books belong on the shelf.
这些书应放在书架上.These boots belong in the closet.
这些靴子应搁在壁橱里.6. 应(和某人)一起生活:例句: A baby belongs with its mother.
婴儿应和母亲在一起生活.7. 是…的财富,(产权)属于(与 to 连用):例句: This book belongs to the school.
这本书是学校的.8. [美国英语](在关系方面)属于(在分类上)属,应归入(与 to 连用):例句: The president is a statesman who belongs among the great.
这位总统是位应归入伟人之列的政治家.9. 是(某个整体)的一部分(与 to 连用):例句: This cover belongs to that jar.
这是那个坛子的盖子.Those woods belong to the property that's for sale.
那些木料是供销售的所有物的一部分.10. [口语]适应环境:例句: The young girl from the big city could not seem to belong in the countryside.
这位大城市姑娘似乎无法适应农村生活.11. [口语]成为集体的一员,合得来:例句: The student felt he did not belong among the workers.
这名学生觉得他与工人们格格不入.12. [俚语]是…的所有人,占有,拥有(与 to 连用):例句: Who belongs to this pen?
这支笔是谁的?13. [美国方言][后接动词不定式]应当;习惯于;意欲;似乎:例句: I went to school at seven o'clock this morning although I don't belong to go to school until half past seven.
belong [bi'lɔŋ]
1. be owned by; be in the possession of例句: This book belongs to me
2. originate (in)3. be suitable or acceptable例句: This student somehow doesn't belong
4. be in the right place or situation例句: Where do these books belong?Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government
5. be classified with例句: The whales belong among the mammals

例句与用法They belong to the country club.
I said tell me where you belong.
Do they also belong to the community?

属于 belong to 属于谁