5.50 * 100.000 = 5 500 000 hi Alli got a stupid problem:i got to calculate AMOUNT by simple multiplying the Quantity (...LIKE MSEG-MENGE) by the Price per unit (...LIKE MLHELP_MLDOC-PVPRS_OLD).The result of this simple operation is 100 times greater

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 22:14:12

5.50 * 100.000 = 5 500 000 hi Alli got a stupid problem:i got to calculate AMOUNT by simple multiplying the Quantity (...LIKE MSEG-MENGE) by the Price per unit (...LIKE MLHELP_MLDOC-PVPRS_OLD).The result of this simple operation is 100 times greater
5.50 * 100.000 = 5 500 000
hi Alli got a stupid problem:i got to calculate AMOUNT by simple multiplying the Quantity (...LIKE MSEG-MENGE) by the Price per unit (...LIKE MLHELP_MLDOC-PVPRS_OLD).The result of this simple operation is 100 times greater than anyone can expect.Seems that something wrong with type conversions,but what?

5.50 * 100.000 = 5 500 000 hi Alli got a stupid problem:i got to calculate AMOUNT by simple multiplying the Quantity (...LIKE MSEG-MENGE) by the Price per unit (...LIKE MLHELP_MLDOC-PVPRS_OLD).The result of this simple operation is 100 times greater
When you WRITE the amount out use the UNIT clause for quantities,or the CURRENCY clause for currencies.This will then format the amount in the correct way.Rich 查看原帖>>

5.50 * 100.000 = 5 500 000 hi Alli got a stupid problem:i got to calculate AMOUNT by simple multiplying the Quantity (...LIKE MSEG-MENGE) by the Price per unit (...LIKE MLHELP_MLDOC-PVPRS_OLD).The result of this simple operation is 100 times greater 那些越大越好,那些越小越好!另一个是10Xzooms f=5.50mm(还是5-50mm?) 1.33-5.F在这里是代表光圈嘛?那后面的1.33-5.6是什么概念? matlab中的nlinfit函数怎么用X=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]Y=[100.000 99.9328 99.7311 99.5320 102.0654 103.7961 104.5534 104.4563 104.6679 104.5061 104.6106]拟合函数yd=x(1)+x(2)*xd+x(3)*xd^2,求程序, 变形金刚2 13项修改器是英文 帮我翻译成中文 谢谢1 F1 Get 100.000 Energon 2 F2 Instant Boost 3 F3 Instant Special Abilities 4 F4 No Weapon Overheating 5 奶糖每千克6.80元.水果糖每千克5.50元.5千克奶糖和多少克水果糖混合后,平均每千克糖是6.00元? 李叔叔把3000元钱存入银行整存整取5年年利率是5.50%到期时 李叔叔的本金加利息一共多少钱、?不缴纳利息税 李英在银行存30000元人,定期5年,年利率是5.50%,到期时银行给李英本金加利息一共多少元怎样组合式 右:球镜-4.50柱镜-1.50光轴5 左:球镜-5.50柱镜-1.50光轴175 光轴是轴向和轴位的意思吗 100.000.000怎么读 设葡萄糖在人体(体温为36.8℃)血液中和尿液中的质量摩尔浓度分别为5.50×10-3 mol·Kg-1和5.50×10-5mol·Kg-1,若将1mol葡萄糖从尿中转移到血液中,肾脏至少须作 多少KJ的功. 李阿姨把8000元钱存入银行,存入方式为整存整取5年,年利率为5.50%,到期时可取多少李阿姨可得税后利息和本金一共多少,(利息税:5%) 5*5*5*5*5==? 解方程:5.50X-3.5X=20要详细回答,回答好的给分 6+5+5+5+5-55+5-5+5+5+5-5+5+5= 编程,平面上有n个点,求所有各点之间的最长距离.要求定义和调用函数计算距离输入输出示例:输入点数:5输入5个点的坐标:1 2.53.2 3.76.5 2.35.1 0.63.6 1.2最长距离是5.50 55/5+5=? 5-5×3.14=? |5|=|-5|对么,