关于matlab积分的使用,syms w x m oj b r q ob o h s0 b0 t p M kf1=x*{exp(w*m*i-0.5*w^2*oj^2)-1-w*m*i};f2=b - r -q +0.5*o^2 - h*o^2 + subs(f1,'w',-i*h-i)-subs(f1,'w',-i*h);f3=x * exp( m * h + 0.5 * h^2 * oj^2) * ( exp( i* w * (m + h * oj^2 ) - 0.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/10 11:18:28

关于matlab积分的使用,syms w x m oj b r q ob o h s0 b0 t p M kf1=x*{exp(w*m*i-0.5*w^2*oj^2)-1-w*m*i};f2=b - r -q +0.5*o^2 - h*o^2 + subs(f1,'w',-i*h-i)-subs(f1,'w',-i*h);f3=x * exp( m * h + 0.5 * h^2 * oj^2) * ( exp( i* w * (m + h * oj^2 ) - 0.
syms w x m oj b r q ob o h s0 b0 t p M k
f2=b - r -q +0.5*o^2 - h*o^2 + subs(f1,'w',-i*h-i)-subs(f1,'w',-i*h);
f3=x * exp( m * h + 0.5 * h^2 * oj^2) * ( exp( i* w * (m + h * oj^2 ) - 0.5 * w^2 * oj^2) -1 - i * w *(m + h * oj^2) );
cf1=exp( i * w * log ( s0 / b0 ) + t * (0.5 * i * w * o^2) - 0.5 * w^2 * o^2 + f3 + subs(f3 ,'w' ,i) );
cf2=exp( i * w * log ( s0 / b0 ) + t * (-0.5 * i * w * o^2) - 0.5 * w^2 * o^2 + subs(f3,'h',h+1 ) - i * w * subs( subs(f3,'h',h+1 ) ,'w' ,-i) );
f4=exp(-i * w * k * p / M )/(i*w) * cf1
Operation terminated by user during ==> mupadengine.mupadengine>mupadengine.evalin at 119
In ==> mupadengine.mupadengine>mupadengine.feval at 157
[S,err] = evalin(engine,stmt);
In ==> mupadfeval at 24
[S,err] = feval(symengine,cmd,varargin{:}); % returns sym
In ==> map at 14
[result,status] = mupadfeval(fcn,obj,varargin{:});
In ==> sym.int at 56
r = reshape(map(f(:),'mlint',x,a,b),size(f));
In ==> test at 8

关于matlab积分的使用,syms w x m oj b r q ob o h s0 b0 t p M kf1=x*{exp(w*m*i-0.5*w^2*oj^2)-1-w*m*i};f2=b - r -q +0.5*o^2 - h*o^2 + subs(f1,'w',-i*h-i)-subs(f1,'w',-i*h);f3=x * exp( m * h + 0.5 * h^2 * oj^2) * ( exp( i* w * (m + h * oj^2 ) - 0.
syms w x m oj b r q ob o h s0 b0 t p M k
f2=b - r -q +0.5*o^2 - h*o^2 + subs(f1,'w',-i*h-i)-subs(f1,'w',-i*h);
f3=x * exp( m * h + 0.5 * h^2 * oj^2) * ( exp( i* w * (m + h * oj^2 ) - 0.5 * w^2 * oj^2) -1 - i * w *(m + h * oj^2) );
cf1=exp( i * w * log ( s0 / b0 ) + t * (0.5 * i * w * o^2) - 0.5 * w^2 * o^2 + f3 + subs(f3 , 'w' ,i) );
cf2=exp( i * w * log ( s0 / b0 ) + t * (-0.5 * i * w * o^2) - 0.5 * w^2 * o^2 + subs(f3,'h',h+1 ) - i * w * subs( subs(f3,'h',h+1 ) , 'w' ,-i) );
f4=exp(-i * w * k * p / M )/(i*w) * cf1

f4 =

-(i*exp(i*w*log(s0/b0) - (o^2*w^2)/2 + x*exp((h^2*oj^2)/2 + m*h)*(m + exp(oj^2/2 - h*oj^2 - m) + h*oj^2 - 1) - x*exp((h^2*oj^2)/2 + m*h)*(i*w*(h*oj^2 + m) - exp(i*w*(h*oj^2 + m) - 1/2*oj^2*w^2) + 1) + (i*o^2*t*w)/2))/(w*exp((i*k*p*w)/M))

Warning: Explicit integral could not be found.
> In sym.int at 64

f5 =

int(-(i*exp(i*w*log(s0/b0) - (o^2*w^2)/2 + x*exp((h^2*oj^2)/2 + m*h)*(m + exp(oj^2/2 - h*oj^2 - m) + h*oj^2 - 1) - x*exp((h^2*oj^2)/2 + m*h)*(i*w*(h*oj^2 + m) - exp(i*w*(h*oj^2 + m) - 1/2*oj^2*w^2) + 1) + (i*o^2*t*w)/2))/(w*exp((i*k*p*w)/M)), w = -10000..10000)


关于matlab积分的使用,syms w x m oj b r q ob o h s0 b0 t p M kf1=x*{exp(w*m*i-0.5*w^2*oj^2)-1-w*m*i};f2=b - r -q +0.5*o^2 - h*o^2 + subs(f1,'w',-i*h-i)-subs(f1,'w',-i*h);f3=x * exp( m * h + 0.5 * h^2 * oj^2) * ( exp( i* w * (m + h * oj^2 ) - 0. matlab 关于inline的问题我不懂matlab,想用它求个积分,但遇到个很久结的问题,我想用matlab求函数y=x2(x的平方)的定积分,积分区间从1到2,下面是我的程序:format long syms x;w=x.^2;f=inline('w');a=quad(f,1, 关于MATLAB求定积分如果我有了一个inline函数f = inline('some_expression'),如何求x*f(x)从a 到b上的定积分(使用纯数值办法,不要用syms之类的符号运算) matlab 关于高次方程的根.我要计算一个关于w的高次方程的根.syms w;A=-MM*w^2+JC*w+KK;B=det(A);q=fzero(B,w);其中MM JC KK 都是同阶的方阵,但是程序给出的提示是错误使用 fzero (line 128)FZERO 仅接受双精度数 matlab定积分求解问题syms w t s;d=int(sin(w*t)*exp(-s*t),t,0,inf)limit(-(sin(w*t)*s*exp(-s*t)+cos(w*t)*w*exp(-s*t)-w)/(s^2+w^2),t = Inf)我这个是拉普拉斯sin(wt)的变换,但是为什么没有得到w/(s^2+w^2)? 关于MATLAB sym和syms的区别问题小弟初学,总搞不清楚什么时候用syms什么时候用sym, Matlab积分编程 大概的关系如下程序所示:syms w k=Rs*exp(j*(g1/pi*log(w)+thetas/2));k1=abs(k);k2=abs((w-1)/(w*sqrt(w-a)*sqrt(w-b)));f=g1/pi*k1^2*k2;int(f,w,a,b)w是变量,Rs、g1、thetas、a、b都是已知的数值,麻烦高手给看 求Matlab程序,我的程序运行不了,求 a*x^2+b*x+c关于x的定积分.Matlab程序怎么编!>>clear >>syms x>>f=sym(`a*x^2+b*x+c`)>>int(f,x,0,2) %表示表达式f在(0,2)的定积分,自变量是x.ans= 8/3*a+2*b+2*c MATLAB 中syms matlab 积分>> w=linspace(0.3434,2.2196,80);>> t=1:1000;>> for i=1:1000syms xy(i)=int('x.*(-1.61.*sum((0.1276./w.^5.*exp(-0.0018./w.^4).*0.0238).^0.5.*w.^2.*cosh((w.^2./235.2).^0.5.*x)./sinh((w.^2./235.2).^0.5.*24).*(sin(w*t(i)+2*pi*rand()))))',x,0, 如何用Matlab画含积分函数式子的图形syms x1 Q_N;p = 125; w = 80; w2 = 85; c = 35; c2 = 50; v = 20; h = 10; a = 130; b = 1;rate = [10 12 28 22 18 10];demand = 5500:200:6500;r = sum(rate); AVG = rate * demand'/r matlab 计算定积分怎么运行很慢,我的程序如下:syms x S2=sqrt(1+(1.767*x^2-3.68*x+2.74 matlab 积分函数绘图问题syms a b x y z;z=int(int(x^2+y^2,y),x);a=0:0.1:1;b=0:0.1:1;[x,y]=meshgrid(a,b);mesh(z,x,y)我想画一个z这个函数关于积分区间(a 0-1,b 0-1)的曲面,怎么画 matlab里的关于maple的问题syms t w %定义两个符号变量t,wGt=sym('Heaviside(t+1)-Heaviside(t-1)'); %产生门宽为2的门函数Fw=fourier(Gt,t,w); %对门函数作傅氏变换求F(jw)FFw=maple('convert',Fw,'piecewise'); %数据类型转 matlab 有能代替sym和syms的运算吗 为什么MATLAB中符号变量的使用会出错syms x;y=x*sin(x*x);dy=diff(y,x) Matlab中subs函数的使用syms x w b t;x=dsolve('D2x+2*b*Dx+w^2*x=0','Dx(0)=4,x(0)=0');dx=diff(x,t);w=2;b=0.1;x1=subs(x);dx1=subs(dx);t=0:0.1:100;xt=subs(x1,t);dxt=subs(dx1,t);subplot(221);plot(t,xt);subplot(222); subplot(222);plot(xt,dxt)其中四 matlab积分出错:Explicit integral could not be found.syms x;int((cos(pi*cos(x))+1)^2/sin(x),0,pi)Warning:Explicit integral could not be found.有什么其他的方法,可以找到这个积分的解?