合金元素对堆焊效果的影响的外文翻译As Mo is a strong carbide-forming element,the higher strength of Mo-added steels may be attributed to carbideprecipitates as secondary strengthener phase in the microstructure[18].The Mo in solution

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/04 10:14:04

合金元素对堆焊效果的影响的外文翻译As Mo is a strong carbide-forming element,the higher strength of Mo-added steels may be attributed to carbideprecipitates as secondary strengthener phase in the microstructure[18].The Mo in solution
As Mo is a strong carbide-forming element,
the higher strength of Mo-added steels may be attributed to carbide
precipitates as secondary strengthener phase in the microstructure[18].
The Mo in solution effectively suppress the formation of embrittling carbide precipitates and pearlite,
even when austenite is exposed to high temperature (above 275 \x03C) during welding or during service.
The molybdenum in primary carbides tends to change morphology from continous envelopes around austenite dendrites to less harmful nodular form, especially when molybdenum
conten texceeds 1.5 % [17].
The EDAX analysis of the hardfaced alloy and base
metal was measured over area of 2 by 2 mm Table 10.
Considering case of sample 2 and sample 4,
where Si content is varied but at high Mo (5 %) content,
there is increase in hardness from 26 HRC to 31 HRC.
As per XRD as amount of Si is increased the number of phases formed
with Si is increased (FeSiC, CrFeS, Mn5Si3).
Low Si content (2 %) has low Si rich phases.
Increase in Si content decreases the hardness, the reason may be due to more number of Si precipitates formed which may be soft or increase in speed which may cause decrease in hardness.
Further, microstructure of sample 2 is coarse grained which has Si (5 %) compared to (2 %).

合金元素对堆焊效果的影响的外文翻译As Mo is a strong carbide-forming element,the higher strength of Mo-added steels may be attributed to carbideprecipitates as secondary strengthener phase in the microstructure[18].The Mo in solution
用彩笔texceeds 1.5%[17].
金属测量面积2 2毫米表10.
与Si(FeSiC,crf Mn5Si3)增加.

合金元素对堆焊效果的影响的外文翻译As Mo is a strong carbide-forming element,the higher strength of Mo-added steels may be attributed to carbideprecipitates as secondary strengthener phase in the microstructure[18].The Mo in solution 关于合金元素对堆焊效果的影响的外文翻译Microstructure analysis of CP-29 sample 2 and sample 4 is shown in Fig. 2a, b respectively.Also XRD analysis ofsample 2 and sample 4 is shown in Figs. 3 and 4 respectively.As per reference [16] 合金元素对C曲线的影响 合金元素对奥氏体晶粒长大的影响是什么 合金元素对钢淬火后硬度的影响 合金元素对Fe-Fe3C相图的影响规律是什么? 合金镍中各元素对镍的性能的影响对镍板的影响 合金元素对钢的强化效果主要是固溶强化 是对还是错? Mn Cr 等各种合金元素对钢铁性能的影响 请问:渗碳时渗入合金元素时对渗碳速度的影响如何? 合金加铬对合金性能的影响 什么合金或者说什么铸造工艺元素会对铸铁的收缩性能产生很严重的影响? 合金钢中经常加入的合金元素主要有哪些?怎么分类?它们对钢的影响有哪些? 想问下您发的(主要合金元素对不锈钢性能的影响)出自那本书 或论文? 哪位在侠知道铝合金中镁和硅元素对合金的性能有什么影响? 外文翻译需要翻译外文的致谢词吗? 求2篇关于利率对消费影响或者利率市场化的外文文献和翻译.最好原文带翻译的. 管板有两面堆焊的吗