
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 14:09:36


the company aiming Qinghai Province as the main market sells medical equipment ,whose business foucs areas is the whole Qinghai Province,which basiclly has the main business in Xining City instead of field operations,according to its introduction.
The company has a team of all pharmaceutical distribution enterprises as its corporate shareholders,which is an obvious advantage in the local market expansion.

The company as the main market in Qinghai Province medical equipment sales business, business focus areas in Qinghai Province, according to the company, the company basically no field operations, its ...


The company as the main market in Qinghai Province medical equipment sales business, business focus areas in Qinghai Province, according to the company, the company basically no field operations, its business mainly in the city of Xining.
The company's corporate shareholders, all pharmaceutical distribution enterprises, for the company in the local market expansion brings obvious advantage.


什么时候要啊,耐心一点啊,我不要分都可以。帮帮您…… 5分太低啦用翻译器吧,再自己改点就差不多了 是否参与客户设计 whether will

This company sells medical instruments and apparatus locally,its market share mainly focused in QingHai 。According to them,their clients were localized in metropolis of XiNing 。All of its corporation...


This company sells medical instruments and apparatus locally,its market share mainly focused in QingHai 。According to them,their clients were localized in metropolis of XiNing 。All of its corporation share holders are in pharmaceutic and medic related trading business,this will add credits and merits to enhance its local marketshare definitely 。


this company, which based in Qinghai Province, mainly selling Medical Apparatus. It is said that this company seldom conduct the sales outside Xining, the capital city of Qinghai Province, It is a domestic company.

The company as the main market in Qinghai Province medical equipment sales business, business focus areas in Qinghai Province, according to the company, the company basically no field operations, its ...


The company as the main market in Qinghai Province medical equipment sales business, business focus areas in Qinghai Province, according to the company, the company basically no field operations, its business mainly in the city of Xining.
The company's corporate shareholders, all pharmaceutical distribution enterprises, for the company in the local market expansion brings obvious advantage


This company, as an enterprise with main sale market in Qinghai of medical appliances, targets its business within Qinghai whole area. According to the company, they have few business in other areas,...


This company, as an enterprise with main sale market in Qinghai of medical appliances, targets its business within Qinghai whole area. According to the company, they have few business in other areas, mainly in Xining .
All of the share holders are medical and medicines business related, which is a dominant priority for the market expansion of this company.
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This is a medical equipment retail company based in Qinghai Province. Their main market is focused on the entire province of Qinghai. Accorting to it, there hasn't been any bussiness other than the lo...


This is a medical equipment retail company based in Qinghai Province. Their main market is focused on the entire province of Qinghai. Accorting to it, there hasn't been any bussiness other than the local ones, especially concentrated in the city of Xining.
The legal share holders are all part of Medical related retail enterprise, which brings obvious advantage to such company in the expansion of their local bussiness.


The Qinghai-based company as the market for medical equipment sales company, operating throughout key areas in Qinghai Province, according to the company, almost no field operations of the company, it...


The Qinghai-based company as the market for medical equipment sales company, operating throughout key areas in Qinghai Province, according to the company, almost no field operations of the company, its business mainly in Xining city.
The company's corporate shareholders, all pharmaceutical distribution business, the company can expand in the local market to bring more obvious advantages.


英语翻译该公司作为以青海省为主市场进行医疗器械销售的企业,经营的重点区域在青海省全境,据该公司介绍,该公司基本无外地业务,其业务主要在西宁市内.该公司的法人股东中,全部都是医 英语翻译视觉形象工作室即以视觉形象设计为主的广告设计公司,该怎么翻译呢 英语翻译该公司产品在外包装上以“**公司”为生产商名称.在产品销售方面,则由**公司进行市场拓展,在每个大区设有营销中心,由营销中心开发当地市场的经销商就市场来讲,**产品走的是中 社会主义市场经济以市场为主还是宏观调控为主 英语翻译产品外包装上以“**生化科技(中国)有限公司”为生产商名称,不标明“苏州**生化有限公司”.在产品销售方面,则由该公司进行市场拓展,在每个大区设有营销中心,由营销中心开发 英语翻译“在洋酒公司,是以销售为主的,所以市场应该根据销售情况尽量配合销售,做好适合销售的市场计划,一定要结合销售计划,客户第一.”英语该怎么说呢? 英语翻译该公司总体规模小,在市场上无知名度,在公开渠道上也无可利用的信息帮助我司对该公司进行分析.我司调查员在联系了该公司之后,对方工作人员对我司的调查较为谨慎,在谈话态度 以国内市场为主,开发海外市场用英语怎么说 英语翻译佛山富芝宝家具有限公司是国内唯一一家生产多功能家具,以手动、电动家具为主的现代化家具企业.公司现拥有自主研发的“梦幻系列”“精灵系列”两大系列产品,该产品开创国内 某公司发行每张面值5000元,票面利率10%,每年利率10%,每年付息一次,到期还本,期限为5年的债券一批.要求:在市场利率为8%、12%时分别对该种债券进行估价;在市场利率为12%,以5000元购买该公司 青藏铁路沿途经过地区的居民以__族为主,而青海省东部__族人数最多. 英语翻译他对美国的市场进行了研究,以寻求投资的可能性(potential) 英语翻译价格策略由于我公司该产品技术先进,收率高,产品成本低,进入市场比较晚,故可以采用渗透式的低价策略抢夺市场. 某上市公司的股票面额为1元,发行价格为4元,现欲发行可转换债券8000万元,发行前一个月该公司股票的市场平均价格为每股7元.试问:该公司应当以下列哪一价格作为转股价格?选项:a、4元b、1 英语翻译由于未联系到该公司,无法与该公司进行沟通,只能通过其经营范围来判断,该公司可能从事食品添加剂等产品的销售业务. 英语翻译该公司工作人员透露,整个ABC公司近年来为了扩大市场,业务扩张的比较明显,但是员工待遇比较低下,少有提高,公司管理水平比较落后,与其他公司,特别是外资公司相比,其管理显的比 英语翻译本文以三星公司为背景,通过采用各种构建方法,对该公司的企业文化现状进行了全面分析,进而揭示了三星公司企业文化建设存在的突出问题 英语翻译这封授权书用以本公司授权***公司运回附件清单中的货物,该货物返回我公司进行维修和测试***公司