
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/02 20:02:14


My weekends schedule:
On Saturday,I usually get up at 7:30 and have breakfast around 8 o'clock.Then I spend some time on the Internet looking through news or chatting with my friends and classmates.As I major in English,I practise my oral English with native speakers through MSN after that.And After lunch,I go to play the guitar at one o'clock at my teacher's studio.In the evening,I enjoy dining with my parents.I go to bed early every Saturday because I always have a busy next day.
I get up very early at Sunday for I do morning exercise at 5 o'clock with Chen,my ex-boyfriend.He is a healthing coach.Hmm...he is strong and humorous but a little too pushy so that's why I part with him.Oh..My!How should I speak of him?Excuse me.Then I have my swimming classes at Qiqihar University,and I've been learning crawling these days.I improve a lot.On Sunday afternoon,of course I'll lie on my coach and watch my best TV show "American Idel".
That's my weekend schedule.

l have a busy weekends!

用英语写一段文章,关于你周六、周日的活动安排(日常安排).各位英语好的大姐大哥来帮我写啊!本人先thanks了! 用英语写一段文章,关于自己周六、周日的活动安排(日常安排)要初一水平、范文.50来字左右. 用be going to的句子写作文你周六周日打算做些什么 周六和周日你的父母喜欢干什么用英语怎样说 从周六到周日,用英语怎么说. 谁用英语写一篇作文啊 周六周日干了些什么 我是初一学生 求西班牙语高手帮忙写一段周六周日的活动计划,要具体,例如9点起床,九点半吃早餐,接着10点去逛街之类.字数不限,越详细越好. {英语{写一篇作文,记叙周日的活动 my weekend 英语作文假如你校刚来的外教Mr.Chris想知道你周末的活动,恰好你上周日去了动物园,请你根据下面的提示发挥适当的想象,以“My weekend ”为题,写一篇60词左右的文章介绍上周日的活动. 英语作文(谈谈你的上个周末的活动,周六上午下午,周日上午下午做了什么事情.英语作文七年级的简单一点50词左右 周一,周二,周三,周四,周五,周六,周日.用英语怎么说? 每周六、周日 两个半小时 用英语怎么说 在周末用英语怎么说 如果是周六周日呢 “周一至周五” “周六和周日”分别用英语怎么说? 假设你是Tom,根据下面的提示,写一段不少于30词的短文描述你的周六的活动及感受.要求语句通顺,书写规范 在用英语做课程表时,早读和午读怎么说;还有周一到周五的英文缩写怎么写还有周六,周日的英文缩写 DNF 周二 周五 周六周日有什么活动?除了周六周日的攻城是不是只增加了个领主之塔活动 一片英语的小短文,写自己周六周日干什么.要用到always,usually,sometimes,和never.