英语daanmy sister_(study)English at school on sundays

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英语daanmy sister_(study)English at school on sundays
my sister_(study)English at school on sundays

英语daanmy sister_(study)English at school on sundays
my sister studies english at school on sundays.

英语daanmy sister_(study)English at school on sundays 谎言英语怎么说是stu什么什么的 STU*fun(STU a[],int scanf(%s,stu[i]. 残杂着英语oh!wo stu yau le,toi di choi voi ban,but idont want go.help me scanf(%f%f%f%f,&stu->score[0],&stu->score[1],&stu->score[2],&stu->score[3]是什么意思 英语填空,用括号里的动词的适当形式填空,1 peter ___(swim) in the river last Sunday.He never___(swim) on Sunday.He ___(swim) when Tom saw him that day.2 I___(have) a long holiday next month.I_____(go) to the US.3 A:Where___your sister_ _your sister_ (have)breakfast用所给单词的适当形式填空 My sister has a new baseball bat.(就画线部分提问)__your sister_? void input(struct student stu[]);//函数声明 struc STU{ char name[10]; int num; }; void f1(struct STU c) { struct STU b={LiSiGuo,2042}; c=b; }struc STU{ char name[10]; int num; }; void f1(struct STU c) { struct STU b={LiSiGuo,2042}; c=b; } void f2(struct STU *c) { struct STU b={SunDan,204 1.my sister_(is run,runs) faster than me.2.sally is older than_(he,his,him). Jack had dinner at school yesterday.(改为一般疑问句并否定与) _you and your sister_ watch)cartoons? 关于c语言链表的一个问题h->next=p1,p2->next=p1是什么意思,又有什么作用struct stu { int num; float score; struct stu *next; } *h,*p1,*p2; p1=(struct stu *)malloc(sizeof(struct stu)); h=p1; p1=(struct stu *)malloc(sizeof(struct stu) 我想问一下英语音节划分的问题,有知道的麻烦告诉我,我想问一下英语音节的问题,有知道的麻烦告诉我,关于stu-dent stud-y 音节的划分,为什么同是元音 U 却一个归前面,一个归后面?还有 Y 是不 while(!p->next)是什么意思 和while(p1->next!=NULL)运行的结果不同STU *insert(STU *head){int n;STU *p1=NULL,*p2=NULL,*elem=NULL;p1=head;while(1){scanf(%d,&n);if(n>0){elem=(STU *)malloc(sizeof(STU));if(!elem) exit(0);elem->num=n;while(n>p1 英语 介绍 (24 10:1:40)对徐本禹的英文介绍作文,提示词是born  in  Shandong   ,poor  family  ,  finish  study  in  the  university  in  2003,  stop  further-stu 帮我看看几道英语题1.The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than _______ in Beijing.a.it b.that c.one d.those2.The twins corrected the mistakes on the test paper by ______.a.them b.themselves b.him c.himself3._______ will give us a talk about stu