阅读下列句子,请按讲话的顺序重新排列()Great!But how do we go to the bookstore?()It's near the post office. Let's meet at the post office at 2:00.()See you then!()Let's go the bookstore this afternoon.()Ok. But where's the bus stop?()A

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/04 06:37:09

阅读下列句子,请按讲话的顺序重新排列()Great!But how do we go to the bookstore?()It's near the post office. Let's meet at the post office at 2:00.()See you then!()Let's go the bookstore this afternoon.()Ok. But where's the bus stop?()A
()Great!But how do we go to the bookstore?
()It's near the post office. Let's meet at the post office at 2:00.
()See you then!
()Let's go the bookstore this afternoon.
()Ok. But where's the bus stop?
()All right. See you this afternoon!
()It's easy. We can take a No.1 bus.

阅读下列句子,请按讲话的顺序重新排列()Great!But how do we go to the bookstore?()It's near the post office. Let's meet at the post office at 2:00.()See you then!()Let's go the bookstore this afternoon.()Ok. But where's the bus stop?()A
(2)Great!But how do we go to the bookstore?
(5)It's near the post office.Let's meet at the post office at 2:00.
(7)See you then!
(1)Let's go the bookstore this afternoon.
(4)Ok.But where's the bus stop?
(6)All right.See you this afternoon!
(3)It's easy.We can take a No.1 bus.

(B)Great!But how do we go to the bookstore?
(E)It's near the post office. Let's meet at the post office at 2:00.
(G)See you then!
(A)Let's go the bookstore this afternoon.
(D)Ok. But where's the bus stop?
(F)All right. See you this afternoon!
(C)It's easy. We can take a No.1 bus.

排一排.(阅读下列的句子,请按讲话的顺序重新排列)( )Great!But how do we go to the bookstore?( )It's near the postoffice .Let's meet at the postoffice at 2:00( )See you then!( )Let's go to the bookstore this afternoon!( )OK.But 阅读下列句子,请按讲话的顺序重新排列()Great!But how do we go to the bookstore?()It's near the post office. Let's meet at the post office at 2:00.()See you then!()Let's go the bookstore this afternoon.()Ok. But where's the bus stop?()A 阅读下列各句,根据其内容重新排列所有句子的顺序 按顺序重新排列 请将下列词语按一定的顺序重新排列1.鲸 动物 哺乳动物 须鲸 2.汽车 车辆 公交车 运输工具 请按姓氏笔画顺序重新排列下列人的姓名.丁兰香 华木水 穆德旺 魏朝辉 刘兴新 华文章 刘鑫 把下列排列错乱的句子按顺序重新排列.(  )一天,生物研究所打电话给张成才爷爷,请他去一下.(  )张成才爷爷知道了以后说:“这些毛病‘百音盒’全能治好.”(  )果然,不多 请将下列词语按一定顺序重新排列 中秋节,端午节,重阳节,除夕,元宵节. 按一定的顺序重新排列 按一定顺序重新排列下列词语,并写出排列顺序的依据.修改 作文 选材 立意 组材 审题 根据一定的顺序重新排列下列的词语? 酷爱 喜爱 热爱 按一定的顺序把下列词语重新排列 按一定的顺序将下列词语重新排列 1元旦.国庆节.儿童节.植树节.教师节 词语沙龙(按一定的顺序重新排列下列词语) 收获 耕地 灌溉 播种 施肥 把下列词语按一定的顺序重新排列孙中山 毛泽东 郑成功 诸葛亮 孔子 按一定的顺序,将下列词语重新排列.嘴 胃 大肠 小肠 把下列词语按一定的顺序重新排列要怎么排?蛇 动物 眼镜蛇 在语文中把句子按正确的顺序重新排列的方法是什么