
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 11:09:15


社会实践范文的特点主要包括以下几个方面.The main characteristic of the social practice model including the following respects.1.真实性.要求调研人员必须树立严谨的科学态度,认真求实的精神.只有严谨的科学态度,才能写出真实可靠,对工作具有指导意义的实践范文.1. To the truth. Request the investigator must set up strict scientific attitude, seriously pragmatic. Only the rigorous scientific attitude, can write reliable, to work with the practice of guiding significance to the reasons.2.针对性.调查研究具有很强的针对性,在社会实践范文的写作上,必须中心突出,明确提出所针对的问题,明确交待这一问题所获得的事实材料,分析出问题的症结所在,提出具体可行的建议和对策.2. Targeted. Research has the very strong targeted, in the social practice of writing essays, must the center is outstanding, clearly put on problems, clearly explain the problem obtained by the fact that material, this paper analyzes the crux of the problem, the author puts forward some feasible Suggestions and countermeasures.3.典型性.典型性是指在社会实践范文的写作过程中所采用的事实材料要具有代表性,以及所揭示的问题带有普遍性.这种典型特点在总结经验和反映典型事件的调查中表现得尤为突出.3. Typicality. Typicality is to point to in the social practice writing process model of the material facts to representative, and reveals a serious problem. The typical characteristics in summing up experience and reflect the investigation of the typical event was particularly outstanding.4.系统性或完整性.社会实践范文的系统性或完整性是指由调查材料所得出的结论,必须是具有说服力的,把被调查的情况完整地、系统地交待清楚.