求英译中 计算机类的 翻出来要看的懂讲的通2.What goes into the requirements document? The definition of the ideal requirements document is simple:It should contain everything you need to know to write software that is accepta

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 18:10:22

求英译中 计算机类的 翻出来要看的懂讲的通2.What goes into the requirements document? The definition of the ideal requirements document is simple:It should contain everything you need to know to write software that is accepta
求英译中 计算机类的 翻出来要看的懂讲的通
2.What goes into the requirements document?
 The definition of the ideal requirements document is simple:It should contain everything you need to know to write software that is acceptable to the customer,and no more.
 (1) Every statement should be valid for all acceptable products; none should depend on implementation decisions.
 (2) The document should be complete in the sense that if a product satisfies every statement,it should be acceptable.
 (3) Where information is not available before development must begin,the areas of incompleteness should be explicitly indicated.
 (4) The product should be organized as a reference document rather than an introductory narrative about the system.
 Although it takes considerable effort to produce such a document,and a reference work is more difficult to browse than an introduction,it saves labor in the long run.
 The information that is obtained in this stage is recorded in a form that allows easy reference throughout the project.
3.Who writes the requirements document?
 Ideally,the requirements document would be written by the users or their representatives.
 In fact,users are rarely equipped to write such a document.Instead,the software developers must produce a draft document and get it reviewed and,eventually,approved by the user representatives.
4.How is the requirements document organized?
 (1) Computer Specification:a specification of the machines on which the software must run.
 (2) Input/Output Interfaces:a specification of the interfaces that the software must use in order to communicate with the outside world;
 (3) Specification of Output Values:for each output,a specification of its value in terms of the state and history of the system's environment;
 (4) Timing Constraints:for each output,how often,or how quickly,the software is required to recompute it;
 (5) Accuracy Constraints:for each output,how accurate it is required to be.
 (6) Likely Changes:if the system is required to be easy to change,the requirements should contain a definition of the areas that are considered likely to change.
 (7) Undesired Event Handling.

求英译中 计算机类的 翻出来要看的懂讲的通2.What goes into the requirements document? The definition of the ideal requirements document is simple:It should contain everything you need to know to write software that is accepta

求英译中 计算机类的 翻出来要看的懂讲的通2.What goes into the requirements document? The definition of the ideal requirements document is simple:It should contain everything you need to know to write software that is accepta 求英译中 计算机类的 翻出来要看的懂讲的通 A perfectly rational person is one who always has a good reason for what he does.Each step taken can be shown to be the best way to get to a well defined goal. However,to man 计算机的应用翻译成英语怎么说 计算机是怎么被发明创造出来的 光子计算机现在开发出来的吗? 计算机电源的额定功率哪里看? 大学的计算机课都干什么是不是就是讲一些计算机一级,二级的东西呀 cos120度在图像上看明明是在y的负半轴,为什么计算机计出来的是正值?RT 谁有计算机应用基础?大概讲的是什么内容? 解释一下这几个词之间的关系1.普林斯顿结构,ROM,RAM,计算机的内存,计算机的硬盘2.为什么现在的计算机属于普林斯顿结构,哪里可以看出来程序存储器和数据存储器是同一个存储器 (看吧.不负责任的表现!你不爱我,只是喜欢.)翻译成英语怎么讲? 计算机上的加减乘除的乘号怎么打出来啊 司马迁是个什么样的人?具体点,不要光讲一个词.讲一下是从哪看出来的, 计算机上一个数的平方怎么打出来啊 计算机上一个数的平方怎么打出来 世界上第一台计算机是哪国什么时候开发出来的 目前计算机程序是由哪几种语言写出来的? 2的N次方在计算机中怎么打出来?