写一篇100字左右的英语文章,不要写得太复杂,当然也别太简单,起码有3句的从句就可以了.compare your primary school with secondary school或者compare buses with undergrounds.任选一个,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 22:48:51

写一篇100字左右的英语文章,不要写得太复杂,当然也别太简单,起码有3句的从句就可以了.compare your primary school with secondary school或者compare buses with undergrounds.任选一个,
不要写得太复杂,当然也别太简单,起码有3句的从句就可以了.compare your primary school with secondary school或者compare buses with undergrounds.任选一个,

写一篇100字左右的英语文章,不要写得太复杂,当然也别太简单,起码有3句的从句就可以了.compare your primary school with secondary school或者compare buses with undergrounds.任选一个,

Compare buses and undergrounds
There are a lot of different between buses and undergrounds. For example, in many places have no underground,because they have not enough money to build or they do n...


Compare buses and undergrounds
There are a lot of different between buses and undergrounds. For example, in many places have no underground,because they have not enough money to build or they do not need that.But a lot of cities have buses which are used very useful.
Another difference between is the price about them.Buses just take one yuan for one person, but undergrounds maybe cost five yuan.So the undergrounds are more expensive than the buses.
And most people like go work by undergrounds,because it is more cobmfortable than go by bus.So I think that undergrounds are better than the buses.


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