英语动词变位,根据句子变化1和4我自己做了2.she was tired,she _____( type) all day.3.the pop singer ______(give) a performance at eight tomorrow evening.5.By this time next week,I ______(work) for this firm for 20 years.6.My mother ask

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/11 09:24:32

英语动词变位,根据句子变化1和4我自己做了2.she was tired,she _____( type) all day.3.the pop singer ______(give) a performance at eight tomorrow evening.5.By this time next week,I ______(work) for this firm for 20 years.6.My mother ask
2.she was tired,she _____( type) all day.
3.the pop singer ______(give) a performance at eight tomorrow evening.
5.By this time next week,I ______(work) for this firm for 20 years.
6.My mother asked me if I ____(have) finished my homework yet.
7.the doctor suggested that he _____(give up) smoking.
8.Lily asked me where he ______(go)the night before.
9.Tom _____ (hardly arrive ) home when he ____(play) computer games.
10.If you ____(not remind) me to take a raincoat yesterday,I _____(be) wet.
11.If you it ____(be) fine tomorrow,we _____(go) for a swim.
12.If you had told me about it earlier,I ______(be able) to help you.
13.Sorry,I am busy now.If I _____(am) free now,I_____(go) shopping with you.

英语动词变位,根据句子变化1和4我自己做了2.she was tired,she _____( type) all day.3.the pop singer ______(give) a performance at eight tomorrow evening.5.By this time next week,I ______(work) for this firm for 20 years.6.My mother ask
2. had been typing
3. will give
5. will have worked
6. had
7. should give up
8. had gone
9. had hardly arrived, played
10. had not remind, should be
11. is, will go
12. would have been able
13. were, would go

英语动词变位根据句子时间变化1和4我自己做了2.she was tired,she _____( type) all day.3.the pop singer ______(give) a performance at eight tomorrow evening.5.By this time next week,I ______(work) for this firm for 20 years.6.My mothe 英语动词变位,根据句子变化1和4我自己做了2.she was tired,she _____( type) all day.3.the pop singer ______(give) a performance at eight tomorrow evening.5.By this time next week,I ______(work) for this firm for 20 years.6.My mother ask 怎样快速记忆西班牙语动词变位最近学习了西班牙语,发现短期内搞清楚动词变位有点困难,西班牙语不像英语,从小就学,那些动词变化早就内化成语言的一部分了.但我现在需要速记,至少在翻 怎样快速记忆西班牙语动词变位最近学习了西班牙语,发现短期内搞清楚动词变位有点困难,西班牙语不像英语,从小就学,那些动词变化早就内化成语言的一部分了.但我现在需要速记,至少在翻 英语有没有动词变位? 英语的谓语动词都要根据主词和时态变化吗?不管在什么句子里面 关于德语动词强弱的人称变格是不是有en结尾的动词都是弱变化动词,要根据人称变位.像verbessern这样的动词是不是不用变位.强变化动词有没有规律,还是说要死记. 德语 我想问一下德语的动词变位.大概什么规律.不会德语动词都是以en结尾的吧?德语的书里我看着,我先提前问问吧.我看有弱变化和强变化.我看书里写的什么词干.反正弱变化动词现在时变位 英语动词变位题,根据句子变化可能有“现在完成进行式”1.I ______(learn) English for 2 years.Now I give up it2.It _____(snow) heavily all morning,and it ____(still snow)3.She _____(travel) around China twice since last year.4.He 法语的动词变位有规律吗我刚接触法语,刚学的动词有être,avoir,faire,apprendre等.是不是动词变位就像英语里的人称、时态、语态变化,只不过英语这种变化比较少一些? 德语动词schlafen,haten,heissen的现在时人称变位根据人称ich,du等的变化 不规则变化的动词的过去式在使用时还需要根据主语人称变位吗?danke_ 法语和德语的动词变位的比较法语的基础语法我懂一些,比英语复杂多了.那么德语的动词变位和法语比较呢?是更容易还是更难?既然德语和英语是同一语系,那么德语的变位是否更像英语,而没 什么是德语的动词变位,举例说明.你对德语的“格”有什么了解?请根据自己的知识叙述. 关于法语的动词变位请问句子Aimez-vous jouer au basket和Est-ce que tu aimes jouer du piano中的jouer为什么不变位?是因为一个句子中不能有两个动词变位吗? 怎么记西班牙语动词变位 我知道有规则和不规则 规则动词的变位还要看时态和语态 有十二种呢? 有关德语动词的问题------动词变位时动词变化的规律德语动词变位时 有强变化动词和弱变化动词,但是,想知道强变化动词的变化有什么规律么?是否需要 死记硬背?(包括现在时,过去时和完成 almost not的用法.i almost did not drink water.i alomst are not...请问谓语动词和be动词的句子中almost not 怎么用.almost not的用法是连用还是拆开来.上面两个句子是我根据自己的理解做出来的,望纠错.