
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/08 14:51:31


grow grow[gro; ^rou](grew[gru; \x18ru:]; grown[gron; \x18roun])不及物动词1 a.成长,茁长; 生长,产生Rice s in warm climates.稻米生长在温暖的地区b.[从…]成长,长[from]Plants from seeds.植物由种子生长而来c.成长[成…],生长[成…][into,to]He has grown into a robust young man.他已长成强壮的青年The ostrich s to a height of eight feet.驼鸟长成八?nd.伸长Hair s at an average rate of six inches a year.头发平均每年长六?n2 a.增大,发展The cities are ing every year.城市年年在发展b.发达[发展][至…][into]The skirmish grew into a major battle.小冲突扩大形成大战斗The week grew into a month.一周延长为一个月3 a.(逐渐) 变成He's ing old.他渐渐老了The forest grew thicker as we walked on.我们愈往前走,森林愈茂密I grew very fond of the young man.我变得很喜欢这年轻人了b.(逐渐) 形成…He grew to be obedient.他变得听话了She had grown to know him well.她已很了解他了及物动词1 使 生长,种植,栽培What do you in your fields?.你在田里种什么?2 a.使 生长He started ing a beard.他开始留胡子了b.使生长He has grown his hair long.他的头发留长了3 覆盖grow away from?与 的关系日渐疏远He was ing away from his wife.他与太太的关系逐渐疏远grow into?(1) → v.i.1 c(2) → v.i.2 b(3) 长大而使合身(4) 习惯于 grow on[upon]?(1) 渐成的习惯The bad habit grew on him.他渐渐养成恶习(2) 渐渐喜欢That picture is ing on me.我渐渐喜欢起那幅画来了grow out of?(1) 由…而生All arts out of necessity.所有的艺术都由需要而生(2) 因长大而戒掉; 成长[发展]得不需 (outgrow)He has grown out of that bad habit.他 (因长大) 已戒掉那种坏习惯 (3) (因长大而) 穿不下He has grown out of that jacket.他长大了穿不下那件夹克grow up(1)长大; 举止似大人~up into a nice young man长大成一位好青年What are you going to be when you up?.你长大后想当什么?