desperate housewives season4 episode 05谁有Desperate Housewives的剧本

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desperate housewives season4 episode 05谁有Desperate Housewives的剧本
desperate housewives season4 episode 05
谁有Desperate Housewives的剧本

desperate housewives season4 episode 05谁有Desperate Housewives的剧本
Bob and Lee install an art sculpture in their front yard and the rest of the neighbors declare it an eyesore -- except for Susan,who's still trying to get on their good side.But even she has to object when its true function is revealed early the next morning:It's a water fountain,and a noisy one at that.She asks them to move it to the backyard and they refuse,claiming they need it to cover all the noise coming from her house.
Katherine decides to run for president of the homeowner's association,which has languished since the death of its former president,Mary Alice.Bob and Lee try to get Lynette on their side and she only agrees after they convince her that Katherine will object to her kids' treehouse.When Katherine won't promise her that the treehouse will be spared,Lynette decides to run against her.
Lynette expects Susan to vote for her,but she remains firmly anti-fountain.The vote comes down to a tie,but Edie points out that Susan voted twice.Susan reluctantly puts in her vote for Katherine.A triumphant Katherine informs Bob and Lee,and Lynette,that she'll be in touch regarding their infractions.Adam refuses to congratulate Katherine on her victory,reminding her that she hasn't exactly made any friends since they moved to Wisteria Lane,and that if she remembers what happened in Chicago,friends can be very handy.
Susan promises Lynette that she'll chain herself to the treehouse rather than let Katherine knock it down and Lynette confesses why it means so much:It's the one place her kids can be kids and not have to hear about her cancer.Just then Katherine comes over and tells her the treehouse can stay.Lynette is puzzled,but happy.
When Katherine tells Bob and Lee the fountain has got to go,they counter by telling they know "all about Chicago," hinting at a medical scandal that forced her and Adam to leave town.
Bree is furious when she finds that Phyllis has taken Danielle out of the convent.Danielle refuses to go back:she wants to deliver the baby at her grandmother's retirement village.Bree is certain Phyllis has had a hand in helping Danielle decided to raise the baby herself.
Bree admits defeat,convinced it's just Danielle's maternal instinct finally kicking in,until Andrew points out that Grandma's giving Danielle a cushier life than Bree's plan of her attending community college.He tells Bree she's going to have to outbid Phyllis if she wants the baby.Bree and Orson tell Danielle how proud they are that she's raising the baby on her own,instead of going to that "party school" in Florida,the one they no longer have any objections to her attending.Once they mention the convertible they were going to give her,and how Phyllis isn't in the best health,Danielle agrees to let Bree raise the baby after all.Bree promises a heartbroken Phyllis that she'll ask her to babysit.
Carlos tells Edie he's going off on a golfing weekend with the guys when he's really sneaking away to meet Gaby.Gaby is just about to leave when she notices that a cable van has been parked across the street for an unusually long time.Guessing that Victor has hired someone to tail her,so she sneaks out of her house in disguise.
She arrives at the hotel for her rendezvous with Carlos and runs into John and his hotel heiress wife,who's pregnant and puts John down at every turn.Carlos is less than pleased when John comes knocking on Gaby's hotel room door that night,but she convinces him to hide,since John's father-in-law is a friend of Victor's.John tells her he wants to restart their affair.With Carlos listening to every word,John reminds her of the time she faked an orgasm with Carlos when John was hiding in the closet.She firmly tells John she's not interested and sees him out the door.Carlos is furious but Gaby points out that he's the man hiding in the closet now.
Carlos tells Gaby it's time they ended the affair.He wants them to do this right by breaking up with their respective partners and only then getting back together.She agrees,and gives him a kiss to last for the next six months.Unfortunately,that's the kiss that's photographed by the man tailing her.We find out the man was not working for Victor,but for Edie.

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