英语翻译The segmentation of information systems was exacerbated with the introduction of commercial off-the-shelf applications such as enterprise resource planning (ERP),customer relationship management (CRM),supply chain management (SCM),and por

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 14:53:33

英语翻译The segmentation of information systems was exacerbated with the introduction of commercial off-the-shelf applications such as enterprise resource planning (ERP),customer relationship management (CRM),supply chain management (SCM),and por
The segmentation of information systems was exacerbated with the introduction of commercial off-the-shelf applications such as enterprise resource planning (ERP),customer relationship management (CRM),supply chain management (SCM),and portals.Early on,these systems were designed as self-contained "black-boxes" with little or no means for accessing internal data or processes.Although many of these applications now provide better access to their underlying data and business logic,integrating them with other systems in the enterprise is still a challenge.
Each node in the above diagram maintains its own data,which may be shared among the nodes.Sharing of this data has been typically accomplished using data transfer methods including batch processes and data import/export jobs.Since the data of one node is not available in real-time to other nodes,the latter cannot analyze and make decisions while a transaction is being processed at the former.
What is Enterprise Application Integration?
As the need to meet increasing customer and business partner expectations for real-time information continued to rise,companies were forced to link their disparate systems to improve productivity,efficiency,and,ultimately,customer satisfaction.The need for IT systems to communicate within an organization led to the evolution of enterprise application integration (EAI).EAI is the process of creating an integrated infrastructure for linking disparate systems,applications,and data sources across the corporate enterprise.The very origin of EAI solutions can be linked to the need for providing a full duplex,bi-directional solution to share seamlessly and exchange data between ERP,CRM,SCM,databases,data warehouses,and other important internal systems within the company.

英语翻译The segmentation of information systems was exacerbated with the introduction of commercial off-the-shelf applications such as enterprise resource planning (ERP),customer relationship management (CRM),supply chain management (SCM),and por
信息系统的分割被恶化了以商业现成的应用的介绍譬如企业资源计划(ERP),顾客关系管理(CRM),供应链管理(SCM),和门户.在初期,这些系统被设计了作为独立性的"black-boxes" 以一点点或没有手段为访问内部数据或过程.虽然许多这些应用现在提供对他们部下的数据和企业逻辑的更好的通入,集成他们以其它系统在企业中是仍然挑战.各个结在上述图维护它自己的数据,也许被分享在结之中.分享这数据典型地被完成了运用数据传送方法包括批量法和数据import/export 工作.因为一个结数据不是可利用的在实时对其它结,后者无法分析和做出决定当交易被处理在前.什么是企业应用综合化?当需要不负增长的顾客和商务伙伴期望对于实时信息继续上升,公司被强制连接他们不同的系统改进生产力、效率,和,最后,需要对于它系统通信在组织之内导致了企业应用综合化的演变(EAI) .EAI 是创造联合基础设施的过程为连接不同的系统、应用,和数据源横跨公司企业.EAI 解答的起源可能与对无缝提供一种全双工,双向解答对份额和交换数据的需要连接在ERP 、CRM 、SCM 、数据库、数据仓库,和其它重要内部系统之间在公司内.

分割的信息系统是随引进商业现成的应用,例如企业资源规划系统(ERP), 客户关系管理(CRM),供应链管理(SCM),和门户. 早期这些系统被设计成自足的"黑匣子",很少或根本没有办法进入内部数据或进程. 尽管许多这些应用提供了更好地利用自己的基本数据和商务逻辑 将它们与其它系统在企业中仍然是一个挑战. 每个节点在上面的图都有自己的数据,这可能是共用的节点. 分享此数据已经完成了通常采用的数据传输...


分割的信息系统是随引进商业现成的应用,例如企业资源规划系统(ERP), 客户关系管理(CRM),供应链管理(SCM),和门户. 早期这些系统被设计成自足的"黑匣子",很少或根本没有办法进入内部数据或进程. 尽管许多这些应用提供了更好地利用自己的基本数据和商务逻辑 将它们与其它系统在企业中仍然是一个挑战. 每个节点在上面的图都有自己的数据,这可能是共用的节点. 分享此数据已经完成了通常采用的数据传输方法,包括一批程序和数据输入/输出工作. 由于数据的一个节点,是无法在实时向其他节点 后者不能分析和作出的决定,而交易是在处理前者. 什么是企业应用集成? 由于需要满足不断增加的客户和业务伙伴的期望实时信息的比重继续上升, 公司被迫连接不同系统,以提高生产力和效率,以及最终的客户满意度. 它需要系统的沟通,在一个组织内,导致企业的进化应用集成(EAI). EAI技术的过程中创造了一个综合设施连接不同系统,应用 资料来源及全国大型企业. 最初起源EAI的解决方案能够连接到需要提供一种全双工, 双向解决无缝共享和数据交换的ERP,CRM,供应链管理,数据库,数据仓库 以及其他重要的内部系统的公司.


英语翻译segmentation scheme:Draw a segmentation scheme to depict visually the market for your product. segmentation segmentation 英语翻译There are much uncertainty in the process of image segmentation,The paper firstly researched the sources of uncertainty of image segmentation; and then analyzed the method of image segmentation based on K means cluster,and the method base 英语翻译Two basic approaches to providing virtual memory are paging and segmentation.With paging,each process is divided into relatively small,fixed-size pages.Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of varying sizes.It is also possible to co Marketing:What's the process of market segmentation andtargeting? segmentation analysis 英语翻译The segmentation of information systems was exacerbated with the introduction of commercial off-the-shelf applications such as enterprise resource planning (ERP),customer relationship management (CRM),supply chain management (SCM),and por 英语翻译Jitendra et al.,[7]proposed cue integration in image segmentation by using an operational definition of textons,the putative elementary units of texture perception and an algorithm for partitioning the image into disjoint regions of coher 英语翻译Felzenswalb and Huttenlocher[8]described image segmentation based on pairwise region comparison.The algorithm makes simple greedy decisions and produces segmentations that obey the global properties of being not too coarse and not too fin 英语翻译汉语:图像分割是指把图像分成互不重叠的区域并提取出感兴趣目标的技术.翻译:Image segmentation is a technology that dividing a image into some non-overlapping areas and extracting the object of interest. 英语翻译•How have you segmented themarket for your offering?–What segmentation variables were used?–What are the buying habits,attitudes,customer characteristics,needs of these identified segments?–Which segment(s) is worth targeting? 英语翻译Market segmentation,on the other hand,consists of viewing a heterogeneous market (one characterized by divergent demand) as a number of smaller homogeneous markets in response to differing product preferences among important market segmen 英语翻译Global market segmentation for logistics services,这句话怎么翻译?最好简练点 What is market segmentation? 什么是Segmentation fault Segmentation fault怎么解决 The process of segmentation includes three phases each having two steps.Describe this process using examples of a common product or service throughout the process.The segmentation process is generally regarded as consisting of three stages; segmentat