
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 21:49:09


The United States is the ethnic community.Today,the history of racism has been cast aside,the majority of white Americans for the unfortunate history of shame,the United States to the black community has a certain remedies,including affirmative action and other race series of policies and measures.This is reflected in education is especially evident.You travel all over the United States in various universities,black students are almost all of the scores of the lowest scores of the highest Asian.This shows that the admission of black lines is much lower than other students.This policy be implemented,indeed,there is a strong reason:the black community in the medium and long-term racial discrimination in a weak position,very poor conditions of primary and secondary education,it is very difficult and competitive white students.Due to lower scores of lines,to create more educational opportunities for black people so that they can quickly make up for their disadvantage,of course,also fair and reasonable.
However,the past several decades,dramatic social change,racial affirmative policy of both the long line,then become ossified.First of all,part of the situation of blacks has been considerable improvement in the rapid rise of the black middle class,not necessarily mean that the poor blacks.Secondly,the ethnic affirmative Faced with this situation can not advance with the times,or by taking line color settings.Such an outcome is a family annual income of more than 200,000 U.S.dollars,the private schools of black children,may be much lower scores,crowding out a family annual income of just 50,000,only the public schools of Chinese descent and to enter the Ivy League.I have friends and jokingly said:I and Obama in the same year,his daughter and his daughter are also the same age.However,according to current rules,after the two girls to college,Obama's daughter may be low to be squeezed out of my daughter,why does not he is president,but their color.
In fact,over the past decade,the racial affirmative action policy has given rise to considerable dissatisfaction with the proceedings into the Supreme Court a few.Several states have legislation to repeal color check people's university admissions policies.One of the biggest opposition forces from the poor whites.They are economically disadvantaged,but to watch their children more clearly by those who score lower black children enrolled at the university,when to be squeezed out.This is not the rich bullying the poor it?Another opposition forces,they come from a very small number of black conservatives.They believe that affirmative race to take care of blacks in the black community has cultivated a serious psychological dependence,but also a blow to the black self-esteem.Black youth feel that their own color black,the examination on a matter of course worse than others,and finally I do not know motivated.Only allow them to compete on an equal footing and other ethnic groups in order to obtain real progress.
Obama himself fully aware of the problem.He said in a campaign speech,also emphasized that his children should not be accounted for others in this respect the child's lower house.More conservative attack said he was at Columbia University,the results strictly confidential,it is estimated that a very general.His Harvard Law School,probably because of their race affirmative care.Obama said he was taking the criteria adopted by Harvard,and do not know.
Now,he,once elected,the white community would say:We have a presidential election when blacks,how can say that the United States is a society of racial discrimination?How blacks have to be as special care?Called for reform of racial affirmative voice on getting higher and higher.Let the rich color on the kind of crowding out the opportunity to the phenomenon of the poor,on the more difficult to defend with racial justice.Many blacks are likely to lose the enjoyment of the benefits for many years.
It can be said that Obama in power for whites is a relief,so that their future and the interests of the black struggle emboldened some more adequate.Of blacks,the loss of short-term benefits over the long term may actually good news.Such as black conservatives have pointed out,blacks really want to get racial equality,but also rely on their own efforts.Do not rely on racial equality,that is the beginning of self-reliance.In short,the United States more quickly back into the race the times is that most Americans interests lie.



奥巴马上任对美国种族问题的影响以此为题写一篇英语作文 奥巴马何时上任的? 奥巴马上任的时间 我很崇拜美国新上任的总统奥巴马.用英语怎么说? 奥巴马作为美国第一位黑人总统对美国民主政治有何影响不要复制的那些没用的. 奥巴马是哪一年上任的? 奥巴马上任的新闻奥巴马上任时媒体的新闻,越多越好 有关奥巴马上任时事的论评 人类对宇宙的新探索 以此为题写1000字论文 关于奥巴马会见达赖我想知道奥巴马会见达赖的起因、时间、目的以及对中国的影响 分析地理环境对种族特征形成的影响 美国宪法与黑人奴隶制以此为题写一篇论文,该如何去写 1.罗斯福总统为解决美国的贫困问题采取哪些措施 2.奥巴马所说的40年前中美关系得以发展的主要因素? 美国总统奥巴马已上任,有些人为中美关系的前途担忧,根据下面的信息谈谈你的看法,中国:最大的发展中国家,美国最大的债权国,美国:最大的发达国家,中国最大的市场,现状:彼此依赖 共 分析一下现在中国最可能与哪个国家经济关系最密切?与美国 有可能 奥巴马上任后与中国态度明朗,有可能,俄与欧盟闹反,其他国家又对他态度不很明朗,而搞好与中过的关系是重中之重,更有 1.中国轮胎在美国的惩罚性关税属于哪种贸易壁垒?2它对中国轮胎有什么影响?3.奥巴马为什么会同意实施惩罚性关税?4中国应该从中吸取什么教训? 关于奥巴马的一篇英语作文~美国总统奥巴马已上任.有些人为中美关系的前途担忧.请根据下面的信息谈谈你的看法.中国:最大的发展中国家;美国最大的债权国;美国:最大的发达国家;中国最 求一篇评价奥巴马的文章,我认为奥巴马能担任美国第一任的非裔总统是他的本事,但他上任后,美国政治并没有发生多大的改变,他答应给伊朗撤兵,却没有做到.而他的夫人也只是走时尚的路线,