求学生双语报 配合外研新标准版 高一山东专版2011-2012年 20期的答案

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求学生双语报 配合外研新标准版 高一山东专版2011-2012年 20期的答案
求学生双语报 配合外研新标准版 高一山东专版2011-2012年 20期的答案

求学生双语报 配合外研新标准版 高一山东专版2011-2012年 20期的答案
1-5 BACAC 6-10 CBCBC 11-15 ACBAB 16-20 CBCAB
21-25 ADACB 26-30 CBAAA 31-35 DCCBB
36-40 CBACA 41-45 DCBAD 46-50 CBDAC 51-55 BCADD
56-60 BDCDD 61-65 DBCCB 66-70 BCCDB 71-75 CDDAB
阅读表达 (One possible version)
76. To tell new students in university how to overcome homesickness.
77. the less likely
78. The writer suggests that we talk about our homesickness with the people we live with.
79. We should invite our family to come and see us.
80. 如果你专注于学习,时间就会过得更快些,这就意味着你会比你预想的更早见到你的家人.
书面表达(One possible version)
How to live a low-carbon life
Living a low-carbon life is getting popular as people are more and more concerned about the environment. In my daily life, I try to live a low-carbon life in the following ways. First, I go to school by bike instead of by bus or car. Second, I try to save electricity as much as I can. I have formed the habit of turning off the lights and electrical equipment before I go out. Besides, I try to find ways to use old things. For example, I never throw away old newspapers. I use them to clean the window glass. Last but not least, I try to get as many people around me as possible involved in low-carbon life. That’s how I live a low-carbon life.
21. A.on a rainy night 一个雨夜;第二空用the特指.
22. D.本题考查非谓语.couldn’t help doing sth忍不住做某事;pretend to do sth 假装做某事.句意为:当我儿子假扮一个生病的老人时,我忍不住笑了.
23. A.so + adj. +a / an + n. = such +a / an + adj. + n..句意为:Jane工作如此努力,以至于得到很多工作机会.
24. C.本题考查倍数表达法之一:倍数+形容词或副词比较级 + than ….本句中it is indeed
three times larger是省略结构,补充完整为:it is indeed three times larger than before.
25. B.hurt发生在decided to leave the bad man之前,且she与hurt之间为被动关系,因此用having been hurt.
26. C.while 当……时候,在……期间;unless 除非,如果不;now that 既然;已经;even if 即使.句意为:既然你制订了一个目标,为什么不把它变为现实呢?
27. B.根据in the past three months可知用现在完成时.句意为:在过去的三个月里,每周都有很多学生来帮助这个残疾的老人.
28. A.本句的主干为强调句:it is … that ….被强调的部分是not … but …(不是……而是……).句意为:不是目标而是方法很关键.
29. A.give up 放弃;give in屈服;give out 分发;give off 散发.句意为:很多留学生放弃在国外工作的机会回到祖国.
30. A.distance 距离;scene 风景,布景;sign 标志,迹象;expression 表情.句意为:
31. D.average 平均的;general 一般的,大体的;normal 正常的;common 常见的.句意为:每年的这个时候这种花在我的家乡很常见.
32. C.admit doing sth 承认做过某事;I’ll appreciate it if … 如果……我将不胜感激.
33. C.agree 同意;argue 争论;adopt 采用;admit 承认.句意为:讨论了三个小时以后,委员会决定采用玛丽的建议,这使她很高兴.
34. B.put out 熄灭;put off 推迟; put up 张贴;put away 收起来.下句意为:会议被推迟了,你难道没收到邮件么?
35. B.根据I had tea with him a while ago.可知用You can’t be serious. (你不可能是认真的).
36. C.根据roosters ruled cats可知这里是指公鸡说如果谁“不服从(disobey)”它们的统治,它们就烧死它.
37. B.猫都相信了公鸡们所说的话,“所以(therefore)”它们都日夜为那些公鸡做事.
38. A.根据那只猫叫它的小猫咪去取火的语境,可知它家的火“熄灭(burn out)”了.
39. C.根据from Mr Rooster’s house可知那只猫叫它的猫咪去公鸡那里把火“取回来(bring)”.
40. A.根据小猫咪敢去点火的语境,可知公鸡“睡着了(asleep)”.
41. D.根据后文小猫咪没有点着火的语境,可知这样做“没用(no use)”.
42. C.根据Seeing no fire可知小猫咪“没有(without)”把火取回家.
43. B.猫妈妈在指责小猫咪,说它为什么不能把事情做“好(right)”,故选B.
44. A.猫妈妈去点火,可是那些细枝还是“点 (catch)”不着火.
45. D.当时猫被公鸡统治着,猫应该很怕公鸡,所以猫心里应该充斥着“害怕(fear)”.
46. C.猫应该是轻轻地“碰(touch)”了一下鸡冠.
47. B.根据the comb was not hot可知鸡冠不但不烫,而且很“凉(cold)”.
48. D.发现鸡冠不烫,这只猫“意识到(realize)”公鸡对它们撒了谎.
49. A.这只猫把公鸡们的“诡计(tricks)”告诉了别的猫.
50. C.知道公鸡是在欺骗它们,这些猫就“不再(no longer)”给公鸡们干活了.
51. B.猫敢违背公鸡的命令,公鸡之王应该非常“生气(angry)”.
52. C.公鸡之王非常生气,扬言要“烧(burn)”了猫的房子.
53. A.根据前文的red-colored可知猫说公鸡的鸡冠只有火的“颜色(color)”,但不是火.
54. D.当公鸡之王知道它的谎言被识破后,只好“逃走(run away)”了.
55. D.谎言被识破后,公鸡之王因为害怕而逃跑了,直到今天,公鸡仍然“害怕(afraid of)”猫.
56. B.细节理解题.根据第一段的I remember being told that high school should be the happiest years of my life, but for me it wasn’t.以及but I didn’t feel like it inside可知作者在高中的时候过得不快乐.
57. D.推理判断题.根据第二段的I was just terrified if someone asked me to go out to a party or something at night.可推断作者在高中时不喜欢社交活动.
58. C.细节理解题.根据第四段的It took everything in me to fight back the tears and put on a strong look that I was OK.可知作者在他妈妈面前强装坚强.
59. D.推理判断题.根据第五段的She tried to convince me of my value. The next morning, she said that I might have teenage depression可推断那个女孩在跟作者聊天时,发现作者患有抑郁症.
60. D.作者观点题.根据末段的Teenagers who have teenage depression should not choose to suffer from it. Treatment is necessary and it works.可推断作者鼓励患有抑郁症的青少年接受治疗.
61. D.作者意图题.通读全文,可知Mike主要给了Dee一些建议,告诉她如何改善和她妈妈的关系.
62. B.细节理解题.根据第一段的It is surprising to read a letter from somebody who takes responsibility for a terrible relationship with her mom.可知Dee跟她妈妈关系不好.
63. C.词义猜测题.这里是在说Dee生她妈妈气的原因是什么,故选C.
64. C.细节理解题.根据末段的And if there are moments when you want to express something critical, try to make sure you say five nice things for every negative one.可知我们在对我们的妈妈说一些不好听的话之前应该说一些好听的.
65. B.细节理解题.根据第二段的It is worth asking yourself whether there are any unsolved issues from your past.可知选项A有提到,根据第三段的If you find yourself behaving like a demanding 15-year-old …可知选项C有提到,根据末段的it is worth practicing your appreciation of her可知选项D有提到,但作者并没有提到选项B的内容,故选B.
66. B.主旨大意题.第二段主要告诉我们学生不吃早餐的危害,旨在说明吃早餐的重要性,故选B.
67. C.细节理解题.画线词后面主要是讲Chartwells公司给芝加哥的学生提供早餐一事,且根据This new proposal makes breakfast a necessary part of the school day可知选C.
68. C.细节理解题.根据第三段的Chartwells stands to make a lot of money from this program, which is funded by the government.可知应选C.
69. D.推理判断题.根据第四段的a lot of the food is high-sugar, high-fat, and generally unhealthy可知学校提供的这些早餐应该更健康才行.
70. B.作者观点题.根据末段的Seriously? That might sound true with a class of 5th graders, but what about a class of 30 kindergarteners?可推断作者认为让学生一边吃早餐一边上课并不适合每个班级.
71. C.推理判断题.根据第一段的If students are not taking challenging classes, why are they reporting lower level of emotional health可推知读完那本书后,作者认为大学生的情绪状况应该很好.
72. D.作者意图题.根据第二段的After study I’m ready to share my thoughts on this question. The modern college student is about as distracted … 可知作者认为当今大学生情绪状况不佳的原因是注意力太分散了,他在第三段想用自己的事例说明这个观点.
73. D.细节理解题.根据第三段的I spent my entire year of college working three part-time jobs可知应选D.
74. A.主旨大意题.作者在末段主要举例说明了一些分散现在的大学生的注意力的一些东西,故选A.
75. B.推理判断题.根据末段的What makes modern college student different, I believe, is the Internet and cellphones … And you can try to sleep, but the e-mails, the text messages, the Facebook updates do not stop.可知因特网在很大程度上分散了当今大学生的注意力.