
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/05 22:36:29


People shouldn't hunt wild animals in order to earn money.
We can do nothing except waiting in the storm.
If we all protect pandas,they will survive.
Do you allow to teach me to drive?
London is a foggy city,where it is often rainy all around the year.

1. People shouldn't hunt wild animals for making money.
2. We had nothing to do but waiting in the storm.
3. If everyone protects the pandas, they will remain on the earth.
4. Do you agree to teach me to drive?
5. London is a foggy city. It often rains all the year round.

1.People should not hunt wild animals in order to make money.
2.In addition to waiting for the storm, we did not do anything。
3.If we are to protect the giant panda, they will survive
4.Do you agree to teach me to drive?
5.London is a foggy city. Here the rain all year round.

People should not kill wildlife for monney.
We are not able to do nothing, except waiting in the storm.
Pandas will survive if veryone comes to protect them.
Would you like to teach me driving?
London is a foggy city and it also rains all around the year.

People should not kill wildlife for monney.
We can do nothing but wait in the rain storm
If we are to protect the giant panda, they will survive
Do you agree to teach me to drive?
London is a foggy city. It often rains all the year round.

汉译英!英语练习!紧急~1:人们不应该为了赚钱而猎杀野生动物.2:除了在暴风雨中等待,我们什么都不能做.3:如果大家都来保护大熊猫,它们将会幸存下来.4:你同意教我开车吗?5:伦敦是一个 人们不应该用老虎的骨头做药.英语 “唤醒人们的心”用英语怎么说?紧急 有关父母的英语作文人们应该和父母谈什么不应该和父母谈什么的英语作文 我认为人们不应该在公共场合吸烟、把这句话翻译成英语: 我们要进行一次英语辩论赛,辩论人们应不应该持枪,我是反方,坚持人们不应该持枪,我的任务是列举人们持枪带来的坏处,用英语帮我写一份发言稿,读的时候能持续1分钟左右就行,一定要用英 辩论:体育应不应该永久练习 人们到底应不应该学习英语?为什么要学习英语?英语到底有什么好?怎么说英国和美国当年有份为中国的历史涂上一层不可磨灭的阴影 紧急!紧急!上学的路上,我遇见了一位美国人,他问我人民市场的路.我用英语告诉了他,他向我致谢,我为能帮助他并练习了英语而高兴. 我们应该分发传单让人们为保护环境捐款 用英语怎么说 人们应该怎样保护保护地球环境!200字左右阿!紧急!救命的! 我们应该明天练习讲英语 你应该每天练习说英语 英语翻译 练习英语应该选择什么书 英语的口语应该怎样练习? 英语的听写,应该如何练习啊? 我们应该每天练习说英语 翻译 人们应该不应该捕捞南极磷虾为什么