请问one and a half作主语,谓语动词应该用单数还是复数?One and a half apples___left on the tables.A.is B.are我觉得一个半应该算复数了啊,为什么答案选的是A呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 09:16:25

请问one and a half作主语,谓语动词应该用单数还是复数?One and a half apples___left on the tables.A.is B.are我觉得一个半应该算复数了啊,为什么答案选的是A呢?
请问one and a half作主语,谓语动词应该用单数还是复数?
One and a half apples___left on the tables.
A.is B.are

请问one and a half作主语,谓语动词应该用单数还是复数?One and a half apples___left on the tables.A.is B.are我觉得一个半应该算复数了啊,为什么答案选的是A呢?
对于“one and a half+复数名词”以及“a+单数名词+and a half”用作主语:国内出版的书几乎都认为一律用单数谓语,但近年来一些国外的权威词书(如《朗文当代英语词典》、 夸克等的《英语语法大全》等) 都认为其谓语要根据该结构中名词的单复数而分别使用单数或复数.如:
One and a half months have passed since I saw him.=Amonth and a half has passed since I saw him.我已有一个半月没看到他了.(引自《朗文当代英语词典》)

You are right! The correct answer is B.
One and a half apples are left on the tables.
Whoever said the answer is A is wrong, no matter he/she is a teacher or a textbook.

时间 距离 作为一个整体 就用单数了

half a/an, a half 与 half,half of 的用法
1. 在表示"半......"的数量时,一般用half a...或half an...。例如:half a year(半年), half an hour(半小时), half a day(半天)。在表示一个数量单位时,不定冠词在half之前, half与单位之间加连字符"-"。但在美国英语中,无论是表示数量还是单...


half a/an, a half 与 half,half of 的用法
1. 在表示"半......"的数量时,一般用half a...或half an...。例如:half a year(半年), half an hour(半小时), half a day(半天)。在表示一个数量单位时,不定冠词在half之前, half与单位之间加连字符"-"。但在美国英语中,无论是表示数量还是单位都不加连字符。例如:a half-apple / a half apple(半个苹果)。
2. 在表示"一个半小时"时可以说:one and a half hours或one/an hour and a half;"二个半小时"可以说:two and a half hours 或 two hours and a half。注意上述两组表示名词复数"s"位置的变化。
3. half的用法与all和both相同,既可用作形容词(或称限定词)修饰名词,如 half the year, half the work, half the fruit,亦可用作不定代词,受of短语修饰,如:half of the work, half of the year, half of the fruit。这两种表达形式在意义上没有明显的区别。例如:
① Half (of) the girls are foreigners. 这些姑娘有一半是外国人。
② Half (of) the fruit was bad. 水果有一半是坏的。
③ Half(of) my friends live in this city. 我的朋友有一半住在这个城市。
④ In 1620, about half(of) the USA was covered by forests. 在1620年,美国一半的土地被森林覆盖着。
注意:1) "half +名词或half of+名词"作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式由所接名词的单复数形式来决定,名词是中心词(见上例句)。
2) half, half of后面所接的名词前,必须有表示限定含义的冠词、指示代词、物主代词等等(见上例句)。
3) 如果是人称代词,则只能用half of,而且人称代词要用宾格。例如:
① Only half of them came last Sunday. 上星期天他们只有一半人来。(不能说: Only half them...或Only half they...)
② Half of you are wrong. 你们一半人都错了。(不能说:Half you...)
③ They invited half of us. 他们邀请了我们一半人。 (不能说:......half us.)
4)在谈论距离、长度和数量时,只能用half,一般不用half of。例如:
①His old house is half a mile down the road.他的旧居在沿着这条路往下走半英里的地方。
②Mr Smith drank half a bottle of whisky last night. 史密斯先生昨晚喝了半瓶威士忌酒。
5) half作代词时,后面不跟名词,前面也不使用定冠词。例如:
① We only need half. 我们只需要一半。(不能说:We only need the half.)
② I gave her half, and kept half for myself. 我给了她一半,自己留了一半。(不能说: I gave the half, ...)
4. half也可用作副词。例如:
① I half agree with you. 我不完全同意你的意见。
② This meal is only half-cooked. 这顿饭做得只有半熟。
5. 副词half和not连用,在口语中较为常见。not half 是反语,意为"一点也不;非常地;......极了"等。例如:
① It is not half bad.(=It is very good.) 很好(很不错)!
② The story is not half interesting. 这个故事很有趣。
③ -Do you like Chinese tea? 你喜欢喝中国茶吗?
-Oh, not half!噢,喜欢极了!
6. 在一本《高中英语解题题典》中有下面一道题(答案是B):
He cut the cake_________.
A. in halves B. in half
C. into halves D. into half
The arrow split the apple________.
A. in halfs B. into half
C. into halves D. into halves
笔者认为:cut sth. in half / into halves / in halves的说法都是正确的。只是in halves用得较少。请看下面的实例。
① cut in half(into halves) 对切;切成两半(《最新高级英汉词典》p.492)
② Please cut it in half (into halves).请把它切成两半。(《英汉大词典》p.1441)
③ Fold the bill in half and then in half again.(Essentials of Mathematics,1977)把这张纸币对折一次,然后再对折一次。
④ Cut it in halves.(ALD)把它切成两半。




one hour and a half作主语谓语是单数还是复数?one and a half hours呢? one and a half+复数名词作主语,谓语动词用什么形式 one and a half apples 作主语时谓语动词到底是单数还是复数 half an hour 的主谓一致问题half an hour 作主语时,谓语动词应该用单数还是复数?one hour and a half 呢? one and a half 请问one and a half作主语,谓语动词应该用单数还是复数?One and a half apples___left on the tables.A.is B.are我觉得一个半应该算复数了啊,为什么答案选的是A呢? Two people are ………,and half of them……这里half of them后用单数还是复数?还有请问one and a half作主语,谓语动词应该用单数还是复数?以及0.5,1/4这些词视为单数还是复数? one and a half day /one and a half days这两个短语分别作主语,分别是单数还是复数?怎么看的?最近看语法看的都纠结死了. one year and a half作主语 ,谓语动词用单数还是复数?在线哈,大家速度点~~~最好来几个例句解释下 three years ;或one and a half months 作主语 哪种情况下 谓语用单数 , 哪种情况下 用复数? one and a half hours _____passed.has are is have 选哪个啊13,one and a half +名词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数.例如:One and a half apples are left on the table.桌子上有一个半苹果.百科上说的,我也不知道该选什么 one + 名词 + and a half one kilo and a half one and a half ticket one and half还是one and a half one and a half sth 和one sth and a half 有什么区别的么请问 one and a half hours 还是hour half的用法是 one and a half years 还是one and a half year?half具体的用法?