
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/11 08:28:46


The traditional semiconductor chip bonding machine control device logic device,circuit complexity,poor stability characteristics,Based on the CPLD (complex programmable logic device) Automatic semiconductor chip bonding machine control technology.The design of a PC with the data line to addressing the dual-port RAM,only occupy three I / O ports,will be addressing the entire 4 K of RAM area.Use of the ISA slots in the eight data lines,10 address lines,IOW literacy Line of Control and IOR and the power cord,and the assumption that the use of H-390,391H,392H three ports.And the test board for the test,the test showed that the new control technology can fully replace the original function of the control device,The program also greatly enhance the control board in the pace of the work,simple circuit design,high reliability,and other features designed to transplantation.

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