
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 17:57:46


我有一个琳琅满目的书橱,里面有许多书:作文书、故事书、科幻书┅┅.每次看书我都会沉浸在书的海洋里,忘记一切,忘记自我.记得有一次,我在家里看电视,妈妈说:“家里没盐了,你出去帮我买一袋吧!”我只好地答应了.我没精打采地走在路上,忽然眼睛一亮—— 一个书店出现在我面前,我走进去一看,咦,这不正是我梦寐以求的《一千零一夜》吗?忍不住看了起来,我被里面的一个又一个惊险、奇妙的故事吸收得废寝忘食,早已把买盐的事抛到九宵云外.直到很晚才把这本书看完,我走在回家的路止,忽然记起了买盐的事,可是商店早已关了门,我只好回家去了.
Many of my hobbies,such as sports,dance,painting ┅ ┅,etc.But I like best is reading a book.
I have a wide variety of bookcase,there are many books:as documents,story books,science fiction books ┅ ┅.Every time I read the book will be immersed in the sea,forget everything,forget yourself.Remember once,I watch TV at home,mother said:"there's no salt,you go out to buy me a bag of!" I have to to promise.I mope walk on the road,suddenly eyes a bright--a bookstore in front of me,I walk into a look,well,isn't that what I dream "one thousand nights"?Couldn't help but see up,I was here and a breathtaking,and wonderful story to absorb,sleep or had the buy salt thing behind the cloud nine night.Until very late finish reading the book,I walk in the way home check,suddenly remembered buy salt,but the shop had shut the door,and I had to return home.
Reading is my favorite,it increased my knowledge,widened my view,and I know the more reasonable.Have a teacher assigned a paper to write the composition of mimosa,because I know of at ordinary times reading mimosa,so I write up very handy,the composition is well written,these all benefit from my usual see books.
Book will always be my teachers and friends!I love reading.

My hobby
Everyone has his own hobby. Some like playing basketball. Some like singing songs. And others enjoy listening to the music. My hobby is reading books.
Reading books can bri...


My hobby
Everyone has his own hobby. Some like playing basketball. Some like singing songs. And others enjoy listening to the music. My hobby is reading books.
Reading books can bring me many happiness. When I feel sad, a good book can make me keep away from the sadness. What's more, reading a good book can make me learn a lot I don't know. By reading books, I have a good mark and get a lot of pleasure.
Books are like my friends. They are always around me to give me happiness and knowledge
