关于颜色的英文文章最好第一句开头是:diffirent things usually stand for diffirent feeling在线等,越快加分

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关于颜色的英文文章最好第一句开头是:diffirent things usually stand for diffirent feeling在线等,越快加分
最好第一句开头是:diffirent things usually stand for diffirent feeling

关于颜色的英文文章最好第一句开头是:diffirent things usually stand for diffirent feeling在线等,越快加分
下面这个是一篇比较适合开头的文章,还有谈到最早的color theory and personality,你可以在文中看到:
参考资料的链接是很好的一篇文章,又提供很多其他你可能会用到的points, 在最后的References里,如果你看不到,我给你copy到这里了,相关的部分:
第一个main point 我打算讲冷/热颜色系列的人 性格偏向,结合上面的文章一起看一下比较有帮助:
Research in the field of psychophysiology suggests that warm or high wavelength colors such as reds, oranges, and yellows, may have physiological effects opposite those of low wavelength or cool colors, such as blues, greens and whites (Bellizi et al., 1983 and Bellizi and Hite, 1992 J.A. Bellizi and R.E. Hite, Environmental color, consumer feelings and purchase likelihood, Psychol Mark 9 (1992) (5), pp. 347–363.Bellizi and Hite, 1992).
The origins of the conceptual framework that categorizes colors along a cool–warm continuum are found in the color preference test developed in the 1940's by Max Luscher, a Swiss psychologist (Gage, 1999). In this test, still in use today by ethnographers, blue is believed to be expressive of tranquility and tenderness, whereas orange/red is believed to be expressive of desire and sexuality (Gage, 1999, p. 103). The cool–warm interpretation of colors seems to have largely permeated Western cultures, so that most people “think of yellows, oranges and reds as at the ‘warm’ end of the spectrum and blues and greens as at the ‘cool’ ”(Gage, 1999, p. 22).
Cool and warm colors relates almost universally with different meanings by consumers, according to recent consumer research. Madden et al. (2000) provide a large scale, eight-country study into the meanings of different colors and found a robust demarcation between cool colors (green, blue, white) and warm colors (yellow, gold, orange, red and purple). Typically, blue, green and white clustered close together were associated with peaceful, gentle, and calming meanings, and yellow, gold, orange, red and purple clustered together were associated with emotional, vibrant, hot, active and sharp meanings.
第二main point 是不同文化下 人们对颜色象征的了解不同:
It may be that, rather than the colors themselves having an impact on individuals, the symbolic meanings cultures imbue colors with, are responsible for observed effects. Jacobs et al. (1991) examine the associations between colors and meanings in four countries (China, Japan, South Korea, United States) and found that blue was generally associated with high quality and red with love. Some interesting intercultural contrasts were found as well: While purple was associated with expensive products in the three Asian countries, it connoted inexpensive products in the U.S.
Another key interest of concern is the differences in effects by consumer subculture. Prior research suggests that preferences for and responses to colors can differ on the basis of age (Yalch and Spangenberg, 1988), gender (Hattwick et al., 1950 and Yalch and Spangenberg, 1993), race (Lee and Barnes, 1989/1990 Lee S, Barnes JH. Using color preferences in magazine advertising. J Advert Res 1989/1990; (Dec./Jan): 25–30.Lee and Barnes, 1989/1990) and personality (e.g., Anderson et al., 1994, Gelineau, 1981, Bjerstedt, 1960 and Choungourian, 1967). Moreover, considerable research suggests that Anglo-Canadians and French-Canadians differ along a number of consumption dimensions, including shopping patterns (Schaninger et al., 1985), lifestyles (Hui et al., 1993), ecological attitudes (Laroche et al., 2002), deal-proneness (Laroche et al., 1997), and credit card usage (Chebat et al., 1988). Thus, it seemed reasonable to expect that warm and cool color décor schemes might differentially affect French- versus Anglo-Canadian consumer subculture segments.

关于颜色的英文文章最好第一句开头是:diffirent things usually stand for diffirent feeling在线等,越快加分 关于挫折的文章的开头和结尾,开头最好是优美的排比句, 想首英文藏头诗帮我想一段英文,有一定的含义,要求,四句,第一句的开头是Why,第二句是I,第三句是like,第三句是you,最好是四行诗 关于写杨梅的文章的开头怎么写?最好使用骈句或短句! 文章开头第一句通常是什么句 寻以di开头的女英文名“邸”姓开头,最好发音也是“di” 哪有关于英汉颜色词比较的文章?翻译的比较,不同意义的比较,文化差异什么的都可以,最好是英文的(追加100分) 求几篇好的关于母爱的文章开头要好,最好是满分作文那种 高分求!shi开头di 结尾的成语最好是第四音开头第四音结尾!感激! 童年是什么颜色 阅读关于文章的阅读答案开头是“村里有课榆钱树.''是填动词 文章《这就是生活》全文《这就是生活》的全文谁有啊?开头第一句是“生活是一杯酒” 收2篇关于印刷的英文文章,每篇最好2000字左右,最好也有相应的中文文章最好是关于热敏CTP、或是显影液的文章, 关于绿色环保的文章,排比句的开头 求城市规划英文文献 文章 最好是两篇 最好是关于新农村的急用 有没有关于回忆的英文文章?最好是关于友谊类的了 写spring festival 的英文诗第一句开头字母s ,第二句开头字母为p 依次类推,最后一个开头字母为l,共14句急,最好今天就能有 高分求一篇关于最近经济危机的英文文章,最好是有评论的```求一篇关于最近经济危机的 英文 文章,最好是有评论的``` 多彩的暑假生活作文开头和作文第一部分最好是排比句,作文的第一部分要先起一个小标题,要关于暑假读课外书的标题和内容,第一部分200字左右,开头多少字都行,只要是排比句