用以下英语单词各造一个句子1.more and more2.the more the better3.over a pool4.the long march5.stand to attention6.up and down7.here and there8.in all9.the some extent

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 09:54:45

用以下英语单词各造一个句子1.more and more2.the more the better3.over a pool4.the long march5.stand to attention6.up and down7.here and there8.in all9.the some extent
1.more and more
2.the more the better
3.over a pool
4.the long march
5.stand to attention
6.up and down
7.here and there
8.in all
9.the some extent

用以下英语单词各造一个句子1.more and more2.the more the better3.over a pool4.the long march5.stand to attention6.up and down7.here and there8.in all9.the some extent
1.More and more young people are learning to driver cars.
2.The more you study the better you are clever
3.He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool
4.The Long March started in October 1934
5.The officers got out and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as they passed.
6.he goes up and down
7.He looked for it here and there
8.I take good care of her in all my life
9.This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent

Our city has become more and more beautiful.

用以下英语单词各造一个句子1.more and more2.the more the better3.over a pool4.the long march5.stand to attention6.up and down7.here and there8.in all9.the some extent 用以下每个成语各造一个句子:聚精会神 冥思苦想 豁然开朗 熟能生巧 滚瓜烂熟 如饥似渴 畅所欲言迎刃而解 用以下英语单词造句,run,worktake,Beijingoversleep,morninglate,schoolmarried,yesterday一共5个句子,每一行一个 用以下句子造句 1.人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青. 能不能用以下几个词,各造一个句子朦胧 憧憬 睡眼惺忪 一贫如洗 水泄不通 娓娓动听 循循善诱 饮泣吞声 辗转反侧 万籁俱寂 莫名其妙 帮我用以下词语各造一个句子.殒灭.昭示.夙愿.怆然.浩瀚.蹒跚.请帮我用这几个词语各造一个句子. 用以下几个词各造一个句子!1.stand2.remind3.whatever4.prefer5.dispiay6.as7.latest8.suit 用三个英语单词分别各造两个句子.1、more 2、less 3、fewer 一个单词造两个句子. 英语单词造句问题用以下单词 每个单词个造一个句子place,be late for,celebrate,August,be born,just now,ago,special,candle,surprise,do some cleaning, 用几个英语单词造句用以下几个单词(词组),分别造一个句子,并写出汉语解释transport 运送 ,prefer 更喜欢,ever since 从那以后,persuade 说服,finally 最后,be fond of 喜爱,organize 组织,care about 关心,journey 求用以下英语单词造好背的句子1.Praise2.Pray3.Precious4.Precise5.Predict6.Preference7.Pregnant8.Prejudice9.Premier10.Prescription11.Resident12.Pretend13.Previous14.Pride15.Primary16.Primitive17.Print18.Prison19.Private20.Privilege 请高手造几个英文句子!用以下单词各造一个宾语从句:advise agree believe command decide tell wish say see hear reply guess forget 用以下词语各造一个句子:妄自菲薄、 作奸犯科 、三顾茅庐 、不毛之地、 不求闻达 、不知所云、 感激涕零、计日可待、苟全性命只要 作奸犯科 和 不求闻达的 急用 各位英语高手帮我用以下词语造个句1.be supposed to2.care for3.in danger4.open up5.in good health6.while每个短语或单词造一个句子,前提是造的句子一定要够平凡 帮忙用几个词造英语句子用以下几个词,每个词各造一个句子dream of,be willing to,hold on to,come ture 用以下词语造句,每个词语一个句子.本色当行 离合悲欢 叱咤风云 浑身解数 高视阔步 请用以下单词写一个句子:Mike ,ball games ,twice a week 用以上字母组成一个句子CEETOENSENN