
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/09 08:14:50


The U.S.client has accepted the supplier's drawings; should we continue to place order or try to develop by ourselves?If we decide to develop,I think we should inform the U.S.client as soon as possible and cancel the order to the supplier.
In view of the tight delivery schedule,we should place our order to the supplier today.

The United States has agreed our provider's blueprint.Shall we continue our purcuit order or explore it by ourselves? if we will explore it , i think we should inform the USA of it and cancel the order to the provider.

仅供参考:US side has agreed on the plan provided our suppliers. Shall we continue making our own plan or go ahead with the agreed one. If we have decided to make our own plan, we had better hurry up and ask the US side to cancel its order with our supplier.

The america side has agreed with our supplier's drawing.Should we continue to order or devilop it by ourselves?If we develop it by ourselves,my opinion is that we shuold inform the america side and ca...


The america side has agreed with our supplier's drawing.Should we continue to order or devilop it by ourselves?If we develop it by ourselves,my opinion is that we shuold inform the america side and cancel the orders of the supplier as early as possible.


Drawings of the United States has agreed to our suppliers, we are to order or to your development? If our own development I think we should inform us and cancel suppliers into early order

American has agreed to our supplier's drawings, we continue to order or developed?
If our own development I want to advise we should into the early American and cancel orders from suppliers


American has agreed to our supplier's drawings, we continue to order or developed?
If our own development I want to advise we should into the early American and cancel orders from suppliers


英语翻译美国已经同意我们供应商的图纸了,我们是继续定单还是自己开发呢?如果我们自己开发我想我们应该进早的通知美国和取消供应商的定单 英语翻译我们在美国定单单价不变的基础上供应商的价格下降了5个点.意思是我们国外的定单单价不变,但是供应商的价格要下降5个幅度,来增加我们的利润 英语翻译是的 他们已经同意了 英语翻译附件的这些订单已经全部收货了,但这些订单我们误使用了错误的供应商代码(vendor code),现想要在系统中更正这些订单的供应商代码(将原12345改为54321),但我们没有权限更改,所以想请 英语翻译:昨天我们的供应商忘记把原样品放到发给我们的包裹里了,怎么翻译呢 英语翻译我们的图纸已经按照您的要求修改好.请您重新确认图纸.如有问题请联系我, 英语翻译非常抱歉,经查看我们已经没有纸箱库存了,并且暂时没有收到repeat order,供应商也很难单独制作3-4个纸箱给我们,请谅解. 英语翻译非常抱歉,上星期六由于供应商的物料有问题,导致货物生产时出现异常,我们品质部已经判定不合格了,所以今天没有安排该订单的验货.也表示,我们不能对该订单明天按时交货,请也麻 英语翻译我很抱歉由于之前没和供应商沟通好导致传递了错误的信息.实际上应该是可以提供35V的材料.但由于35V的样品申请日期很长,故供应商建议换成50V.现在我已经让供应商重新申请35V的样 英语翻译 :我们已经完成了这项工程的十分之一! 英语翻译:我们已经是多年的好朋友了. 甚至已经成了我们日常生活的一部分用英语翻译 英语翻译我们成为最好的朋友已经三年了 英语翻译我们昨晚已经讨论了关于他们的问题. 英语翻译有时候员工需要的文具并不在我们的供应商清单中,或者有时员工有时急需一些办公用品,并且自己支付了费用 英语翻译Hi Abhishek 我在邮件已说过,你发的附件中订单号(PO)已经是旧的,而且我们公司将来不会和Flextronics再有业务往来了请转达你们的客户,就说供应商只能为Flextronics提供库存品材料的属性, 英语翻译内容如下:谢谢你们的回复 ,我们很乐意为你们报价.附件的图纸我们已经看过了,这个产品我们非常恨竞争优势,请提供正式的询价单给我们,内容包括(具体数量) 我们会尽快报价给 英语翻译我们是一家小汽配厂,平时有些外来机械图纸需要翻译,帮忙推荐几个专门搞机械翻译或者图纸翻译的……哈哈,我就是重庆的,已经跟那个骐骥翻译联系了,报价还蛮公道的。其他