
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/30 16:13:55

10数十年前,人们还用打字机出正式文件,但现在我们可以用电脑和打印机做同样的的工作.(typewriter;formal document)
11尽管速溶咖啡能够放置很长一段时间,但是如果不能保持干燥的话很快就会坏掉.(have a long shelf life;instant coffee;go solid)
12千年之后地球上的居民可能可以用原生态系统来处理垃圾.(citizen;dispose of;ecological)
这条蛇是如此的贪婪,一口就吞掉了那只老鼠.(greedy;swallow up)
16在医院呆了六周以后,他终于恢复状态并且开始工作.(be back on one's feet)
21编审特别提到,这篇文章需要进一步润色.(senior editor;polish)
23有些优秀的战地记者为了让人们知道真实的情况而牺牲生命.(admirable;wartime journalist;inform.of)
24今天分派给我的任务是对房间进行一次大扫除.(my assignment;a thorough clean/cleaning)
25你知道在哪里能买到一本最新版本的汉语词典吗?(update edition)

9 bags cost $ 250, including postage and packing. Please write down the address of the recipient, don't forget to post code. (postage;postcode)
10 a few decades ago, it was also used typewriter out of official documents, but now we can use computers and printers to do the same work. (typewriter;formal document)
11 although instant coffee can be placed in a very long period of time, but if you can't keep dry would soon be broken. (have a long shelf life;instant coffee;go solid)
12 thousand years after the planet's inhabitants may be able to use the original ecosystem to handle spam. (citizen;dispose of;ecological)
13 This snake is so greedy, he swallowed the mouse. (greedy;swallow up)
14 dealing with people is the commercial staff of an important part of the work. (aspect)
15 when we got home, across the field boots were covered with mud. (mud)
16-stays in the hospital for six weeks later, he finally restored state and start work. (be back on one's feet)
17 George has the talent student very much in the sciences and engineering aspect. (gifted) president of university
18 has authorized him in is in appointment. (approve; appointment; department)
19 his family member to his vocational choice felt that is very happy. (delighted; professsion)
20 teaches Alex to ski is really a painful matter. (painful; process)
21 pipeline specifically referred to, this article needs to be further refined. (senior editor;polish)
22 radio and television reporters news essential to the point. (journalis;concise)
23 some excellent field reporters to let people know the real situation and the sacrifice of life. (admirable;wartime journalist;inform.of)
24 today assigned to my task is to conduct a thorough cleaning room. (my assignment;a thorough clean/cleaning)
25 do you know where can I buy a copy of the latest version of the Chinese dictionary? (update edition)

这书包的费用是250元,其中含有邮资和包装费.请写下收件人的地址,别忘了邮编,一道英语翻译题 英语翻译9着书包的费用是250元,其中含有邮资和包装费.请写下收件人的地址,别忘了邮编.(postage;postcode)10数十年前,人们还用打字机出正式文件,但现在我们可以用电脑和打印机做同样的的工 一共花了30元,其中铅笔盒的价钱是书包的三分之二.铅笔盒 书包各花多少元? 开学时小红买了一个书包和一个文具盒,共花了40元.其中,书包的价格是文具盒的4倍.书包和文具盒各是多少元?用方程 某商店以每个书包80元的价格卖出两个书包,其中一个盈利20%,另一个亏损20元,问这两个书包总的是盈利还是亏(一元一次方程解) 同时卖出两种书包,每种售价都是60元,但其中一种赚了20%,另一种亏了20%,卖出的这两种书包是赚钱还是亏本? 英语翻译求英语厉害的翻译几个句子!1这包书的费用是250元,其中含有邮资和包装费.请写下收件人的地址,别忘了邮编 某商店有两种书包,每个小书包比大书包的进价少10元,而它们的售后利润额相同,其中每个小书包的盈利率为30%,每个大书包的盈利率是20%,试求两种书包的进价. 一款书包打七五折后售价是45元,这款书包的原件是()元 这些是孩子们的书包吗 英语翻译 我的书包是紫色,用英语翻译. 英语翻译你的书包几元?翻译成英文 一个书包打六折后的价钱是72元,这个书包的原价是多少元? 一个书包,原价是70元,现在按八折出售,书包的价格是多少元? 一种书包原价是70元,现在按八折出售书包的价格是多少元 某办公室销售商店的书包,每个定价20元,水性笔每个定价5元,商店推出两种销售方法1购买1个书包,赠送1支水笔2购买书包和水性笔一律按9折优惠问题1分别写出两种优惠方案购买费用y元与所买 某工程队承包甲乙两项工程,计划费用为47.5万元,后由于工程有所扩大,实际费用为74.5万元其中甲工程实际费用比计划增加百分之68,乙工程实际费用是计划数的13/9倍.完成这两项工程,甲乙各需 元旦期间,小明一家外出旅游,各费用如图所示,其中交通费用是3000元