
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 18:10:18


Mechanical forces as the core engine performance is good or bad, will have a direct impact on various dynamic mechanical properties. Engine work, and access to high temperature combustion gas and heating parts of the rise in temperature. If this is not an appropriate cooling and lubrication, will Engine overheating, inflation coefficient decline is not normal combustion, Burning oil degeneration and parts of the intensified friction and wear, plus diesel power consumption, Burning parts work surface caused the engine power, economy, reliability and durability deteriorated, Diesel resulting from operating. To this end, this paper discusses the T2100 in Diesel Engine cooling and lubrication system design cooling system and lubrication system should be designed so as casual as possible taking the heat less, not excessive engine cooling, T2100 in Diesel Engine and parts of the lubrication system design, the higher the temperature for the design. Make the T2100 Diesel ensure normal work under the condition that the T2100 Diesel high temperature work

The frame is the automobile important constituent, this article take the land breeze X-8 all-terrain vehicle frame as the object of study, through uses the ANSYS software to carry on the analysis to i...


The frame is the automobile important constituent, this article take the land breeze X-8 all-terrain vehicle frame as the object of study, through uses the ANSYS software to carry on the analysis to it.When static analysis, uses shell and the Liang combination cell frame carries on the stress and the distortion analysis, the analysis result indicated that, its amount of deformity and in the stress value all permission scope, is satisfying the intensity request.When modality analysis, uses the Liang unit to carry on the analysis, the analysis result indicated its curving frequency and the reverse frequency all are bigger than 20 Hz, satisfies the frame the operation requirements


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