英语翻译NOUNS.GENDER.The gender of a noun can sometimes be deduced from its grammatical form.Thus,a-stems are eithermasculine or neuter,while almost all ˝-stems are feminine.The i- and u-stems,as well as consonant stemscan be either masculin

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英语翻译NOUNS.GENDER.The gender of a noun can sometimes be deduced from its grammatical form.Thus,a-stems are eithermasculine or neuter,while almost all ˝-stems are feminine.The i- and u-stems,as well as consonant stemscan be either masculin
The gender of a noun can sometimes be deduced from its grammatical form.Thus,a-stems are either
masculine or neuter,while almost all ˝-stems are feminine.The i- and u-stems,as well as consonant stems
can be either masculine,neuter,or feminine.The gender of each word should therefore be learned together
with the word itself.
In the vocabularies masculine nouns of all declensions and feminine nouns of the ˝-declension will be
unmarked,while all other nouns will be marked as feminine (fem.) or neuter (neut.)
The texts in lessons 1-2 contain examples of the a-,˝-,i- and u-declensions.The a-declension contains
masculine and neuter nouns.There are two ˝-declensions,the common feminine ˝-declension and the
masculine ˝-declension,which contains a few proper names,among them the name of the god
Ahuramazd˝-.The i- and u-declensions contain masculine,feminine,or neuter nouns.The nominative
singular endings are:
-ah -am -˝h -˝ -iπ (-iy) -uπ -uv daha≥y˝uπ
Examples:ar^kah “disloyal,” r˝stam “straight,” Ahuramazd˝h,Aƒur˝,pastiπ “foot-soldier,” D˝rayavahuπ
“Darius,” paruv “much.” There are no examples of the nom.of neut.i-stems in OPers.
The masc.a-,˝-,i-,and u-declensions originally (= in Indo-European) had the same ending in the
nominative singular,namely -s,as in Greek theós “god,” pístis “faith” and ikhthús “fish,” Latin dominus,
civis,sinus,but in the Indo-Iranian mother language s became h after a and ˝ but π after i or u according to
the “ruki” rule,which states that s became π after r,u,k [Iran.x],i.The Indo-Iranian forms were therefore
-ah,-˝h and -iπ,-uπ.In Old Persian the final -h was lost.
Masculine ˝-stems:
There are only three masculine ˝-stems:Ahuramazd˝-,Xπayaa≥rπ˝- (or Xπay˝rπ˝-) “Xerxes,” and
A˘rtaxπaç˝- “Artaxerxes.” Of these three Xπayaa≥rπ˝- was originally an n-stem,Xπayaa≥rπan-,and
A˘rtaxπaç˝- an a-stem.The nom.Aspacan˝h “Aspathines” is from an h-stem (Aspacanah-,see lesson 8).
Most Old Persian adjectives are declined according to the a-declension in the masculine and neuter.
Feminine forms of adjectives of the a-declension are usually declined according to the ˝-declension
(exceptionally according to the ^-declension).
There are a few i- and u-stem adjectives.
The fem.noun daha≥yu- is properly an au-stem.

英语翻译NOUNS.GENDER.The gender of a noun can sometimes be deduced from its grammatical form.Thus,a-stems are eithermasculine or neuter,while almost all ˝-stems are feminine.The i- and u-stems,as well as consonant stemscan be either masculin
男性化或中性的,而几乎所有˝ ,茎是女性.注:i -和u -茎,以及辅音茎
在男性名词词汇的所有declensions和女性名词的˝ ,格将
标志,而所有其他名词将被标记为女性( fem.)或中性( neut.)
案文中的经验教训1-2包含的例子一个,˝ -,我,和u - d eclensions.在一个格包含
男性和中性名词.有两个˝ - declensions ,共同女性˝ ,格和
男性˝ ,格,其中包含一些适当的名称,其中包括名称,神
Ahuramazd ˝ -.注:i -和u - declensions包含男性化,女性化,或中性的名词.该主格
masc .neut .
˝ ,格
masc .有限元.
masc .有限元.neut .
masc .neut .
雅-上午10:00 -˝ h - ˝- i π (- i y )u π紫外线达哈≥y ˝ u π
例如:河^贾“不忠,”住宅˝征服“直” ,Ahuramazd ˝小时,Aƒur ˝ ,pastiπ “尺士兵的” D ˝ rayavahuπ
“大流士” ,paruv “得多.”没有任何实例的名字.的neut .一茎在OPers .
该masc .一个,˝ -,一,和u - d eclensions原来( =在印欧语)有同样的结束
主格奇异,即比较,如在希腊上帝“神” ,pístis “信念”和ikhthús “鱼” ,拉丁美洲主,
civis ,窦,但在印度伊朗母语语成为h后a和π ˝ ,但在我或U根据
在“鲁基”的规则,其中规定,这是一种为了满足后,成为π丁口代数k [伊朗.x ]个岛印度和伊朗的形式,因此,
雅-˝ h和- i π,- u π.在旧波斯的最后小时的损失.
男性˝ ,茎:
只有三个男性˝ ,茎:Ahuramazd ˝ -,X πayaa≥ r π˝ - (或X π ay˝r π ˝- ) “薛西斯” ,并
阿˘ rtaxπaç ˝ -“阿尔塔薛西斯.”这三个X πayaa≥ r π˝ -最初是一个n干,X π ayaa≥r π an,和
阿˘ rtaxπaç ˝ -一个一个干.的名字.Aspacan ˝ H “类Aspathines ”是从一个H -干( Aspacanah ,见教训8 ) .
女性形式的形容词的一个格通常是拒绝按照˝ ,格
(例外根据^ -格) .
有几个的i -和u -干形容词.

英语翻译The noun - gender and number The Gender of Nouns Classical Egyptian distinguishes two genders:a male and a female.Male nouns don't have any specific suffixes to indicate their gender; they are constructed solely from a number of consonant 英语翻译NOUNS.GENDER.The gender of a noun can sometimes be deduced from its grammatical form.Thus,a-stems are eithermasculine or neuter,while almost all ˝-stems are feminine.The i- and u-stems,as well as consonant stemscan be either masculin #英语翻译#Give nouns corresponding to the following,怎么翻译 英语翻译tracy is learning about compound nouns in her english class.match the nouns on the left with the nouns on the right to make compound nouns in the spaces provided Gender gender 英语翻译文献的题目是Gender,Race and the ‘Art’ of Fiction: 英语翻译〔求助翻译〕:The effect of culture in shaping gender roles 英语翻译when it comes to other people,a friendly knock on the back between the same gender is allowed. 英语翻译This study focuses on the identification of gender-specific drivers of job satisfaction while controlling for select demographic variables 中文翻译\write the plural form of the following nouns 中文翻译\write the plural form of the following nouns 英语翻译6.Another important demographic challenge,with deep roots in China’s history,is there-emergence of a gender imbalance,now abetted by enabling technologies (e.g.ultrasound and sex-selective abortions).The large gender imbalance of China 英语翻译Intake,digestibility,performance,and carcass traits of beef cattle of different gender Abstract The performance,intake,feed efficiency,and carcass traits of beef cattle from different gender profile were assessed.Fifteen animals (five ste 英语翻译On one occasion 怎么翻译,occasionally nouns 怎么翻译? 翻译:Form nouns by adding suffixes to the following. Summarize the plural forms of countable nouns 马上要的, 英语翻译1.Reflect upon and evaluate your own gender identity,and point out the formative influences.()2.Discuss the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and its relation culture.