
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/29 01:32:52


College Textbooks are too Expensive Ask any student they will tell you that textbooks are way overpriced.I just bought a used textbook which cost over eighty dollars and yet,I've have only read four or five selections from the text since I bought the book.Clearly the teacher could have photocopied those selections and handed them out to class when needed rather than asking his students to pay for pricey books that they weren't going to put to greater use.Although students are given financial aid and student loans,they deserve to be able to get a quality education without going bankrupt while doing it.Yet teachers continue to not only select expensive textbooks for classes,but often don't use the books in conjunction with their lessons.This semester alone I have spend over $400 on text books,which doesn't even begin to figure in other costs,such as supplies and parking pass.The most I've spent on books was last spring,where I spent about $400.But I know of few students that have spent over hundreds of dollars more than me and it not fair that they require us to buy.Thus,we shall used used textbooks rather than buy a new one.




英语作文--教科书是否要循环使用 关于课本是否循环使用的英语作文 关于课本是否循环使用的英语作文 教科书循环使用的具体政策是什么 循环使用教科书的利与弊的英语作文有利于环保 减少家庭经济负担 有利于学生养成节约分享爱护的习惯用过得教科书往往涂改多 影响孩子的学习兴趣 不利于学生的学习 教科书循环使用的影响和理论依据,现实依据 你对教科书循环使用是如何认识的? 教科书上的英语课文是否要背? 英语作文:教科书回收再利用 雨循环作文,英语, 为了节约资源,培养学生的节俭意识,一些地区试行教科书免费循环使用.学期结束后,教科书由学校收回,供下一个年级使用,几年更新一次.教科书之所以可以循环使用,从哲学上看是因为 谁帮我写篇低碳生活英语作文,80个词的要求:1,每天步行或骑自行车.2尽量循环使用用过的东西,比如教科书等.3尽量不买或少买昂贵的衣服.4即使最小的行为也会改变环境.5只要人人行动起来, 教科书循环使用与电子书包的推行有什么关系 “循环使用课本”用英语怎么说 VFP.使用循环结构程序验证387是否为素数. 焊接材料埋弧焊焊接时候焊剂是否可以循环使用 教科书循环使用有什么现实意义帮个忙,我没有积分,这是第一次,所以不能悬赏,请包含 青少年是否应该使用手机的英语作文 是请写出理由不是也写出理由 明天要交的