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中华民族的传统文化有着“重老”的价值观.汉语中“老”代表了经验、学识、成熟、可靠等,有“老当益壮”、“老成持重”、“老马识途”等许多对“老”表示敬重、赞誉的词语.称呼高龄或德高望重者,通常在其姓氏后加一个“老”字以示恭敬,如“张老、李老”等.英美文化体现的则是“轻老”的价值观和追求创新的精神.“老”是大家忌讳的词语,意味着思想僵化、迟钝、固执、爱唠叨等.老龄象征着衰败、没落、靠近死亡,老年生活相当孤独.因此,英美人怕老,忌讳old(老)一词.于是出现了许多关于“老”的委婉语,如“elderly”(上了年纪),“senior citizens”(资深公民),“the mature”(成熟的人),“the longer living”(生活经历较长的人),“seasoned man”(历练的人)等.
在汉文化里,人们信奉的是道教和佛教.道教的宗教思想反映的是达观、淡泊的生死观,反映在死亡委婉语上是“别驾、遁化、仙游、归道山”等.佛教讲究生死轮回,认为只有皈依佛门,才能摆脱轮回之苦,进入修行的最高境界.他们对死亡的委婉表达有“迁化、圆寂、舍生、归净土”等.而西方人一般信奉基督教,比较注重赎罪,以便使灵魂得到拯救,升入天堂与上帝同在.反映在死亡的委婉语上有“be with God”,“go to a better world”,“be in heaven”等.
在对待爱情、婚姻以及性的问题上,中西方文化也有着很大区别.谈到性自由和性行为不检点时,汉语委婉语的词义多为贬义,如“水性杨花”、“红杏出墙”和“不正当关系”等.然而在西方伦理价值中,追求美好的生活和幸福是人生的天然目的,因而有关这方面的委婉语词义模糊且多为中性,如把“venereal disease”(性病)称为“social disease”(社会病);把“homosexual partner”(同性恋伙伴)称为“spouse equivalent”(等值配偶)或“comrade”(同志);把“illegitimate child”(私生子)称为“love child”(爱情之子).
从远古到当代,人类社会每个阶段都有不同的委婉语出现,并随着时代的变化而变化,反映着当时的社会文化、价值观念、风气习俗等社会问题,因而具有鲜明的时代特征.比如,关于“失业”的表述.由于生产资料的资本主义私有制,工人失业频繁,尤其当其进入垄断阶段后,竞争加剧.英美国家委婉语的各种表达也层出不穷.如果丢掉一份工作,再找一份新工作,就叫作“between jobs”或者“between shows(两场演出之间的歇息)”或者“to be developing a new
project(在发展一个新规划)”.失业者可以向政府要求一定的救济金,官方称这些失业者为“clamiants(提出要求者)”.在英国,失业者被称为“the less fortunate(比较不幸的人)”.而中国的现代汉语中,有关失业的委婉语大都是由官方文件和新闻媒体率先采用而流行起来的,如20世纪70年代出现的“待业”、“待业青年”;改革开放以来的“下岗”、“下岗职工”等.虽然同是指“失业者”,用的却是不同的表达方式,这是由不同的时代决定的.不同的历史时期实行不同的经济体制,不同的体制需要不同的语言来描写.

The traditional culture of the Chinese nation has a "heavy old" values. Chinese "old" represents the experience, knowledge, mature, and reliable, "healthy and strong", "staid", "Laomashitu" many "old" respect, praise words. Call for senior citizens or respected, usually after their surnames to add a word "old" to show respectful, such as "Old Zhang, Li Lao. Anglo-American culture is reflected in the values of "light" and the pursuit of the spirit of innovation. "Old" taboo words mean ideologically rigid, slow, stubborn, nagging, and so on. Aging symbol of decay, decline, close to death, lonely old age. Therefore, Britain and the United States Palao the word taboo old (old). So there is a lot of euphemisms, such as "old" and "elderly" (the older), Senior Citizens (senior citizens), "the mature" (mature), "the longer living (life experiences than long), "the seasoned man" (experience).
In Chinese culture, people believe in Taoism and Buddhism. Taoist religious thought reflected the philosophical, indifferent to the concept of life and death, reflecting on death euphemism is "do not drive, escape, Xianyou, owned by Road Mountain". Buddhist pay attention to the cycle of birth and death, and that only converted to Buddhism, to get rid of the pain of samsara, the highest level of practice. They expressed the euphemism of death moved, passed away, sacrifice, owned by Pure Land ". Westerners generally Christian, pay more attention to the atonement, in order to enable the soul to ascend to heaven with God. Reflected in the euphemism of death "be with God", "go to a better world", "be in heaven" and so on.
Chinese society has more than two thousand years, a long history of feudal monarchy and social, hierarchical feudal system, emphasis on "young and old respectable and humble. In China, the emperor's name and its homophone or homograph others have no rights. Such as the name of Han emperor "state" Han "country" on behalf of the state. " The pre-Qin called "Bang" home, the Han dynasty became the "State", and has been in use ever since. Such as juniors and elders of the same name, will be ridiculed, it is disrespectful to. Westerners are not, they are very long to get rid of the blood ties of clan society, the social structure unlike China as hierarchical, but tends to be equal. They tend to like the elders, especially a successful career elders naming sons, in order to honor the memory and respect. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt is the name of the father and son.
Treat of love, marriage and sexual issues, Western culture has a very different. When it comes to sexual freedom and sexual misconduct point, the Chinese euphemism meaning mostly derogatory, such as "skittish", "affair" and "improper relationship". Western ethical values, however, the pursuit of a better life and happiness is the natural purpose of life, and therefore the fuzzy euphemism meaning of a word in this regard and mostly neutral, such as venereal disease (STD) called "social disease" ( social disease); "homosexual partner" (homosexual partners) known as the "spouse equivalent" (equivalent spouse) or "comrade" (Comrade); "illegitimate child" (illegitimate) known as the "love child" (the son of love) .

From the ancient to the contemporary human society each stage has a different euphemism, and change with the times change, reflecting the prevailing social culture, values, and culture of customs and other social problems, and thus has the distinctive characteristics of the times. For example, the formulation of "unemployment". Capitalist private ownership of the means of production, workers losing their jobs frequently, especially when its monopoly stage, increased competition. Britain and the United States euphemism variety of expression are endless. If you lose a job, find a new job, called "between jobs" or "between shows (the rest) between the two performances" or "to be developing a new
project (the development of a new planning). "unemployed can ask the government to certain benefits, the official said these unemployed people to" clamiants (requestor) in the United Kingdom, the unemployed referred to as "the less fortunate (compare unfortunate people). "China Modern Chinese euphemism large on unemployment by the official documents and the media are the first to adopt the popular 1970s" unemployed "," unemployed youth "; reform open since "laid off", "laid-off workers" with "unemployed", but used different means of expression, which is determined by the different times and different historical periods to implement different economic systems, different systems require different language to describe.