
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/04 01:29:57


The function of the seat start its point in bus station,such a place where is highly-people intensive as well as fast-transporting,intends to make the most of a particular space-bus station to create an apporatiate method which correspond to its environment.
The Sit&Lean seats not only adjust to the characteristic-limited-in the bus station,but also enable people to move at ease,making people feel more comfortable according to their mental mind.
累死了……纯手工翻译.那个,“半坐半靠式”译成了 Sit&Lean.有点囧.大大自个儿掂量这个专有名词吧……

In bus stations with thick crowd and fast circulation, the seats are designed to strive for the satisfaction of people's feelings. it is hoped that the unique space of bus station could be made maxim...


In bus stations with thick crowd and fast circulation, the seats are designed to strive for the satisfaction of people's feelings. it is hoped that the unique space of bus station could be made maximum use to create a reasonable formality suited the circumstances.
"the half sitting,half laying" seats not only fit in with the limited space but also lead to convenient movement for the crowd . what's more, it is best satisfied people's feelings.


At the bus stop such a crowd intensive and quick to the circulation of occasions, and in people's mental feeling for seat at the starting point of the function, the hope can best utilization of bus st...


At the bus stop such a crowd intensive and quick to the circulation of occasions, and in people's mental feeling for seat at the starting point of the function, the hope can best utilization of bus stations such a unique space, create a compliance with the contemporary environment of reasonable form.
Half sat half by form is not only in conformity with the characteristics of bus station space is limited, and that people can be more convenient for action, more people with mental feeling at that time.


英语翻译在公交车站这样一个人群高度密集与快速流通的场合,以人们的当时心理感受为座椅功能的出发点,希望能够最大限度的利用公交车站这样一个独特空间,创造出一个符合当时环境的合 在公交车站中译英 用英语翻译[乘坐18路公交车在第三站下,动物园就在公交车站对面]? 在公交车站英语怎么写 在公交车站的英语怎么写 在公交车站用英语说36456222235 二氧化碳不能供呼吸,所以,在人群密集处应注意?一个空而已!大概两个字~ 在下一个十字路口向右拐,你会看见公交车站在你的左侧.英文翻译 公交车站战与站之间的距离一般情况下是多少? 请问,你能告诉我公交车站在哪里吗 英文 在64路公交车站用英语怎么说 英语翻译在人群中我很尴尬——这样理解可以吗 今天在公交车站等车的时候看到斜上方的天空有一个亮点.一直在闪,变颜色,还一直在同一个地方飘忽移动.排除是星星的可能.怀疑是建筑物的灯,但是亮点的高度远远不是建筑物能比的,还怀疑 如图所示,在公路L旁有两个居民小区A,B,现准备在公路上修建一个公交车站,使两个小如图所示,在公路L旁有两个居民小区A、B,现准备在公路上修建一个公交车站,使两个小区到车站的距离相等, 描写人群密集的词语有虾米? 人群密集的地方用英语怎么说? 英语翻译保持良好的健康习惯,多锻炼,勤洗手.咳嗽或者打喷嚏时掩住口鼻.少去人群密集的地方.避免与身体不适的人密切接触.(尽量用简单的词) 如果你正开着车,经过公交车站,当时下着大雨,车站里有三个人在等公交车,一个是医生,一个是生病的老奶奶,还有一个是你的梦中情人,