
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 06:00:22


Dream, forever. In five thousand with a long history of the Chinese nation a dream, a preacher, after several ups and downs. Today, together is a dream, China dream. In The Times of knowledge can change fate under the parents devote unlimited hope eyes. I, an ordinary high school student, my dream is very simple, my dream is also my family - admitted to a key university. I am not the officer the second generation, I am not a rich second generation, my parents just a regular of the next generation, someone says: "you don't study hard now, not in the university entrance exam, you fight to win rich second generation, won the officer the second generation?" Yes, this I believe. So, my dream is very simple, is to study hard, to get your key university, let parents a good life, to become a useful person. I firmly believe that through my efforts, it would be not only is a dream, the dream will my hand slowly become a reality. I believe it is not only I a person dreams, this also is the dream of every students here, is China's dream of millions of high school students. Thousands of Chinese students' dream will bring together into one of the great Chinese dream, this is our Chinese dream. When hundreds of millions of parents a better life, thousands of students become a pillar of the country, we there is no reason not to realize China's dream! "Ideal is very plentiful, reality is bone" yes, plump is given to those who have prepared, bony is left without the enterprising person. When you are sleeping in class, assignments, patchwork, left early to come late to class, you take what area full of your ideal. Dream is not talk, I have a big dream. But this dream will begin from now a little hard work, greatly self-study to 10 minutes earlier, remember more words every day, stick to focus more in class a few minutes. Similarly, in dream. So, at that moment, when the dream don't think skinny skinny. Looking at our aircraft carriers began to set sail, aircraft took off, law enforcement patrols the diaoyu islands. A lot of people are beginning to have a boiling passion, stir, Shouting my dream is to guard with our carrier coastline, my dream city and patrols to protect our rights. I want to say is that the dream is too far away from us, as long as we are now beginning to try, is achievable. But now, my dream is only a license - a key university! Only down-to-earth, can all back ~ this is my Chinese dream, grounded in reality, a simple dream, a dream is not just a dream!

中华民族几代人的(),数十年(),实现了五千年来的飞天梦想 英语翻译梦想,周而复始.中华民族五千年历史传承着一个长长梦,几经辗转,几经沉浮.时至今日,汇聚成了一个梦,中国梦.在这个知识改变命运的时代,在父母双亲投注无限希望目光注视下.我,一 中华民族5000年历史是从什么时候到什么时候 中华民族五千年来形成的伟大民族精神的主要内容是什么? 中华民族五千多年的灿烂历史了解多少 英语翻译对于中华民族而言,中国的梦想就是“我”的梦想,“我”的梦想与中国的梦想紧密的结合在一起.最后展望未来,立志为中华民族的繁荣富强贡献自己的力量. 为什么是中华民族千年的飞天梦想? 关于中华民族飞天梦想的古诗词 中华民族伟大梦想实现的根本途径是什么? 中华民族近代以来最大的梦想是什么 在五千多年的发展中,中华民族形成了以( )为核心的伟大民族精神 中华民族在五千多年的发展中形成了伟大的民族精神是什么? “五千年来中华民族一脉相承靠的就是这种文化的亲缘吧”的意思五千年来中华民族一脉相承靠的就是这种文化的亲缘吧谁想割断母子血脉将儿女游离于中华民族大家庭之外都是徒劳急,不要 中华民族有绵延不绝年历史.首都证实了北京( )年建成,( )年帝都的历史 英语翻译笙,在中华民族优秀的乐器宝库中,是我国历史上最优秀、最具有代表性的乐器之一.它的悠久历史,几乎伴随了整个中华民族五千年来的文明发展史,它的科学设计、复杂制作,可以称作 中华民族飞天梦想有哪些知道的告诉我 你知道我们中华民族圆了哪些梦想? 中华民族伟大复兴梦想一定能实现的依据是