英语翻译.商务的.在线等.很急我之所以给你现在的价格就是因为价格波动幅度很大.但至于什么时候发货,时间就需要往后推了,因为我们需要做各种文件,这些都需要时间. 所以最早的发货日期

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 14:18:55

英语翻译.商务的.在线等.很急我之所以给你现在的价格就是因为价格波动幅度很大.但至于什么时候发货,时间就需要往后推了,因为我们需要做各种文件,这些都需要时间. 所以最早的发货日期
我之所以给你现在的价格就是因为价格波动幅度很大.但至于什么时候发货,时间就需要往后推了,因为我们需要做各种文件,这些都需要时间. 所以最早的发货日期就是收到款后10天

英语翻译.商务的.在线等.很急我之所以给你现在的价格就是因为价格波动幅度很大.但至于什么时候发货,时间就需要往后推了,因为我们需要做各种文件,这些都需要时间. 所以最早的发货日期
The reason why I offer such prices is that the fluctuation range on raw materials changed badly (as well as the currency rate),but as per the lead time,it might be postponed as we need to deal with the related documents and it does need time ,thus the earliest delivery date would be 10 days upon receipt of the payment.

I have to give you now the price is because the extent price fluctuations. But as for when delivery, time will need to push back, because we need to do all kinds of files, these things take time. So the earliest delivery date is received in the 10 days

I give you the price now is because of price fluctuations. But as to when delivery, time on the need to push back, because we need to do a variety of documents, these all need time. So the earliest delivery date is10 days after receiving the payment楼主好人,把分给我把- -

I quote you based on the large fluctuating margin of the price. For delivery, we have to put it off , because we need time to prepare all kinds of documents, so the ETD is 10 days after receiving full payment.

The price is unstable so that i gave you the current price. As for the delivery time, i'm afraid it will be delayed because we need time to prepare all kinds of documents. So the earliest delivery time will be 10 days after the payment is well received.

The reason why I offer such prices is that the fluctuation range on raw materials changed badly (as well as the currency rate), and I suggest you accept this price.As to the delivery time, I'm afraid...


The reason why I offer such prices is that the fluctuation range on raw materials changed badly (as well as the currency rate), and I suggest you accept this price.As to the delivery time, I'm afraid it will be postponed because we need to prepare all kinds of documents,which is time-consuming. So the earliest delivery time will be decided at 10 days after the payment is well received.


I give you the present price because the price would change within a wide rage.
The delivering date will be postponed as we need time to prepare various documents.
But we can deliver on the 10th day as early as possible after we riceive your money.

I give you now the price as price volatility.And I am afraid we have to put off the ship date because we need time to make documents.So the earliest delivery date is after payment is received 10 days.

英语翻译.商务的.在线等.很急我之所以给你现在的价格就是因为价格波动幅度很大.但至于什么时候发货,时间就需要往后推了,因为我们需要做各种文件,这些都需要时间. 所以最早的发货日期 英语翻译很急在线等 商务英语翻译~~在线等,今天要翻译出来,给多多的份,~~~商务英语(Business English)是专门用途英语(English for special purposes)中的一个分支,是英语在商务场合的应用.商务英语的书面交流从形式上表现 英语翻译!帮帮忙,顺便给个答案,在线等,急! 给我一些关于田园或乡村的故事和作文!急啊!在线等!急需! 真情的作文怎么写快-------------------------------急 ------------------------------------------在线等给我一些事例 英语翻译“坦克的”用英文是不是tanks's ,我不懂英语,在线等答案````````````````````急 英语翻译别告诉我哪有答案让我自己去找……我很急……在线等……追加分数……现在先不给……都速度的昂……我手机在线等…… 【急~在线等】他的工作是扫地为主 英语翻译 英文翻译,很简单的,在线等!急! 英语翻译要么给我发个在线汉语翻译维语的网站撒!急死了 怎么求这个阴影部分的面积,很急,谁教下我.用红色笔标出来了.数字也给了,很急,帮帮忙!在线等! 我和博物馆的故事 征文 1000字左右.急!速度!劲量别写游记,很急!在线等. 我的家住在一条小河旁,这条小河以前很干净 ,但是我昨天看到它已经被污染, 英语翻译在线等 急! 急~~~我要初中化学的实验题,在线等回复 倔强的我300字在线等急! 问几个英语单词(超简单)在线急等!请大家给我说些球类运动的词! 假如上帝给我3天时间的作文!速度啊!300字就可以啊!在线等!急 ~~~~