
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 08:52:48

4.听说他会来,但是他还没露面(turn up)
5.你答应过帮助的,现在不可食言(back out)
6.你的意思没有真正被理解(get across)
8.我格守我说过的话(stand by)
11.我们的汽油用完了(run out of或run out)
12.这沙发在夜里可以当床用(function as.)
14.你的英语方面没什么进步(make little progress)
15.帮他没用,他自己都放弃了.(It is no use doing sth)

1.I differ from my brother in many ways.
2.She is anxious for a job.
3.He would rather rent a car than buy one for himself.
4.It is said that he will come,but he hasn't turned up yet.
5.You promised to help me,and you can't back out your words.
6.Your meanings didn't get across.
7.His knowledge surprised me.
8.I stand by what I said.
9.The suitcase is so heavy that I can't carry it up.
10.Parking lots are not available at crowded places.
11.Our gas has run out.
We have run out of our gas.
12.This sofa can function as a bed at night.
13.Do you have/observe Christmas Day in your country?
14.You made little progress in your English.
15.It is no use helping him while he gives up himself.

1.My brother and I differ in many ways.
2.She is anxious to have a job.
3.He would rather rent a car to buy a car of his own.
4.Heard that he'll come, but he didn't turn up.
5.You promised to help, and now, do not back out on your word.

1. My brother differs from me in many areas.
2. She's anxious to have a job.
3. He prefers to rent a car, rather than having his own.
4. I heard that he will come, but not turned up yet.


1. My brother differs from me in many areas.
2. She's anxious to have a job.
3. He prefers to rent a car, rather than having his own.
4. I heard that he will come, but not turned up yet.
5. You promissed to help, don't back out.
6. Your meaning did not really get across.
7. I'm amazed by his knowledge.
8. I stand by what I said.
9. The box is so heavy that I can not lift it up.
10. There is no parking lot available in the crowed places.
11. Our gas ran out.
12. The sofa has a function as bed in the evening.
13. Does your country observe Christmas?
14. You made little progress in your English.
15. It is no use helping him, he gave up.


1.My brother and i are different in many aspects.
2.She is anxious to have a job.
3.He prefers to rent a car rather than buy one for himself.
4.It was told that he would come,but he didn't turn up.
5.You have promised to help me and you shouldn't back it out.
6.you mean...

你去谷歌 翻译试试就出来了

1.My brother and I are different in many ways
2.She is anxious to have a job
3.He would prefer to rent a car and do not want to buy one of their own
4.I heard that he will come, but he ...


1.My brother and I are different in many ways
2.She is anxious to have a job
3.He would prefer to rent a car and do not want to buy one of their own
4.I heard that he will come, but he has not turned up
5.You promised to help, and now can go back out
6. Your meaning did not really get across.
7. I'm amazed by his knowledge.
8. I stand by what I said.
9. The box is so heavy that I can not lift it up.
10. There is no parking lot available in the crowed places.
11. Our gas ran out.
12. The sofa has a function as bed in the evening.
13. Does your country observe Christmas?
14. You made little progress in your English.
15. It is no use helping him, he gave up.


1.My brother and I differ in many aspects.
2.She's anxious for a job.
3.He prefers renting a car to having his own car.
4.He hasn't turned up till now although I heard that he would come.<...


1.My brother and I differ in many aspects.
2.She's anxious for a job.
3.He prefers renting a car to having his own car.
4.He hasn't turned up till now although I heard that he would come.
5.You promised to help and don't back out.
6.Your ideas were not got across.
7.His knowledge amazed me.
8.I stand by my words.
9.The box is so heavy that I can't lift it.
10.No parking lot is available in a crowded place.
11.We ran out of petrol .
12.At night the sofa has the function as a bed.
13.Is Christmas observed in your country?
14.You make little progress in English.
15.It is no use helping him when he already gave up.
英语课啊~~ 高中生 我也是呢~ 还是自己试着翻译吧 多练习练习有好处的 写作水平会提高的 不要依赖在线翻译 那里翻译比较扯…… 祝 make a progress in English!


1. My brother and I differ in many aspects.
2. She is anxious to a job.
3. He prefer to rent a car rather than buy a car of his own.
4. Hearing of his coming, he haven't turned up yet.


1. My brother and I differ in many aspects.
2. She is anxious to a job.
3. He prefer to rent a car rather than buy a car of his own.
4. Hearing of his coming, he haven't turned up yet.
5. You promised to help, and you mustn't back out now!
6. Your idea is not really get across.
7. His knowledgement amazes me.
8. I stand by my promises.
9. The box is so heavy that I can't rise it up.
10. No parking place is available in crowed places.
11. Our gasoline has run out.
12. The sofa can function as a bed at night.
13. Does your country observe Christmas?
14. You make little progress in learning English.
15. It is no use helping him because he has given up.


1/ My brother and I differ in many aspects.
2/ She is anxious for a job.
3/ He prefers renting a car to buying one.
4/ It is said that he will come, but he hasn't turned up yet....


1/ My brother and I differ in many aspects.
2/ She is anxious for a job.
3/ He prefers renting a car to buying one.
4/ It is said that he will come, but he hasn't turned up yet.
5/ You can't be back out, since you have promised to help.
6/ What you meant didn't get across.
7/ His knowledge amazed me.
8/ I stand by what I said.
9/ The box is so heavy that I can't lift it.
10/ Carports are not available where it's crowded.
11/ We run out of gasoline.
12/ The couch can function as a bed.
13/ Do you observe Christmas in your country?
14/ You have made little progress in English.
15/ It's no use helping him ,since he gave up already.
