
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/12 00:17:47


Isabella found her basil flowers lost, distraught. She hunted for, ask around, see what to what, ask to see stones stones, trees and asked to see the trees, seeing people, she was always bitter towards their first smile, and then ask them if they took her basil hid. Sometimes, she pulled the pedestrian's clothes asked: "Why are you so cruel, stole my basil pot!" She has been so discovered, until the whispering of the north wind blew out the light in her life, and she It sounds dreary, but still a long time to linger over the city of Florence - "Cruel ah! who actually stole my basil pot!"
This is a tear-jerking love story, the prototype is Boccaccio's "Decameron" in the fourth day of the fifth story. Keats in the rewrite, the made some changes and additions, adding a number of vivid detail, greatly strengthening the ideological and appeal of the story

Isabella found her purple perilla was lost.She was so sad that she cried a lot.She looked for it everywhere and asked anybody she met about it.When she saw a stone,she asked about her flower.When she...


Isabella found her purple perilla was lost.She was so sad that she cried a lot.She looked for it everywhere and asked anybody she met about it.When she saw a stone,she asked about her flower.When she saw a tree,she asked about her flower.When she saw a man,she would ask the man about her flower.First,she smiled to the man sadly,and then asked him whether he had hid her flower or not. Sometimes,she would grasped the other people's clothes and shouted,"Why were you so cruel to steal my flower?She kept looking for the flower all the time till the chilly wind blew out the lattern of her life.But her voice remained in the sky of Florence,"How cruel to steal my flower."
The story was a so moving and touching love story.The origin was from the 5th story of the 4th day in ,Corrected like it was,the story had more plots in detail and became much more meaningful and touching.


英语翻译伊莎贝拉发现她的紫苏花丢了,悲痛欲绝.她到处寻找,到处打听,看到什么向什么,看到石头问石头,看到树木问树木,看到人,她总是先凄苦地朝他们一笑,然后询问他们是否把她的紫苏花 英语翻译我的贝拉 血肉之躯的贝拉 末尾是贝拉的英文名我想去一的英文名,末尾是贝拉的 例如:伊莎贝拉之类的要有英文和中文读法打错了是取一个,或是贝尔的.只要长一点见就可以 英语翻译暮光之城这部电影讲述了一对苦命鸳鸯的爱情故事,17岁的伊莎贝拉•斯旺是一个聪明有气质且广受欢迎的少女,因为母亲的再婚,她将自己流放到了福克斯(Forks)这个偏僻的小镇 英语翻译就是爱德华离开后贝拉坐在窗台前的独白.从坐在那里开始到贝拉最后和和她爸爸说话了为止.里面还有什么当你离去 他也离去什么的.是说给爱丽丝听的.还有什么尽管心痛的像是 伊利贝拉的英文拼写 英语翻译米夏贝拉 心中的紫苏 心中的紫苏 阅读 法国电影蝴蝶和香港的伊莎贝拉中的伊莎贝拉到底有没有联系为什么2部电影中都有名叫伊莎贝拉的东西,一个是蝴蝶,一个是狗,两者有联系吗.伊莎贝拉到底有什么暗示吗? 依莎贝拉是什么意思 英语翻译暮光之城(twilight)是我最喜欢的一部电影.它讲述了发生在一个女孩贝拉和一个吸血鬼爱德华之间的爱情故事.后来贝拉生下的女儿与原爱着贝拉的狼人雅各布在一起了.这个爱情故 贝拉的老公的英文名是什么?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊贝拉的老公的英文名是什么?(HP) 天使.依莎贝拉的英文怎么写 除了光明女神.伊莎贝拉,还有什么蝴蝶稀有 帮忙选个英文名我的两个名字一个是Suren(苏伦),另一个是Isbella(伊莎贝拉) 世界最稀有的蝴蝶?我想知道 伊莎贝拉 和光明女神蝶 哪个更稀有 更少 求法国电影《蝴蝶》的观后感500字左右就行最好深刻点 就是伊莎贝拉那个