英语翻译首先,我代表全体同仁,衷心感谢多年来帮助我们的所有朋友们,正因为有了你们的支持,我们才得以快速及稳定的发展. 历经二十多个春秋,公司秉承“诚信,高效,创新,严谨” 的宗旨服

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/03 10:42:47

英语翻译首先,我代表全体同仁,衷心感谢多年来帮助我们的所有朋友们,正因为有了你们的支持,我们才得以快速及稳定的发展. 历经二十多个春秋,公司秉承“诚信,高效,创新,严谨” 的宗旨服
  历经二十多个春秋,公司秉承“诚信,高效,创新,严谨” 的宗旨服务社会,在漫长的岁月中孜孜不倦,奋力开拓,始终坚持以一流的产品奉献给社会,服务于大众.

英语翻译首先,我代表全体同仁,衷心感谢多年来帮助我们的所有朋友们,正因为有了你们的支持,我们才得以快速及稳定的发展. 历经二十多个春秋,公司秉承“诚信,高效,创新,严谨” 的宗旨服
First of all,on behalf of all my colleagues,my sincere thanks for helping all of our friends,is because of your support,we were able to fast and stable development.
After more than twenty spring,the company of "integrity,efficiency,innovation,rigorous," the purpose of serving the community,in the long years of tireless,strive to open up,and always adhere to the first-class products to the society and serve the public.
History of past efforts has been solidified,we have a passion for service to all our friends have a long history!We will continue to work,double self-motivation,improve the quality of enterprises with excellent performance to return to my friends on my company's expectations and hope in the future continue to receive all our friends support and help!
I wish all our friends in the days of grand plans for the future .

First of all, on behalf of all my colleagues, my sincere thanks for helping all of our friends, is because of your support, we were able to fast and stable development.
After more than twent...


First of all, on behalf of all my colleagues, my sincere thanks for helping all of our friends, is because of your support, we were able to fast and stable development.
After more than twenty spring, the company of "integrity, efficiency, innovation, rigorous," the purpose of serving the community, in the long years of tireless, strive to open up, and always adhere to the first-class products to the society and serve the public.
History of past efforts has been solidified, we have a passion for service to all our friends have a long history! We will continue to work, double self-motivation, improve the quality of enterprises with excellent performance to return to my friends on my company's expectations and hope in the future continue to receive all our friends support and help!
I wish all our friends in the days of grand plans for the future


First of all, on behalf of all of my company staff, let me thank y...


First of all, on behalf of all of my company staff, let me thank you all the friends for your supports over the years, it is your support that helps us secure a fast and stable development.
For over twenty years, my company has always sticked to our motto “trust, efficiency, creation and rigor” in serving the society, and we have during this long period of time adhered to our motto, tirelessly pioneered into new fields and steadily provided the society with the first class products and excellent services to the people in general.
All the past endeavors have been frozen as part of the history, but our enthusiasm to serve my friends present here is yet never ending. We will continue to work hard, double our efforts in self-stimulating, improve the overall quality of my company and reward the high expectations put in us by our friends with our excellent achievements, and I hope, in the coming future days, I can continue to get your generous support and help!
I wish all of you an auspicious future.
Thank you!


First , I on behalf of all my colleagues, thank you for years to help all of our friends, just because of your support, we just be rapid and stable development.
After more than 20 years old, comp...


First , I on behalf of all my colleagues, thank you for years to help all of our friends, just because of your support, we just be rapid and stable development.
After more than 20 years old, companies adhering to the "integrity, high efficiency and innovation, rigorous" to serve our society, in long years of diligence, develops furiously, always adhere to the best product to me-is to society, serve.
Previous efforts have been history solidification, we each friend service enthusiasm was of long standing! We will continue to work hard, double motivated, improves the quality of enterprise, with excellent results to return the fellow friends to our company's great expectations, and hope in the future in the days to continue to receive your friends' support and help!
Wish you every friend in future days ambitions


英语翻译首先,我代表全体同仁,衷心感谢多年来帮助我们的所有朋友们,正因为有了你们的支持,我们才得以快速及稳定的发展. 历经二十多个春秋,公司秉承“诚信,高效,创新,严谨” 的宗旨服 希望英语过得去的朋友帮个忙首先,我仅代表我司薛总经理及我司全体员工对各位的到来表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!希望英语过得去的朋友帮忙翻译一下 英语翻译首先请允许我代表xxx对本次国际会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺!向远道而来的各国专家学者,表示最热烈的欢迎!向光临我们会议的各位领导表示衷心的感谢! 英语翻译:在这里请容许我代表新郎新娘对各位的光临表示衷心的感谢,急 英语翻译时光荏苒,2011年的钟声即将敲响,在这到处洋溢着迎春喜庆气息的时候,公司全体同仁将最衷心的感谢、最诚挚的问候、最深情的祝福送给您.祝各位朋友们新年愉快,兔年吉祥! 英语翻译阳光明媚,彩旗飘扬.今天,我们欢聚在这里,首先,我谨代表我部200名员工,对各位领导的到来表示热烈的欢迎,对各位领导亲临我部检查指导工作,表示最衷心的感谢.为表达我们对各位领 英语翻译LINCO:我是中国广东省深圳市巨龙源电子科技有限公司的钟先生,本人代表公司全体同仁,热烈欢迎你到我公司亲临技术指导,并对贵公司CDMA手机合作项目表示真诚高兴,双赢享利.对你本 英语翻译今晚我们激情满怀,心潮澎湃.今晚我们载歌载舞,欢聚一堂,共庆新年的到来.在这辞旧迎新之际,我代表XX幼儿园,全体同仁提前给大家拜年了!祝大家新年快乐,身体健康,阖家幸福!亲爱的 我衷心的感谢您 英语怎么说 英语翻译我谨代表祖国代表人民代表党向为人民服务兢兢业业抛头颅洒热血十年如一日的模范前代课老师孙X表示热情的慰问及衷心的感谢! 反驳近义词 罕见近义词 索性近义词 哪位知道请速速发帖 在这里我代表党和国家衷心感谢你哪位知道请速速发帖 在这里我代表党和国家衷心感谢你 帮帮忙把下面这段汉语译成英文!尊敬的 :您好!我代表汇鑫假日酒店全体员工,衷心感谢您为我们提供了一次为您提供服务的机会!希望我们的服务能给你留下美好而深刻的印象!愿您在入住期 英语翻译感 谢 信XX公司并林小姐:我是今天到归公司面试的高珊珊.首先让我向您致以衷心的感谢.感谢您和公司今天的热情接待.感谢您在面试中告诉我的人生道理.今天在贵公司短短的时间 升学宴家长答谢讲话尊敬的各位来宾和亲友们大家晚上好:  首先让我代表我的全家向光临的各位来宾及亲友们表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!  作为父亲我为女儿实现自己梦想而无比激 英语翻译求高手翻译以下几句:在春节即将来临之际,谨向贵公司全体员工致以节日的祝福,祝春节愉快!衷心感谢贵公司对我们工作的大力支持.在新的一年里,在销售业务上还需与贵公司精诚 表示衷心感谢的四字词语快啊~我急啊! 我要向王小刚和全班同学表示衷心的感谢。 英语翻译我的公司名为“福燕”(中文拼音为Fuyan),请问翻译成英文是什么?衷心感谢你们每一位的参与!