
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/13 10:05:13


Summary of
Many believe Henry VIII to be Shakespeare's last play,but others firmly believe that the Bard had little,if anything,to do with its creation.Queen Katherine of Aragon is upright and virtuous and married to King Henry VIII.Henry was a proud and wilful monarch who defies Rome's ban on divorce to marry Ann Bullen (Boleyn).Cardinal Wolsey the Powerful Lord Chancellor of England and accomplished politician attempts to bend Rome to the king's wishes in the Bullen matter.Later,near death,he repents his unpriestly activity.Katherine is divorced and sent to Kimbolton Castle and Anne marries King Henry VIII to become his queen.

《亨利八世》是莎士比亚最后完成并据说是和青年剧作家费莱彻合作写成的英国历史,全剧共五幕十七场,本剧叙述了勃金汉公爵被诛,凯瑟琳教王后被废,大主教伍尔习惯黜,安 ·波琳加冕,和英国支教会脱离罗马教廷的统治而单独成立由英国国王直接领导的英国国教等主要情节,通过这些情节,亨利伊丽莎白女王的未来统治进行了预言性的颂扬,对于英国在亨利八世和伊丽莎白一世 父女俩长久而英明的统治下国势得以...


《亨利八世》是莎士比亚最后完成并据说是和青年剧作家费莱彻合作写成的英国历史,全剧共五幕十七场,本剧叙述了勃金汉公爵被诛,凯瑟琳教王后被废,大主教伍尔习惯黜,安 ·波琳加冕,和英国支教会脱离罗马教廷的统治而单独成立由英国国王直接领导的英国国教等主要情节,通过这些情节,亨利伊丽莎白女王的未来统治进行了预言性的颂扬,对于英国在亨利八世和伊丽莎白一世 父女俩长久而英明的统治下国势得以大振至今尚念念不忘的英国人民,本剧有很大 产感召力。
《亨利八世》是莎士比亚1613年写的英国历史剧。莎氏一生创作了十部英国历史剧,分别描述六个英国君王的生平。按他们在位的年代论,亨利八世是最后一个;按写作年代论,《亨利八世》也是最后一个。在写作这部作品时,莎士比亚已基本上结束了他的舞台艺术生涯,退隐在斯特拉特福镇老家安度晚年了。 《亨利八世》和莎士比亚的其他英国历史剧有两点重要差异。首先,在写以前的几个英国君王时,虽不都是从登基开始,但都写到统治结束为止;唯独对亨利八世他只写了他在位时期的一个片断。当然,那也是英国历史上最关键的一个时期——英国的宗教改革(Reformation)发生于此时。从那以后,英国政教...


Upon first reading, Henry VIII seems obscure and inaccessible to modern readers. Its episodic plot leaps from one group of characters to the next, relying on the audience's background understanding of...


Upon first reading, Henry VIII seems obscure and inaccessible to modern readers. Its episodic plot leaps from one group of characters to the next, relying on the audience's background understanding of Tudor history to fill in the gaps. Despite its difficulties, however, the basic format of Henry VIII looks more familiar. It can be seen as an Elizabethan version of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous," a glimpse, although fictionalized, into the lives of the most famous public figures of the era. It examines the private and the public lives of England's rulers, and looks at what happens when personal likes and dislikes get tangled up with politics. Henry's desire to find a new wife is not just the story of a man having an affair; he is the king, and the woman he chooses will influence a nation and mother the heir to the throne. The squabble between Buckingham and Wolsey is not just the jealousy of two men competing for their boss's attention; the outcome is a matter of life and death and will determine whether nobles and commoners have equal right to rule. The popularity of stories about the personal lives of the powerful is borne out by the large collection of history plays written and performed during Shakespeare's time. Audiences wanted to know about the lives of their public figures, just as modern audiences are fascinated with the personal lives of the Kennedy family, or the British royal family. For all its familiarity as a peek into the lives of the famous, Henry VIII contains qualities that are peculiarly Elizabethan. As much as a modern author or director might fictionalize the lives of modern leaders, for example in Oliver Stone's version of the life of John F. Kennedy, modern stories sometimes lack the moral tone prevalent in Henry VIII. Shakespeare's play belongs to a medieval tradition known in Latin as de casibus illustrorum, "concerning the falls of great men." The typical de casibus story depicts a man rising to greatness and then falling at the whims of fortune.
