英语翻译摘 要建设客运专线,实行客货分线运输,是当今世界铁路发展的方向,也是我国铁路适应国民经济和社会发展需要.由于我国客运专线建设刚刚起步,其设计、施工和管理仍处于探索和研

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/25 09:04:33

英语翻译摘 要建设客运专线,实行客货分线运输,是当今世界铁路发展的方向,也是我国铁路适应国民经济和社会发展需要.由于我国客运专线建设刚刚起步,其设计、施工和管理仍处于探索和研
摘 要
建设客运专线,实行客货分线运输,是当今世界铁路发展的方向,也是我国铁路适应国民经济和社会发展需要.由于我国客运专线建设刚刚起步,其设计、施工和管理仍处于探索和研究阶段,经验很少,因此进行客运专线铁路轨道设计具有重要意义.此次客运专线设计位于张家口地区,进行跨区间无缝线路铺设,设计运行机车高速采用中ZGS型机车,中速采用DF 型机车.其中,无缝线路曲线段曲线半径取8000m.
首先,对轨道结构组成部分进行选择.参照《京沪设计暂行规定》,选用60 无螺栓孔新轨(PD 轨,50m定长),轨枕为Ⅲ型混凝土枕,采用弹条Ⅲ型扣件、采用特级道碴,然后对所选构件进行强度检算.
关键词:客运专线 高速铁路 无缝线路 有碴轨道 锁定轨温

英语翻译摘 要建设客运专线,实行客货分线运输,是当今世界铁路发展的方向,也是我国铁路适应国民经济和社会发展需要.由于我国客运专线建设刚刚起步,其设计、施工和管理仍处于探索和研
Construction of passenger lanes, the implementation of passenger and cargo transportation routes, is the world's Beijing-Shanghai Design", selected 60 new tracks with bolt hole (PD track, 50 m long set), for the type Ⅲ concrete sleeper pillow, a bomb of the type Ⅲ fastener, a premium ballast, and then selected Component strength calculation.
Secondly, the design of lines to allow the rate and allowing the temperature drop rate of temperature rise, with the local maximum and minimum temperature rail tracks temperature, determine the design of roadbed lots locked rail temperature. At both ends of the line stretching the length and buffer zones set aside for rail joints, and layout reptiles displacement observation pile.
Finally, the design for rail lines, sleeper, fastening, such as ballast to calculate the number and use of CAD drawing layout of the track.
Key words: passenger-only lanes, high railway, seamless lines, ballast track, rail-lock

英文翻译摘要 想要的是语法正确得翻译,不要“中式”英语
悬赏分:120 - 离问题结束还有 15 天 12 小时
摘 要


英文翻译摘要 想要的是语法正确得翻译,不要“中式”英语
悬赏分:120 - 离问题结束还有 15 天 12 小时
摘 要
建设客运专线,实行客货分线运输,是当今世界铁路发展的方向,也是我国铁路适应国民经济和社会发展需要。由于我国客运专线建设刚刚起步,其设计、施工和管理仍处于探索和研究阶段,经验很少,因此进行客运专线铁路轨道设计具有重要意义。此次客运专线设计位于张家口地区,进行跨区间无缝线路铺设,设计运行机车高速采用中ZGS型机车,中速采用DF 型机车。其中,无缝线路曲线段曲线半径取8000m。
首先,对轨道结构组成部分进行选择。参照《京沪设计暂行规定》,选用60 无螺栓孔新轨(PD 轨,50m定长),轨枕为Ⅲ型混凝土枕,采用弹条Ⅲ型扣件、采用特级道碴,然后对所选构件进行强度检算。
关键词:客运专线 高速铁路 无缝线路 有碴轨道 锁定轨温的英文是English translation of the summary is to correct grammar in translation, instead of "Chinese" in English
The reward points: 120 - from the end of the issue are 15 days 12 hours
Construction of passenger-only lanes, the implementation of passenger and cargo transportation routes, is the world's railway development in the direction to China's railway to the national economic and social development needs. Since China's passenger line construction has just started, its design, construction and management is still in the exploration and research stage, little experience, so a passenger line rail track design is of great significance. The passenger line design in Zhangjiakou, a seamless cross-laying lines, the design and operation of high-speed locomotive used in the ZGS locomotive, used in the DF-speed locomotive. Among them, CWR curve radius of the curve from 8000 m.
Design of the basic ideas are as follows:
First of all, an integral part of the track structure to choose. Reference to the "Interim Regulations on the Beijing-Shanghai Design", selected 60 new tracks with bolt hole (PD track, 50 m long set), for the type Ⅲ concrete sleeper pillow, a bomb of the type Ⅲ fastener, a premium ballast, and then selected Component strength calculation.
Secondly, the design of a seamless line. According to strength and stability requirements, establish seamless rail lines to allow the rate and allowing the temperature drop rate of temperature rise, with the local maximum and minimum temperature rail tracks temperature, determine the design of roadbed lots locked rail temperature. At both ends of the line stretching the length and buffer zones set aside for rail joints, and layout reptiles displacement observation pile.
Finally, the design for rail lines, sleeper, fastening, such as ballast to calculate the number and use of CAD drawing layout of the track.
Key words: seamless passenger dedicated high-speed railway lines have locked rail track ballast temperature


Construction of passenger-only lanes, the implementation of passenger and cargo transportation routes, is the world's railway development in the direction to China's railway to the natio...


Construction of passenger-only lanes, the implementation of passenger and cargo transportation routes, is the world's railway development in the direction to China's railway to the national economic and social development needs. Since China's passenger line construction has just started, its design, construction and management is still in the exploration and research stage, little experience, so a passenger line rail track design is of great significance. The passenger line design in Zhangjiakou, a seamless cross-laying lines, the design and operation of high-speed locomotive used in the ZGS locomotive, used in the DF-speed locomotive. Among them, CWR curve radius of the curve from 8000 m.
Design of the basic ideas are as follows:
First of all, an integral part of the track structure to choose. Reference to the "Interim Regulations on the Beijing-Shanghai Design", selected 60 new tracks with bolt hole (PD track, 50 m long set), for the type Ⅲ concrete sleeper pillow, a bomb of the type Ⅲ fastener, a premium ballast, and then selected Component strength calculation.
Secondly, the design of a seamless line. According to strength and stability requirements, establish seamless rail lines to allow the rate and allowing the temperature drop rate of temperature rise, with the local maximum and minimum temperature rail tracks temperature, determine the design of roadbed lots locked rail temperature. At both ends of the line stretching the length and buffer zones set aside for rail joints, and layout reptiles displacement observation pile.
Finally, the design for rail lines, sleeper, fastening, such as ballast to calculate the number and use of CAD drawing layout of the track.
Key words: passenger-only lanes, high-speed railway, seamless lines, ballast track, rail-lock


英语翻译摘 要建设客运专线,实行客货分线运输,是当今世界铁路发展的方向,也是我国铁路适应国民经济和社会发展需要.由于我国客运专线建设刚刚起步,其设计、施工和管理仍处于探索和研 武汉客运专线基础设施维修基地 ,英语翻译 请问这句话是否有语病未来三年内,中国将建成四十二条高速铁路客运专线,转变长期以来铁路客货混运的发展模式,并带动沿线区域的经济快速发展. 胶济铁路客运专线有何意义? 地理题;建设京深铁客运专线的主要作用有1完善我国铁路交通网 2促进沿线经济发展 3承担大量货物的运输,缓解南北交通压力 4起到扶贫作用 英语翻译:旅游客运有限公司. 英语翻译近年来,随着国家拉动内需战略的实施,铁路施工企业迎来了一个千载难逢的发展机遇期。修建高速客运专线和既有铁路提速改造是我国目前铁路发展的主要方向,铁路工程一般都 铁路路基沉降观测记录表和路基沉降观测规范(客运专线) 客运专线路基沉降观测用的是几等水准测量? 武广客运专线是世界上目前最快最好的铁路这句话怎么改正 根据我省“十二五”铁路规定,某客运专线项目建成后,最短客运时间将由现在的2小时18分缩短为36分,其速度每小时提高210km,求提速后的火车速度(精确到1千米每时), 帮我解决下面的俩道题.1.根据我省十二五铁路规划,连云港至徐州客运专线项目后,连云港至徐州的最短客运时间将由现在的2小时18分缩短至36分,其速度每小时将提高260KM,求提速后的火车速度 英语翻译公司新成立了两个部门分别是“客运与旅游部”和“房地产管理开发部”,现在要做门牌,如何做成英文的门牌呢? 京广铁路客运专线(简称“京广高铁”)是以客运为主 的快速铁路.它北起首都北京,南到广州,全程近2300 km.该客运专线是我国“四纵四横”客运专线网之一,形成一条与京广铁路并行、纵 8.下列有关对“四纵四横”高速铁路客运专线网建设的叙述,正确的是 A.跨越了地势的三个阶梯 B.途径区域的河流以雨水补给为主C.以快速直达为原则,只经过省会城市 D.先进的科技是影 为什么在中国要实行生态文明建设 急死了,那位人高智商?武广高铁客运专线于2009年12月26日正式通车运行,这标志这我国步入高速铁路新时代.武广铁路专客运线,是世界上一次建成最长、时速最快的高速铁路.(都是介绍,……) 动车客运、专线采用无缝钢轨是在()减弱噪音,动车的车体采用铝合金材料