来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 23:14:30
在您生日这一天,将快乐的音符,作为礼物送给您,愿您拥有 365 个美丽的日子.
·编织进去 /把所有的一切 /星星 烛光 微风和 /愉快的微笑 /今夜 /你生命的花环 /又添上一朵不谢的三色槿 /生日愉快
·春风 夏日 秋雨 冬雪 /请在年年的这一天回首 /忆您带我们这群孩子走过的履迹 /祝福今天——— /为您的生日
·闪烁的烛光 /从迷蒙中穿过 /摇响风铃 /引您走过千山万水 /明天的图案一定描绘得 /更加精美 /以后的日子一定装饰得 /更加辉煌!
·您的青春应该是不会逝去的 /请别轻易丢弃这一张张贺卡 /任蓝黑的墨迹变得黯淡 /字里行间不减的依然是 /我们深深的谢意和祝福 /而流逝的岁月也将沿着 /生日时这一股股温暖的风 /缓缓吹拂而来
·生日快乐,敬爱的老师!祝福您的生活 /盛满青春 /盛满微笑 /盛满欢欣与快慰 /祝福您!
·走过四季 走过岁月 /又走到每年的这一天 /一路风尘 /是您的步履 /一路平安 /是我的歌声 /祝福您生日快乐
In this day your birthday will be a happy note, as a gift for you, like you have 365 beautiful day. * Send you a sincere mind, to send you a beautiful flower, I want a thousand words, and endless gratitude to become a wonderful greeting card for your happy birthday to add luster! * Woven into the / all in all / star candle light wind and / pleasant smile / Tonight / wreath of your life / have added do not mention it on a three-color hibiscus / birthday happy Spring summer autumn winter snows / in the year Looking back on this day years / Yi-You took us to trace these children come of Lu / blessings today --- / for your birthday flickering candlelight / from the mist in through the / roll ring Campanula / lead you walk 1000 Hill 10000 Water / tomorrow's design will certainly depicted / more beautiful / beyond a certain decorated / more brilliant! * Your youth should not be passing away / Please do not be easily discarded this one cards / any blue-black ink has become dim / read between the lines is still the diminished / our deep gratitude and good wishes / and the passage of years has also will follow / birthday of this Unit, the warm wind / slowly blowing sound coming live to regret not personally tell you "Happy Birthday", would like to be able to bring this little birthday card to my deep and sincere blessings thanks! * Happy Birthday, Dear Teacher! Bless your life / filled with youth / filled with a smile / filled with joy and be happy / bless you! * Four Seasons walked passed the years / have gone to every year on this day / all the way eolian / is your walking / bon voyage / is my voice / wishes you a happy birthday