
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 19:21:38


Use field 007 to code for the physical characteristics of an item.You can also use 007 to code for the physical characteristics of the parts of an item such as accompanying material.(007 is valid in all formats for this purpose.) OCLC has implemented the following 007 fields:Electronic Resource
Motion Picture
Nonprojected Graphic
Projected Graphic
Remote-sensing Image Sound Recording
Tactile Material
Video Recording
Guidelines Use an appropriate 007 field if you are cataloging microforms,motion pictures,nonprojected graphics,projected graphics,videorecordings,etc.,that are published separately.In addition,use field 007 for electronic resources,globes,maps,microforms,motion pictures,nonprojected graphics,projected graphics,remote-sensing images,sound recordings,tactile materials and videorecordings that are components of kits.
Nonmicroform reproductions If you are cataloging a nonmicroform reproduction of existing graphic material,use an 007 field for the type of material of the reproduction (e.g.,use the 007 field for Videorecording for a video copy).
Locally made changes to the physical form of the item The physical description in the master record should reflect the condition or form in which you received the item.For example,if you regularly cut filmstrips and mount the individual frames as slides and you want the local cataloging to reflect the local form (slides),use the following instructions:
Input a master record for the item as published.
Edit the record for local use.
If a record already exists,edit the record for local use.
Motion pictures and videorecordings If you are cataloging several versions or variations of a work in separate records,use one field 007 in each record to describe that version or variation.However,if you are cataloging versions or variations in the same record (i.e.,if the same TMat code applies),use multiple 007 fields to describe the multiple versions or variations.
Projected and nonprojected graphics Use one 007 field to represent multiple items with identical characteristics.For example,a set of 46 slides requires one 007 field if the slides share the same physical characteristics.
However,use multiple 007 fields to represent physical characteristics that differ between items in the same set.For example,if you are cataloging a set of ten filmstrips and six have accompanying sound,use two 007 fields,one for the sound filmstrips and one for the silent filmstrips.
Sound recordings accompanying projected graphics Sound recordings that accompany filmstrips or slide sets and provide a sound track for the filmstrips or slide sets are an integral part of the item.Do not use separate 007 fields for the sound recording.However,use a separate 007 field for sound recordings if it is an independent component of a kit.
Primary and secondary support materials for graphics Provide codes in field 007 for primary and secondary support materials of the item.Primary support material and secondary support material are the base on which graphic items are mounted,drawn,printed,etc.
For example,the primary support for a slide is the film that bears the image.The secondary support is the slide mount,which is usually cardboard or plastic.For art prints,the primary support is usually paper.If the print is in a frame,the frame is the secondary support.If the print is dry mounted and matted,the mounting and mat board are secondary supports.
You may not be able to determine the composition of primary and secondary support materials.If in doubt,do not enter codes for support material in the 007 field
Kits Kits are items containing two or more categories of material,no one of which is predominate.Kits may also be single-medium packages of textual materials (e.g.,lab kits).Use visual materials format (Type code o) if you are cataloging a kit.Apply the same rules and definitions to 007 fields used in kit records as you would to 007 fields used individually in other records.


谁能给个007系列电影的英文介绍?(就总体上就可以了,不要细分到每个电影,就是些出品公司、演员什么的,用不着太多)帮帮忙啊!英语课上要演讲的! 007系列电影介绍英文版和译文 谁能介绍几个关于海怪的电影给我 长江7号英文版的介绍我的英语手抄报要的英文版电影介绍还要的英文版电影介绍最好加上的```````如果能给我更多的电影英文介绍----追加! 求哈利波特电影的总介绍,要英文的 任志强是谁总听说这个名字,总听到他不怀好意的言论,谁能给我个他的详细介绍 谁能给我详细介绍一下QGF系列气液增压缸的结构? 谁能给我3篇英文电影观后感?求3篇英文的电影观后感 谁能给一篇介绍快男谭杰希的英文介绍? 介绍“我最喜欢的一部电影”要英文的什么电影随便,英文的就好. 迎上海世博英文介绍谁能给我写一段关于迎接上海世博的英文介绍,120个单词左右就可以了.不要有语法错误,初三水平的. 英文介绍《数据结构》要参加面试,谁能给我一段 用英文介绍 数据结构 内容就是描述大学里数据结构主要讲了哪些内容的,不要太多,200个单词左右就行了, 电影:神话的英文介绍 电影泰坦尼克的英文介绍 电影珍珠港的英文介绍 儿童电动车价格小摩托系列和车系列,能给我个价目表的最好, 谁能介绍给我有点关于哲理,但有不失故事性的电影 迪拜的英文介绍谁能给我一篇“迪拜”的英文介绍,