
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/05 16:28:34


The design is based on the uniqueness of the Great Hall of Chongqing.The bottom part of the label symbolizes the stable foundation and enormous potentials in the development of Chongqing.The middle part symbolizes the further development of Chongqing into a great metropolitan city.The green colour in the uppermost part symbolizes the mountainous features of Chongqing,while the red colour in the centre shows that Chongqing resembles a burning furnace.

With the uniqueness of ChongQing Auditorium as a design element, the bottom of the symbol represents a stable and abundant foundation for ChongQing devleopment. The middle represents ChongQing will co...


With the uniqueness of ChongQing Auditorium as a design element, the bottom of the symbol represents a stable and abundant foundation for ChongQing devleopment. The middle represents ChongQing will continue for better development until it becomes a major metropolis! The green on top represents ChongQing is a City of Mountains with red in the middle representing ChongQing is hot as a stove.


Chongqing auditorium for the unique design elements of the sign at the end of representatives of Chongqing, is based on the development of stable, abundant. The middle of some representatives of Chong...


Chongqing auditorium for the unique design elements of the sign at the end of representatives of Chongqing, is based on the development of stable, abundant. The middle of some representatives of Chongqing will continue to develop better, until it becomes the city! Top with the green mountain city of Chongqing is in the middle is a stove with red Chongqing


英语翻译以重庆大礼堂的独有性为设计元素,标志的底代表重庆发展的基础是稳定的,雄厚的.中间部分代表重庆会不断更好的发展,直至成为大都市!最上面用绿色代表重庆是山城,中间用红色代 急求重庆景点的英文导游词急求重庆的英文导游词,(白帝城,歌乐山,重庆大礼堂,山水重庆,三峡). 以‘独’为话题的作文 2010年上海世博会重庆馆设计主题确定为“山地森林城市”,面积为600平方米的馆内设有“天生重庆”‘人文重庆”“奇迹重庆”3个展示区.分别呈现了壮美的三峡景观、独特的人文元素以及未 以独为话题的作文?求一篇独为题的作文? 英语翻译此独以跛之故 英语翻译在最新一季秋冬新品中,我们以精简内敛,个性勃发的设计理念为主线,加入多种新颖的设计元素,并利用饰物的搭配使其简约而不简单,突显服装背后人性的真实.我们运用了不同肌理,以 设计一个算法,将顺序表重新排列成以第1个元素为界的两部分,前一部分元素的值都小于它,后一部分元素.设计一个算法,将顺序表重新排列成以第1个元素为界的两部分,前一部分元素的值都小 英语翻译文章以重庆滨水地区的城市设计为例,从城市的整体框架入手,展开 “点-线-面”三要素的分析. 英语翻译文章以重庆滨水地区的城市设计为例,从城市的整体框架入手,展开 “点-线-面”三要素的分析. 含有性染色体数目最多的为什么是白细胞? 以设计为话题的作文. 以“设计自己”为标题的作文 孔子都有什么代表元素?我是学设计的.想以孔子为题材.做一系列设计产品.孔子都有什么代表元素啊?除了论语,三孔之外? 有性繁殖的缺点 英语翻译公都子曰:“告子曰:性无善无不善也.或曰:性可以为善,可以为不善.是故文武兴,则民好善;幽厉兴,则民好暴.或曰:有性善,有性不善.是故以尧为君而有象;以瞽叟为父而有舜; 英语翻译公都子曰:告子曰:『性无善无不善也.』或曰:『性可以为善,可以为不善;是故文武兴,则民好善;幽厉兴,则民好暴.』或曰:『有性善,有性不善;是故以尧为君而有象;以瞽瞍为 以空集为元素的单元素集合 帮帮!