
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 09:31:35


With various bright colours,it looks young and active without the depth of historical vicissitude and recurrent influence.
Dalian is characterized by extended seafront roads,plus amusement parks near the sea.It also boasts the unique fried-and-steamed sleevefish sold at the vendors' stands and the downtown area selling commidities of all kinds of brands.

Being young and energetic,Dalian ,which possess bright colour, has less dullness resulting from history than other city.
The long way along the seashore ,the amusement park lying beside the sea, fried-and-steamed sleevefish sold in the moving stall as well as commercial district with various brands,all belong to Dalian.

With various bright colours, it looks young and active without the depth of historical vicissitude and recurrent influence.
Dalian is characterized by extended seafront roads,plus amusement parks ...


With various bright colours, it looks young and active without the depth of historical vicissitude and recurrent influence.
Dalian is characterized by extended seafront roads,plus amusement parks near the sea. It also boasts the unique fried-and-steamed sleevefish sold at the vendors' stands and the downtown area selling commidities of all kinds of brands.
Being young and energetic,Dalian ,which possess bright colour, has less dullness resulting from history than other city.
The long way along the seashore ,the amusement park lying beside the sea, fried-and-steamed sleevefish sold in the moving stall as well as commercial district with various brands,all belong to Dalian


英语翻译年轻朝气,色彩明快,少了些历史堆叠反复渲染的深沉.大连有延展的滨海路,有海边的游乐场,有街边摊的炒焖子大鱿鱼,有品牌齐全的商业区, 英语翻译要健康,简短,明快 形容天际 红晕 色彩 晨曦 朝气 空气的动词 英语翻译XX女装09春夏灵感来源于雨后的亚热带雨林,以充满春天感的粉色开场,色彩活泼朝气,配色大胆新鲜,充满女性味道面料多采用亲近肌肤的天然纤维织物,棉,麻,丝,羊绒等,契合了注重穿衣 色彩的冷暖对比使色彩明快,活泼,红颜色的对比色是什么 英语翻译用责任和义务去完善自己,去诠释自己,去施展才华,去绽放青春,去演绎年轻的朝气生!把每颗爱校之心聚集起.照耀着年轻的梦想.带着年轻与梦想起飞,而当你在多年之后再回首时,会发 什么花的花语代表青春活力?象征着年轻,朝气? 她如此年轻就做了老师.如何用英语翻译 三星堆的历史 ( )红晕,( )色彩,( )天际,( )晨曦,( )朝气,( )空气,要填动词 把成语按感情色彩的不同,分两类.专心致志心旷神怡朝气勃勃气焰嚣张 神机妙算怎么分 《小桥流水人家》这篇课文先勾勒出一幅“( ) ”的写意画—小溪潺潺绕村庄.( )、( ),色彩清新而明快,情调美丽而缠绵;接着写了小桥流水人家的人们( )、( )的生活情况.我要现 英语翻译太少了... 英语翻译,年轻就是本钱 英语翻译《百年孤独》被誉为 “再现拉丁美洲历史社会图景的鸿篇巨著”,魔幻现实主义的代表作品.该书通过布恩地亚家族7代人充满神秘色彩的坎坷经历反映了拉丁美洲的历史演变和社会现 历史中的孝文帝很年轻就死了 郁闷 英语翻译少了点吧 英语翻译毕竟太年轻 怎么说,