
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/05 01:34:45


The French cooking is most has the influence and the most characterful cooking system in the Western world,the French crowned heads has the strong royal power,when Louis XIV achieves the crest,the palace luxurious atmosphere is fastidious in the diet,each cooking method through the aristocrat who imitates flows in the folk.The French cooking takes the cooking method and goes to eat the etiquette,France is rich in the grape wine and the cheese becomes the French cooking essential seasoning,French each region probably produces 450 many kinds of different flavors the cheese,each kind of cheese by invents its procedure first a villages and small towns naming,some villages and small towns like Camembert could not find in any general map,but could find this in any French dictionary even English dictionary to represent the cheese name the word.

French cooking is in the western world the most influential and most cooking system, the French monarchy with strong kingship, Louis ShiSiShi peak, the palace in luxury atmosphere is very exquisite, v...


French cooking is in the western world the most influential and most cooking system, the French monarchy with strong kingship, Louis ShiSiShi peak, the palace in luxury atmosphere is very exquisite, various cooking methods through the noble into folk follow. French cuisine cooking method and dining etiquette on French wine produced (French) and cheese, vin (fromage), French cooking indispensable condiment, French about 450 many different flavors of produce cheese, each kind of cheese in the first invented some villages, towns named after Camembert as in any normal map can find, but in any one French dictionaries and even the English dictionary can be found in the name of the representative cheese


英语翻译法国烹饪是在西方世界最具影响和最具特色的烹饪系统,法国君主具有较强的王权,在路易十四时达到顶峰,宫廷奢华风气在饮食上十分讲究,各种烹饪方法通过效仿的贵族流入民 英语翻译所谓中国文学,就是用中国文字写成的文学.中国文学在法国以及在西方的影响,也是中国文字在世界范围内重新确立重要地位的过程.汉语,在这里指的是汉文、华文或者中文,是中国最 英国、法国、瑞士、墨西哥最具代表性的食物是? 法国最具代表性的人物 二战后最具世界意义的两个变化是 1.请各举一例来说明人类历史的“创新”和“融合”.2.列举对法国乃至世界产生影响的法国人.那个,法国人那个,最好说一下影响哈. 世界最具影响力的歌手是谁? 中国是东方世界最强大的国家,那西方是哪个国家最强大? 英语翻译 全球最具影响力人物 马克思主义在西方世界的影响是什么?马克思在西方世界的具体影响有哪些? 美国、英国、加拿大、俄罗斯、法国、德国最具代表性的动物是什么?就好像中国是熊猫,澳大利亚是袋鼠. 欧洲最具旅游价值的国家是哪个?英国、法国、德国、意大利、西班牙、瑞士、奥地利、希腊? 第二次世界大战最具世界意义的变化(帝国主义瓦解是一点,还有几点是什么?) 英语翻译莎士比亚是文艺复兴时代英国乃至整个欧洲最伟大的资产阶级人文主义作家.在西方戏剧史和世界文学中享有崇高的地位.他的作品深刻的反映了16世纪至17世纪的英国现实,集中代表了 英语翻译摘 要:杰克·伦敦是20世纪初美国文学最具批判精神的现实主义作家,在创作思想上对杰克·伦敦影响最大的是赫伯特·斯宾塞的社会达尔文主义和尼采的超人哲学.他的“狗的小说” 战国七雄中,位于最东方和最西方的两个国家是? 中国最具世界影响力的人物是谁 2010时代周刊世界最具影响力100位人物是谁?