英语翻译一、导入新课 1.我们的大自然给予我们绿色的植物,你知道这些植物依靠什么生存?2.我们今天来研究有关土壤的知识.二、自主学习 1.说说你对土壤的认识.(1)你对土壤已经知道

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 21:02:40

英语翻译一、导入新课 1.我们的大自然给予我们绿色的植物,你知道这些植物依靠什么生存?2.我们今天来研究有关土壤的知识.二、自主学习 1.说说你对土壤的认识.(1)你对土壤已经知道
第 周 星期
2006年 月 日
课 题 了解空气
教学目标 科学探究:引领学生经历运用感官或借助其他介质观察与探究空气的过程,让他们充分感知空气.
重 点 空气的存在、流动以及空气占据着空间
难 点 对实验结果进行分析,得出结论的能力
教 具 教师用:水槽、气球、塑料袋、可乐瓶、三角漏斗、平底烧瓶、集气瓶等材料.
学生用( 4人一组):水槽、可乐瓶、气球、剪刀、铁钉、吸管等.
方 法
师:今天老师欣赏了大家许多赋予新意的实验设计之后,觉得你们真是能干极了 老师希望在今后的学习、生活中,小朋友们也要像今天那样不但要学习新知识,更要懂得把它们应用到生活、学习中,去解决一些小难题.做一个小小的设计师,

英语翻译一、导入新课 1.我们的大自然给予我们绿色的植物,你知道这些植物依靠什么生存?2.我们今天来研究有关土壤的知识.二、自主学习 1.说说你对土壤的认识.(1)你对土壤已经知道
The teaching process one, to sing for us
1. Our nature gives us the green plant, you know these plants survival depends on what?
2. Today we to study on soil knowledge.
Second, autonomous learning
1. You talk about the understanding of soil.
(1) you on soil already know what?
(2) team report in communication, grouping.
(3) in activities that you already know on the record about record of soil knowledge.
2. Soil is a mixture? How to validate?
(1) in the table on the shop, the earth newspaper the pre-prepared (teacher, giving the variety of clay soil and marked Numbers) producer, pour in the newspapers, observe carefully what the mud. What are you already know? Your most surprise found is what? What do you suppose? How are you going to verify?
The problems found: the color of the soil is different; Soil have different component; Soil have plastic kind of sundry...
(2) in groups discussed in depth, how to verify his observation.
(3) group exchanges, reporting.
(4) in activities under or draw down record of your observations, validation methods.
(5) in the next lesson we observed and guess according to your for verification.
Three, after-school study
You also want to know about what knowledge of the soil?
(1) what do you still want to know?
(2) in groups exchanges.
(3) track record in activities or paint you want to know.
(4) spend a certain amount of time to independent study your questions, the result is recorded.
Teaching reflection
The first week week
June 21, 2006
Lesson topic understand air
The teaching goal of science inquiry: lead students experience with other media use sensory or observing and explore the process of air, let them fully perception air.
Emotions, attitudes and values: through vivid and interesting activities and stimulate the students' intense curiosity and actively explore desire, and is willing to put himself on the air perception, cognition and the classmates exchange share.
Scientific knowledge: preliminary know air is a colorless, odorless, transparent gas, know air is a real existence, air to occupy the space.
The existence of heavy point air flow and air, occupy a space
Difficult point analysis of experimental results, draw the conclusion ability
Teach with teachers using: cistern, balloons, plastic bags, Coca-Cola bottles, triangle funnel, flat bottom flasks, set cylinders materials.
The student with (4 in one group) : cistern, Coca-Cola bottles, balloons, scissors, nails, straw, etc.
Square method
The teaching process a, game introduction, produces a problem
1. First class on blows balloons arena.
2. Invite two students to blow into coke bottle balloon race.
3. See into coke bottle is the balloon blow.
4. Then lead to the source of the problem, why into coke bottle balloon blow not big?
Second, voluntary cooperation, probing questions
(a) explore air occupy the space
1. Students discuss: why into coke bottle balloon blow not big? (coke bottle filled with air)
2. Design in the air coke bottle design of experiment.
3. Team concluded that communication. Air occupy the space in the bottle.
4. Students to observe the experiment with funnel pour soy sauce, further explained the air can occupy the space.
(2) explore air can flow
1. The teacher asked: now the teacher must change this situation: make a balloon three blow bottle in coke, paper within the cup bottom in water will be wet, coke can smoothly coke bottle into another you said should do? What measures, ability makes application such situation change.
2. The student to discuss, and design the plan. Teachers provide relevant materials.
3. Group many methods. Report exchange
4. The student beginning experiment, the teacher carries on proper guidance.
Three, summarizes
T: today we have to understand what the air nature? (show the title)
Living: air occupy the space. (blackboard writing)
T: today teacher appreciate everyone gives new experimental design many, think you're capable after it! Teachers hope that in the study, life, children should be like today that not only should learn new knowledge, more to apply them to the living, learning, to solve a few problems. To do