英语翻译会计诚信 英文文献和翻译100 - 离问题结束还有 13 天 1 小时 论文写完了,会计诚信方面的.导师还让找篇英文文献啊在最后,高分求啊``还有翻译,字数不用太多``好的再追加分啊~英文加

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 18:01:54

英语翻译会计诚信 英文文献和翻译100 - 离问题结束还有 13 天 1 小时 论文写完了,会计诚信方面的.导师还让找篇英文文献啊在最后,高分求啊``还有翻译,字数不用太多``好的再追加分啊~英文加
会计诚信 英文文献和翻译
100 - 离问题结束还有 13 天 1 小时

英语翻译会计诚信 英文文献和翻译100 - 离问题结束还有 13 天 1 小时 论文写完了,会计诚信方面的.导师还让找篇英文文献啊在最后,高分求啊``还有翻译,字数不用太多``好的再追加分啊~英文加
  Accounting credit of this - do not do false accounts
  Accounting is the integrity of the industry. Ultimately the nature of accounting is a word: "true", the decline of accounting is a single word: "false"! If the accounting loss of integrity, fraud, fraud, fraud, the accounting will follow the basis of the existence of failure, the accounting industry's vitality along with it the end. Therefore, "do not do cook the books", should be the integrity of the accounting, accounting practitioners should be our motto. On the point of this article Opinion
  Modern accounting My father Mr. Pan Xulun said: "Ericsson, is the accounting of the present; no credit, there is no accounting." Credibility is the cornerstone of the market economy is the lifeblood of accounting, it is shelter for the accounting professionals, Liye the base. Makes false accounts and ensure the quality of accounting information, accounting integrity of this.
  Comrade Zhu Rongji has warned the World Congress of Accountants: "All accounting and auditing must be 'honesty, personal integrity, adhere to standards, do not do accounting fraud.' Adhere to an independent, objective and fair principles, never yield to any pressure and meet and unreasonable demands, not to his position to gain of private interests, not to provide false information. "This requires the accounting officers in dealing with accounting matters, must be objective, true and fair reflection of the economic business, do not do false accounts, accounting information from the source to ensure the authenticity and reliability.
  First, strictly original documents and approval from the source to prevent false accounts
  Original certificate is to obtain economic and business occurs documentary evidence to prove that the only legitimate transactions occurring evidence. As in the practical work of the "three no" invoice more (no date, no economic content, not managers), some white striped collar, according to, some false invoice, so should accountants financial laws, regulations and systems based on , carefully examine the original documents. In the audit should be the following points: (1) the authenticity of audit: an audit of the evidence whether it reflects the real face of the economic business, with or without fake, and fake acts of invoices for investment in infrastructure should be accompanied by the contract, pre (summary) operator, responsible for approval submissions, payment of books issued by the Commissioner; housing projects to use the construction and installation industry, maintenance of invoices accompanied by a contract (agreement), pre (summary) operator, inspection reports, etc.; vehicle repair invoices to be accompanied by " vehicle maintenance Chengpi single "maintenance list; Hospitality invoices should be accompanied by" a single official reception Cheng Pi ", the original menu; office supplies invoices with details to be single and seal; where Government procurement projects be attached to government procurement contracts , acceptance of the accounts and so on. The lack of authenticity of the certificate to be further identified, are indeed false, to refuse to handle. (2) the legitimacy of review: review of the evidence for compliance with relevant laws, regulations, financial systems, whether the violation of budgetary and financial discipline, the original documents are not legally inadmissible. (3) integrity of the audit: major review of the evidence of the procedures are complete, whether the project should be completed filled the whole, whether tax or financial producer chapter, whether the handler signature, whether the leader's approval of the original documents are not complete should be returned. (4) the correctness of review: review of a summary of the evidence and whether the figures that date, correct, quantity, unit price, the amount of calculation is correct, the amount of the compatibility of such case. Payment processing business, must be strictly in accordance with the "Interim Regulations on cash management" regulations, the right-bank transfers within the unit of account be transferred to fill in the invoice, the non-transferred to other accounts or personal accounts.
  2, no CD, only the only method, do not cook the books
  Accounting personnel perform their duties independent of individual equality, accounting duties are subject to the "Accounting Law" to protect the inviolability of. "Accounting Law" and Article V provides: "accounting and accounting officer pursuant to the provisions of this Law, accounting, supervision of accounting. No unit or individual shall not in any way incite, instigate or forcibly order accounting, accounting personnel to forge or alter accounting vouchers, accounting books and other accounting information, false financial accounting reports. 任何 unit or individual shall not perform duties according to law, and resist acts violating this Law 的 retaliate against the accounting personnel. "So accountants Yi Ding remember their duties, not to or partial loss of the principle of individual self-interest, we should always remember Comrade Zhu Rongji warned, do not do accounting fraud. In preparing the financial accounting report should be to verify and correct the figures for the accounting books, never to estimates, the number of reported planned, much less fraud, tampering and counterfeiting accounting data, to carefully check the accounts truly, account card match , consistent accounts and the accounts in line and consistent accounts table to ensure true and reliable financial reports. Accounting staff to strengthen their own morality, so that self-respect, self-discipline, self-improvement, not forced by power, not money by moving, doing the accounting integrity who do not cook the books.
  Third, according to law, increase the punishment of those accounting fraud
  The purpose of accounting fraud, is occupied state-owned assets, transfer of state funds, tax evasion, state taxes, obtaining credit and social funds, the accounting fraud to the state, investors and creditors to cause significant economic losses, has shaken the credibility of economic and social basis disrupted the normal order of market economy. Therefore should increase penalties for counterfeiters, improve cost accounting fraud, the administrative sanctions, administrative penalties, fines and civil damages the economy together, the responsibility to make false flats leading directly responsible obtained by fraud benefits significantly lower than the fine, compensation; for those who lack professional ethics or professional ethics are not high, deviation of values, actively or passively involved in counterfeiting, resulting in serious distortion of accounting information, can not accurately reflect the unit's financial position, results of operations and cash flow accounting personnel, it should be clear from the accounting team, allowed to pay the bankrupt, the infamous cost; the same time, honest and law-abiding units and high moral character, not afraid of pressure, do not do the accounting officer to give false accounts recognition and reward.
  In short, the accounting information is true, complete measure of quality of accounting standards, "do cook the books" is the integrity of the accounting is accounting work life, the most basic of every accounting staff of professional ethics and code of conduct, but also to do good starting point for accounting, accounting officers should bear in mind the "do cook the books", to practice virtue, accounting law, rule, Benedict did really account for "do cook the books" to become the conscious action of the general accounting staff.

英语翻译会计诚信 英文文献和翻译100 - 离问题结束还有 13 天 1 小时 论文写完了,会计诚信方面的.导师还让找篇英文文献啊在最后,高分求啊``还有翻译,字数不用太多``好的再追加分啊~英文加 英语翻译几个句子,1.引言.2.会计诚信的现状及缺失的原因.3.会计诚信缺失的对策.4.制定提高会计诚信水平的相关配套措施.5.重建会计诚信的预期和展望.6.结论 求一篇有关会计职业判断的英文文献及翻译.中文翻译3000字左右 英语翻译毕业论文:自动化相关英文文献翻译,英文文献2000字以上,翻译后的中文字数3000以上,最好有作者和关键字.会议文献或者期刊文献 英语翻译论文少一篇5000字的英文文献和翻译 英文医学文献翻译 英语翻译在翻译遗传学有关的英文文献. 英语翻译最好有翻译好的(英文文献+中文文献) 英语翻译文献综述 英文相关文献及翻译 国内外研究现状解决思路急用 决不食言! 英语翻译求一篇关于“教师资格”的 外国文献翻译 论文要用 要有 英文原文和中文翻译 英语翻译英文文献里的,审计学,统计模型,关键是 the variable of interest 要怎么翻译和理解? 求外文文献,关于反倾销或倾销的会计处理问题!最好是外文和翻译都有的!没有翻译的,就外文文献! 急求有关信用卡的英文文献和翻译, 暖通空调英文文献和翻译,要4000字左右的. 求一篇关于FPGA的英文文献和翻译 英语翻译急求一篇关于 超声波测距 的英文文献及翻译,英文文献要2W字符 跪求英文文献翻译 求化工英文文献翻译