
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 07:26:33


The ever-rising price of property in China has become cause of worry for an increasing number of people, shows a survey.
Despite the measures taken last year to cool down the overheatedreal estate market, fewer people now believe that the prices would stabilize in the near future.
Only one-fifth of the 2,582 people polled by China Youth Daily's social research centre, sina.com and ePanel Marketing Research Consulting Co were confident that the government's steps would check the trend. Their percentage was 60 in a similar survey conducted only two years ago.
The poll results announced yesterday showed another significant change: instead of blaming real estate investors for raising the prices to earn huge profits, as respondents had done two years ago, more people now blame the government's vulnerability in macro-control measures for the malaise.
The rising demand and the concurrent raising of prices by investors are to blame, said Bao Zonghua, president of China Real Estate and Housing Research Association. And the macro-control measures need time to take effect.
Almost all the respondents said there was a bubble in the real estate market, with nearly half being certain that it would burst in 10 years. But almost 40 percent believe that the bubble would never burst.
A whopping 80 percent believe that real estate prices would continue to rise this year, and 30 percent fear it would do so at a greater pace.

关于住房困难.房价高涨的英语作文住房改革后,房价高速飞涨,同时也给要买房的年轻人带来沉重的负担,很多不得不缩减开支,努力工作赚钱买房还房贷沦为房奴,针对这种现象请表达你的观点. 关于住房的诗句 改革前后人们住房的变化 保障性住房的意义?保障性住房建设对改善住房供给结构及平抑当前房价的影响? 写白族住房的作文写住房的作文 求一篇关于住房问题的英语作文120字,内容要求:1,住房紧缺是大城市的一个严重问题.2,造成住房紧缺的原因.3,解决办法. 写一封电子邮件给一个朋友关于你的家乡的变化英语作文包括:住房条件 道路交通 人文景观 少数民族的住房 北方住房的特点? 住房增量的定义 陕西富平县房价陕西富平县的住房均价是多少呀 (就一般的两室一厅或三室一厅) 关于公寓,住房的的英语广告词,或者短句.要适当地予以夸张和新颖. 介绍家里住房条件的英语作文家里住房面积120平方米 球八年级英语作文 关于未来生活未来人们生活的样子住房高楼林立交通驾车出行,环游世界饮食合理膳食教育在家上网学习 英语翻译市场调控、政策实施、住房信贷、房价泡沫 急求一篇~公共住房商业化 的英文~作文~~ 关于环境与健康的英语作文求一篇关于环境健康的英语作文,120字,太多了也没用,还有住房和独生子女的作文也是120字,节假日一篇,要是好的话我会加分的 沙特阿拉伯人住房什么样的