
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/10 06:19:02


Party B will act as distributor of the appointed product of xx brand.Party B shall not change the brand of the product it distribute without permission from party A
Payment term shall be monthly payment based on the agreed sales commission distribution between both parties.Party A 20%,party B 80%
Party B shall provide the legitimate VAT invoice to Party A.
Party B's sales revenue shall be based on the report generated from Party A POS(point of sale) system

Party B to do the specified product XX brand sales, are not allowed to change the sales of the brand.
The way in terms of sales each month into settlement, Party A 20%, B 80%.
Party A Party B shall provide a legal value added tax invoices.
Cash register system sales to Party A Party B shall prevail.

The second party makes the marketing allocating the product XX brand's , must not take bold to change the marketing brand. Push down a marketing every month divide into 20%, second method of way settl...


The second party makes the marketing allocating the product XX brand's , must not take bold to change the marketing brand. Push down a marketing every month divide into 20%, second method of way settlement , first party 80%. The second party must provide first party with legal duty on value added receipt. The second party sales volume takes that the first party collects silver system as the criterion.


Party B to do the specified product XX brand marketing, will be allowed to change the marketing brand.
The way in terms of sales each month into settlement, Party A 20%, B 80%.
Party A Party B...


Party B to do the specified product XX brand marketing, will be allowed to change the marketing brand.
The way in terms of sales each month into settlement, Party A 20%, B 80%.
Party A Party B shall provide a legal value added tax invoices.
Cash register system sales to Party A Party B shall prevail.


英语翻译乙方做指定产品XX品牌的销售,不得擅自变更销售品牌.每月按销售分成的方式结算,甲方20%,乙方80%.乙方须向甲方提供合法的增值税发票.乙方销售额以甲方收银系统为准. 英语翻译一家企业的三大类产品同时被指定为XX专用产品,这在XX合作中开了先河 英语翻译2、销售经理,XX品牌酒水XX市地方代理商.谢绝翻译工具,区域经理,负责酒水的酒店销售业务 英语翻译经 销 合 同甲 方:乙 方:经甲乙双方友好协商,本着互惠互利共同发展的原则,达成以下合同条款:一.乙方承诺甲方为乙方酒水饮料指定经销商,乙方所需产品,乙方委托甲方采购供 英语翻译乙方为甲方在中亚地区的独家代理商,在未经乙方同意的情况下,因甲方擅自将产品销售到中亚地区或通过其他销售商将产品销售到中亚地区,对乙方所造成的一切不良后果及损失由甲 英语翻译请帮忙把以下的中文翻成英文,甲方产品要按乙方订单货期时间出场.否则,每延迟一天(扣除弹性时间5天计算)按产品值的1%计算,XX 给乙方.延迟10天以上(含10天)乙方可拒收订单产品, 英语翻译1.合同签订后,甲方向乙方支付合同总价的30%作为定金,结算时定金抵作合同款;2.产品全部抵达甲方指定交货地点,甲方向乙方支付合同总价的40%后,乙方派工程队到现场安装.3.安装完 英语翻译XX站在品牌策划的高端利用正确基础研究与有效品牌管理,来达到企业及产品具有独特营销的目的. 英语翻译项目:产品介绍单张设计印刷甲乙双方就以上项目达成以下协议:一、乙方根据甲方要求进行设计,由甲方确认后制作印刷.二、乙方将制作好的-------送到甲方指定地点.三、费用(见 英语翻译第二条 协议期限2.1本协议期限为 年 月 日至 年 月 日,但甲乙双方同意或根据本协议约定提前解除或终止的除外.第三条 授权销售区域3.1乙方应在甲方指定的销售区域内从事本协议项 英语翻译甲方的权利:1.审核乙方资信情况,确定赊销信用额度及赊销期2.根据双方的约定向乙方收取销售款 英语翻译以上付款形式是在甲方收到乙方出具的正本发票后90天内,用电汇方式将费用付至乙方指定的银行账户内. 求翻译:品牌;销售产品的渠道;进入和开发市场. 求翻译:“品牌”,“销售产品的渠道”,“进入和开发市场”. 英语翻译而且XX的销售渠道相当完整.还拥有快餐业的强大销售渠道. 我最近在做电子产品的销售,不知道怎么样才能更好的把产品销售出去?我们的产品包括:波纹电阻铝壳电阻等波纹电阻、铝壳电阻、电抗器、制动单元、无功补偿等 英语翻译:XX公司“研发”了XX产品怎么说 某品牌A、B两种不同型号的电视机是“家电下乡”活动的指定产品.利民家电超市该品某品牌A、B两种不同型号的电视机是“家电下乡”活动的指定产品.利民家电超市该品牌A型电视机的售价