
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/04 21:14:26


in the past 2 decades,china's tourist industry has seen rapid development ,and especially since the beginning of 21st century,it has been developing at a record rate.
and the booming tourist industry is a result of rapid progress in the IT industry as well as the ever rising domestic living condition since the opening up and reforming policies.
although the going digital process is still in the initial stage ,digitization has greatly boosted the development of the industry's "going digital ",injected new life into the free tourist industry,and nurtureed the modernization and efficiency of the industry.
meanwhile ,it's also threatening traveling agencies's infrastructure.and with both the opportunities and challenges presented by go digital,we should fully capitalize on the superiority of the internet to give the tourist industry a maximum growth
网络信息化:going digital,或者 digitization
旅游业:tourist industry,sightseeing industry
网络市场营销:internet marketing
散客旅游:backpacker,non-group tourist
旅游者心理需求:tourist's psychological needs,
营销策略:marketing tactic

1, China's tourism industry has been in the last 20 years, rapid development, especially in the 21st century, but also ushered in an unprecedented development of tourism peak. The vigorous development...


1, China's tourism industry has been in the last 20 years, rapid development, especially in the 21st century, but also ushered in an unprecedented development of tourism peak. The vigorous development of China's tourism industry, in addition affected by the reform and opening up the economy after the impact of the continuing rise in living standards, are also increasingly benefit from the rapid development of network information. Although the network has just started, but the use of information technologies greatly enhance the level of tourism information, in order to open the tourism industry has injected vigor and vitality, but also the promotion of tourism business for a modern and efficient technology. But also threatens the travel industry's infrastructure. In this two-sided nature of the cases we have to make full use of the superiority of the network, to the full development of the tourism industry.
2, network information; tourism; Internet Marketing
3, individual travel, trends, tourists and psychological needs, personalized, marketing strategies.


汉译英几句话1,中国旅游业在最近20年得到了突飞猛进的发展,特别是进入21世纪后,更是迎来了旅游业前所未有的发展高峰.中国旅游业的蓬勃发展,除了受到改革开放后国民经济生活水平持续上 下面这句话有无语病?目前国际金融危机的影响仍在持续,尽管国内外旅游业面临的压力和不确定性都在加大,但中国旅游业繁荣与发展的基本面貌并未改变. 中国旅游业十二五发展方向体现在哪几个方面 中国旅游业的发展与日本旅游业的比较 economic explosion是什么意思?出自:China’s tourism industry has grown intandem with the economic explosion over the last two decades.这句话的意思是:在过去二十年间,中国的旅游业与经济发展齐头并进。我不知 英语翻译1.中国旅游业最近几年发展迅速,许多来自世界的参观者都来中国旅游,这给中国的旅游业带来了新的希望.2.中国的计划生育政策已经实行了许多年了,但在许多偏远的农村仍然有生第 2013年可谓是中国旅游业的转型之年.怎么翻译 英语翻译随着人们物质生活水平的提高,他们必将追求精神生活的满足,旅游业得到了空前的发展.乡村旅游在我国是旅游业中的朝阳,也是以后旅游业发展的一个大趋势.乡村旅游对农村经济的 中国哪个城市旅游业最发达? 最近有一个节目叫中国好声音在浙江卫视播出 这句话的英语、急啊 英语翻译电子商务对旅游业发展的作用 ——这句话 怎么翻译成英语呢?小女在此叩谢~ 英语翻译语境:是篇关于中国旅游业转型得文章.原话:Talent is also needed in crossover fields that combine tourism with other industries 英语作文:The Ecological Crisis on the Booming Tourism提示:旅游业在中国迅速发展.但在旅游业繁荣的同时,生态环境也遭到破坏.因此,我们应提倡生态旅游(eco-tourism).请劳烦自己写一下,不用很专业,六 第一次产业革命1841年的时候旅游业开始了第三次产业革命,20世纪50年代,现代旅游业以前所未有的速度发展第二次产业革命时候旅游业怎么样了?为什么课本上没有说/ 最近中国哪里发生地震在哪,中国,地点 中国旅游业的图形标志有什么含义? 为什么选青铜马作为中国旅游业的标志? 中国滨海旅游业的发展空间怎样?发展现状如何?